原创 'Warcraft' forging fierce bonds 3

2009-9-30 14:48 654 1 1 分类: 通信
'Warcraft' forging fierce bonds 3

"Just when you think you're done, it gives you one little carrot to keep on playing." "On the morning of BlizzCon, wow golda wider audience is nowhere in sight. This convention is for 26,000 passionate Warcraft fans who paid more than $200 per ticket, along with tens of thousands more watching via pay-per-view. wow gold The assembled crowd at the Anaheim Convention Centre is overwhelmingly white or Asian and male, a little chubbier than average and a bit more likely to have hair that flows down their backs, regardless of gender. wow gold The assembled members of Dread Pirates look weary as they sit down for the opening ceremony after a late night of drinking. Armstrong is nursing a hangover, and he's not the only one. wow gold Like all of his guild mates, however,wow gold his eyes are locked on a far-off stage and 11 giant video screens as Blizzard executives announce upcoming products, including an expansion of World of Warcraft titled Cataclysm that will feature new worlds, new raids and new character types. "Everybody request your days off now," says Schweitzer, as Gorman explains that when the last expansion pack, Wrath of the Lich King, was released, many members took a week off work to explore it together.xxcc0930 There are competitions for professional players, panels with titles like "game systems" and "classes,wow gold items and professions", booths selling T-shirts, comic books and other paraphernalia, and a signing by the cast of The Guild, a popular web series that pokes fun at Warcraft culture. The main attraction is a sea of 544 computers with playable versions of Cataclysm.
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