原创 Mechanical Description of Interfacial Slips for Qu

2009-10-5 06:02 1075 3 3 分类: 测试测量


Mechanical Description of Interfacial Slips for Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) with Viscoelastic Liquid Loading


[ABSTRACT] Acoustic wave devices, such as Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) are extended into application in liquid environment. An interfacial slip phenomenon is expected to occur at the interface between the surface of Quartz Crystal Sensor and the contacted liquid environment. Assumptions of continuous displacement and stress at the liquid-solid interface mask the physical details of the contact interface. In this paper, the motion equations of the interfacial particles are employed to replace the interfacial continuous displacement and continuous stress assumptions. The electrical impedance of QCM under the liquid environment is derived based on this proposed modeling. The comparison of the present result with that of the continuous stress and displacement model is presented. The slip parameter, which is defined as the amount of the displacement transmission between quartz crystal top surface and liquid bottom particles, is discussed as functions of the contact properties. The interactive force strength, liquid viscosity and attached particles size are involved based on numerical studies. The detailed modeling of the interface is useful in interpreting the slip phenomenon between the sensor surface and liquid.

CopyRight:SMART MATERIALS & STRUCTURES 12 (6): 881-888 DEC 2003




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