The Oculus Achievements Tips wow power leveling
The Oculus Defeat the bosses in The Oculus. Drakos the Interrogator, Mage-Lord Urom, Varos Cloudstrider, and Ley-Guardian Eregos. Heroic: The Oculus Defeat The Oculus bosses on Heroic Difficulty. Drakos the Interrogator, Mage-Lord Urom, Varos Cloudstrider, and Ley-Guardian Eregos. These achievements are to simply complete the dungeon on Normal/Heroic Difficulties. I’m clumping these achievements together because most people don’t run The Oculus on regular difficulty. Therefore, when you complete The Oculus on Heroic Difficulty you will be awarded with both of these achievements. Experienced Drake Rider On three different visits to The Oculus, get credit for defeating Ley-Guardian Eregos while riding an Amber, Emerald, and Ruby drake on Heroic Difficulty. This achievement is extremely self explanatory. After you defeat Drakos the Interrogator, you then choose one of three drakes to mount yourself upon and aid you throughout the remainder of the instance. The Amber Drake is the DPS, Emerald is the healing, and Ruby is the tank. Use each drake in 3 different visits to The Oculus to receive your achievement. Amber Void Defeat Ley-Guardian Eregos in The Oculus on Heroic Difficulty without anyone in you party using an Amber Drake. This achievement is fairly simple. Your group should consist of two or three Ruby Drakes and two or three Emerald Drakes. Using this group comp it will simply take longer to kill Ley-Guardian, but since you have two or 3 healing drakes nobody should die. Emerald Void Defeat Ley-Guardian Eregos in The Oculus on Heroic Difficulty without anyone in your party using an Emerald Drake. This is probably the most difficult of the three Void Achievements.This achievement requires some top notch DPS drake riders. You could do this with five Amber Drakes, four Amber and one Ruby, or 3 Amber and 2 Ruby. If you try it with five Amber Drakes you need to have an extremely solid group that understands how the Amber Drake works. Your rotation and debuff stacks are key. Theoretically, if everyone hits the right spells at the right time you could kill Ley-Guardian in an unbelievably quick amount of time. If you complete it with five Amber Drakes, you will get credit for both the Ruby Void and Emerald Void Achievements. The other two tactics that consist of ruby drakes may be easy for the more common group. If you choose to use one Ruby that person should tank Ley-Guardian for as long as possible before he or she dies. If you decide to use 2 Ruby Drakes you should have your healer on one of them. This is because you can have your healer fly over the platform and start tanking Ley-Guardian, when he or she dies they will land on the platform and be able to heal the other Ruby Drake which will increase the longevity of your group. Ruby Void Defeat Ley-Guardian Eregos in The Oculus on Heroic Difficulty without anyone in your party using an Ruby Drake. This achievement isn’t so much difficult as it is annoying. Your group could complete this with any combination of three or more Emerald Drakes along with the remainder being Amber Drakes.Since healing on the Emerald Drakes requires you to DPS Ley-Guardian this achievement can be done with five Emeralds. It requires each person to throw heals around accordingly as you slowly wear him down. You can add Amber Drakes in for the increased DPS but it will just get that much harder for the healers. Make it Count Defeat Ley-Guardian Eregos in The Oculus on Heroic Difficulty within 20 minutes of Drakos the Interrogator's death. This achievement is ridiculously difficult.Just the fact that so many things can go wrong in this instance and not only do you need to make sure that doesn’t happen but you need to be very quick. cheap wow power leveling If you want to buy cheap wow power leveling online,
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