原创 Detecting Solid-Liquid Interface Properties with M

2009-10-5 06:01 2820 3 3 分类: 测试测量
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Detecting Solid-Liquid Interface Properties with Mechanical Slip Modeling for Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) Operating in Liquid <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />



[ABSTRACT] Quartz crystal microbalances provide sensitive probes for changes at solid-solid or solid-liquid interface. It is essential to investigate the physical insight into the details of the interface loading mechanism to interpret the observed behavior leading to fresh application of AT-cut quartz resonators. In this work, a mechanical slip model of interface between quartz plate and viscoelastic liquid is presented to replace the continuous displacement assumption. The electrical impedance of compounded quartz crystal resonator is expressed as functions of properties of liquid, quartz, and contact attraction strength between solid and liquid. The interfacial slip parameter between solid and liquid, which is defined as the displacement transmission from solid particle to liquid bottom particles, is explicitly calculated from complex attraction strength between liquid and solid. Comparison of physical slip model with other interfacial mode used in quartz crystal microbalance are presented, including the continuous mode, and transmission mode based on friction force interface. The explicit expression of the slip parameter is presented and the influence of interfacial slip on quartz crystal microbalances measurements is discussed with numerical results. The physical detailed description of the solid- liquid interfacial is useful for exploring for fresh ideas for the use of the quartz crystal microbalance in biological industry. A new approach by using the slip parameter measured with QCM is proposed to determine the attraction strength between viscosity liquid particles and solid particles. The experiment data in literatures for a hydrophilic-coated sensor and a hydrophobic-coated sensor is used for the numerical examples. It is found that the imaginary part of the interactive strength of these two types of sensor is almost the same. The real part of the interactive strength contributes significantly to distinguish the different interface condition for these two types of sensors.



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