原创 How to get A LOT of GOLD in World of Warcraft

2009-9-25 13:03 1776 2 2 分类: 通信

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How to get A LOT of GOLD in World of Warcraft One option is to sell most of the items that you receive for killing things. Almost every thing in warcraft that you can kill can potentially drop an item. Completing Quests is another fine way to earn gold. You also gain a lot of XP (Experience Points) when you finish a quest, sometimes you even gain gold also. I have a great way of leveling up your character under my resource links. Basically the more you level your character, the better your quest rewards are. Please see the link called "LEVEL ME UP" under my resources for more info.wow gold The Auction House is also another place where you can put your items to gain some money. You may need to lower your price to attract buyers of your goods, but this can be a bit of a slow process. Please see the Link provided under my resources called "Get more Gold NOW" for the best methods of obtaining gold.wow gold Step 4 Lastly, you can develop a profession in warcraft, but this will take a decent amount of your time to do, and if you dont want to spend too much tome in this area please have a look at my 2 provided links for ways to really beef up your character and gold!!wow gold How to Get Gold Fast in World of Warcraft Start out by picking up some farming professions in World of Warcraft. You can make gold very fast and easily by selling materials on the auction house in World of Warcraft. Farm up the best materials that you can find and sell them at the auction house for reasonable prices to get gold fast in World of Warcraft.wow gold Farm instances. If you are a high level then you can go back to some of the lower level instances in World of Warcraft and solo them. This is a great way to get easy gold fast in World of Warcraft. You can vendor everything that you find in these instances and make easy gold that you do not have to share with anyone else. Do daily quests. There are quests in World of Warcraft that you can do every day. Team up with a few friends and go around knocking out these daily quests in World of Warcraft to get fast gold. These quests are fairly simple and give a decent amount of gold. Do these quests every day to get easy fast gold in World of Warcraft.wow gold How to Earn Gold Quickly in World of Warcraft The first thing you need to do is download an application that you can use to sift through the mass of items sold in the auction house. Google search auctioneer download and download this "mod". After downloading this mod will be available at your character select screen activate the auctioneer here. Go to the auction house and do an "auction scan" this is now available to you because of the auctioneer mod. Look for purple items selling at well below their real value; often times new players will accidentally sell these items not knowing the true value of them. Scrolls sell quickly in the auction house. Do several scans a day to get a good price list and find new items for sale.wow gold Find a niche to fill in the auction house; I am a tailor and create fancy purple shirts that are very popular. See what items are selling for or what items sell quickly. Items that are needed to create other items are very popular as well. This post was written by szmcs090925

wow gold wow gold wow gold wow gold wow gold



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