原创 In addition to sponsors like World of Warcraft

2009-10-8 09:15 1368 4 4 分类: 消费电子
In addition to sponsors like World of Warcraft

According to this year's Comscore stats, consumer publishing platform Wikia has surpassed DIY social network competitor Ning for monthly unique visitors. Since July 2008 the company's traffic has more than doubled from 2.8 million to 6.5 million unique US visitors per month. Despite abandoning Wikia search in early March, it seems Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales has built another great company. sxcs1008As of this evening, Wikia's CEO Gil Penchina is announcing the company's profitability due to its custom sponsorships program. wow gold Says Penchina, "I'm sick and tired of hearing about these dead pooled companies. In this type of economy we're excited to announce our growth and profitability. I think we're about to see a bunch of success stories. Silicon Valley is finally getting its mojo back." wow power leveling Best known for its "enthusiast" wikis, Wikia hosts more than 50,000 fan sites including the Star Wars Wookieepedia, Harry Potter Wiki, Twilight Saga Wiki and World of Warcraft WoWWiki. In addition to some of the larger fan sites, Penchina also points to the Cannon Hacker Development Wiki, Recipes Wiki and Pet Diabetes Wiki as great examples of Wikia contributors. wow gold While Wikia hosts nearly 3 million pages of content with a number of niche community sites, it's the fan pages that drive the majority of advertising and marketing revenue. Wikia's small team of less than 10 sales staff create packages that consist of everything from branded banner ads to embedded shows and contests. In addition to sponsors like World of Warcraft,wow power leveling a number of television studios are also in partnership talks.


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