原创 My personal experiences in World of Warcraft

2009-9-29 10:03 1503 1 1 分类: 智能手机
My personal experiences in World of Warcraft

Name: Christian, 22, NorCal (South bay) Character: Daklathen, level 80 Shaman Raid experience: I have been raiding in WoW since March of 2005. wow goldI raided as a shadow-priest (olol) from Molten Core-Karazhan,wow gold completing every dungeon except Naxxaramas(OG) where I got to Saph with Six Pack. I then got rid of my priest and started a shaman and experience Karazhan-Hyjal as Enhancement and Resto. Currently I have completed every dungeon except 10/25man Ulduar and 3-drake OS. I have cleared to Mimiron in 25 man and 10 man Ulduar, and I have completed a few "Hard-modes" in 10 man. Why I am applying: My guild current guild Nascent does not have enough members who show up consistently to raid. So progression gets stale and the core members stop showing up because they are tired of "carrying" people. wow goldI am a core raider, but I would rather raid for fun than be extreme hard asses about a video game.wow gold I can/should be able to meet your raid times and days, depending on work schedules of course, but I typically work in the morning. wow goldI am a good, fun player who knows the strats for encounters and knows the dedication required in order to pull off successful raids.xxcc0929 How I heard about Tofu Council:wow gold I leveled with Anzen back in Vanilla =P Hiya Alex! That and Nascent did a joint raid with you guys back when WOTLK first came out. Anyway, give me a shot. wow gold wow gold wow gold wow gold wow gold wow gold wow gold wow gold wow gold wow gold



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