原创 spells and bad metaphors - wow gold

2009-10-22 10:46 1448 1 1 分类: 工程师职场

Ah, mid June. That blissful period between the end of finals, and Blizzard answering my questions. Time to sit back, unwind, and get back into my gaming and my writing. However, since I didn't spend much time in WoW during this past finals week, I found myself lacking inspiration. So, as I am wont to do now and again, I spent some time perusing the writings of my class columnist colleagues, hoping to happen upon some inspiration. And as it turned out, I stumbled across a gem of a post from the gentlemanly fellow over at Arcane Brilliance. He really is a rather dapper chap. The Warlock's spell book is a tool box. Some tools are needed for every project, large or small. Shadow Bolt is the hammer, Curse of Agony is the screwdriver, and demons are the various sizes of handsaw. Actually... wait, maybe it would be better if Curse of Agony was the hammer -- since it hits over and over. Shadow Bolts can be the nails. I guess the screwdriver is... Corruption? Or perhaps Corruption can be a flat-head screwdriver, while Unstable Affliction is the Philips head screwdriver, and Seed of Corruption is the electric drill! buy wow gold wow power leveing wow goldThere is a little boy and a little girl in the woods. The little girl asked the boy, "What is a penis?" The boy replied wow gold"I don`t know." At buy wow gold wow power leveing that time he hears his mom calling him for lunch. He goes home and eats his lunch. Then he sees his dad wow goldon the couch. He buy wow gold wow power leveing goes up to his dad and ask him, "What is a penis?" The dad whips his out and says to the boy, "This is a wow power levelingpenis, as a buy wow gold wow power leveing matter of fact this is the perfect penis." The boy leaves to go find his friend and brings her to the woods gold wowThe girl again asks him what a penis is. He whips out his penis and says to her, "This is a penis, and if it was two inches smaller it would be the perfect gold wowThere was a father who was buy wow gold wow power leveing very proud of his three daughters. Every night he took a stroll around the house to make buy wow goldsure everything was all right. One night when he was doing his stroll, he could hear laughter coming from his youngest Sadly, I am particularly ill-suited to write a post on useless Warlock spells. You see, I have a dark and terrible secret. And not just the ones that come standard issue for all card-carrying Warlocks: this is a truly dire bit of personal arcana which I am mortified to admit in public... but here goes: I am a spell pack-rat. I use action bar supplementing addons just so I can keep every single spell or ability I've ever acquired somewhere on my screen. If my raid leader demanded that I ride my felsteed around in eleven circles, then dismount and dizzily cast a rotation made up entirely of Curse of Weakness and WANDING, then I wouldn't even need to open my spell book. Might need to find a new raid leader, but at least I wouldn't be unprepared

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