原创 (翻译)学习莫尔斯电码正确方法,获得有价值的莫尔斯技巧并增加业余无线电乐趣

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(翻译)学习莫尔斯电码正确方法,获得有价值的莫尔斯技巧并增加业余无线电乐趣<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />









Forget Frustration: Gain Valuable Morse Skills

And Increase Your Amateur-Radio Pleasure


By David G. Finley, N1IRZ

Copyright ? 1995, 2000. All Rights Reserved*

Amateur license restructuring is here. You no longer need to pass a 13- or 20-word-per-minute (wpm) test to gain full operating privileges. Passing a 5-wpm test gets you everything. However, there are good reasons why you should do more than that. Having a level of Morse proficiency that is of real use on the air, meaning that you can copy at 12-13 wpm or more, will add immeasurably to your enjoyment of Amateur Radio. 你不再需要通过13 - 20WPM测试,以获得完全的操作权利。通过5WPM测试可以让你得到一切。 但是,也有很好的理由,为什么你应该做的不止于此。 具有熟练的莫尔斯技巧很有用,你可以抄写12-13WPM以上,将添加不可估量的享受到你的业余无线电。

Such rewarding HF activities as DXing, contesting and QRP operating still rely heavily on CW. Thousands of hams enjoy CW for its own appeal as a relaxing mode different from most other means of communication. And even on VHF and higher frequencies, you'll find that exciting activities such as Moonbounce and weak-signal work still require Morse skills for full participation.

The pressure to reduce the code-speed requirements came from the widespread perception that getting to 13 or 20 wpm is a nearly imsurmountable barrier. That perception is wrong. For little more investment of time than it takes to pass the 5-wpm test, you can gain real, higher-speed code proficiency that will enhance your enjoyment of the hobby. 减少代码速度的需求压力来自人们普遍认为,获得1320WPM是一个几乎无法克服的障碍。 这种看法是错误的。 比通过5WPM测试多花一点时间,你将获得实际的,更高速度的代码的能力,这将提高你的爱好的乐趣。

Most of what you've been told about learning Morse Code is wrong -- dead wrong. Amateur radio operators traditionally have used the slowest, most frustrating, most painful and least effective techniques possible for gaining code proficiency. 大部分告诉你的关于学习莫尔斯电码的方法是错的-大错特错。业余无线电操作者传统地使用最慢的,最令人沮丧的,最痛苦和最无效的方法来获得代码熟练能力。

You can gain real code proficiency. You can do it in a reasonable amount of time and with a minimum of frustration and pain. In order to do so, you must approach code training from a different perspective and use different techniques from those common among amateurs for the past half century. 你可以得到真正的代码能力。你可以在合理的时间内,使挫折和痛苦最低。为了做到这一点,你必须用不一样的方法进行训练和使用与那些过去半个世纪爱好者使用的不同的技术。

It will require work (just as it does to get to 5 wpm). You will have to commit yourself to at least one 15-30 minute training session every day until you reach your goal. You may succeed in a month or in several months; individuals differ greatly. Without this committment, however, you may as well not bother. 这也需要练习(就像达到5WPM)。你将要承诺自已至少每天花15-30分钟训练,直到到达你的目标。你可以成功,在1个月或数月,个体差异很大。没有这一承诺,但是,你可能也不会理会。

So what's new here? By using a code training method devised by the German psychologist Ludwig Koch some 60 years ago, you will progress as quickly as you possibly can, with ample reinforcement and little frustration. By understanding this method and how it builds your code proficiency, you will know why you have to spend time practicing and you'll be able to make a reasonable prediction of how long the total effort will require. 所以,有什么新鲜的?通过使用由德国心理学家路德维希科克在60年前想出的代码训练方法,你会以你所能尽快进步,充分地强化和几乎没有挫折。通过了解这种方法,以及它是如何构建你的代码能力,你就会知道你为什么要花费时间练习,你就可以合理地预测这个努力总共需要花费多少的时间。

We're going to start on your road to success by throwing some time-honored ham-radio traditions onto the trash heap where they belong. These are: 我们将开启你的成功之路,通过将一些历史悠久的业余无线电的传统扔进垃圾堆。这些是:

·             Slow (5 wpm) code -- It ought to be illegal to teach anyone code at 5 wpm. Every minute spent toying with 5 wpm code is irrevocably wasted. In addition, as we'll see later, starting with slow code is a virtually-guaranteed path to frustration and quitting. Morse at 5 wpm and Morse at 15 or 20 wpm are completely different critters, and you don't want to waste time on the wrong one. 慢速(5WPM)代码 ――教导5WPM的代码应该是有罪的。花在5WPM代码上的每一分钟都是不可逆转的浪费。此外,正如我们将在后面看到的,以缓慢的代码开始进行训练实际上是一个保证能产生沮丧的道路。莫尔斯5WPM1520WPM是完全不同的东西,你不会想浪费时间在错误的地方。

·             Charts, mnemonics, musical cues and other "memory aids" -- These things make you think about what you're doing while trying to copy code. That is deadly to proficient copying. 图表,助记符,音乐和其他线索“记忆艾滋病” ――这些事情使你在抄写代码时想自己在做什么。想精通代码这是致命的。

·             Code tapes -- In very short order, and unconsciously, you'll memorize the tape. This will lull you into false confidence in your ability. That false confidence will be quickly shattered when you hear transmitted text that you haven't memorized. 代码磁带 ――在极短的时间,不知不觉,你会记住磁带。这将迷惑你,使你对你的能力错误地自信。这种虚假的信心会很快破灭,当你听到你没有记过的传输文本。

·             Copying QSOs off the air -- You don't know the speed of code you find on the bands, and much code on the air is pretty badly sent. All this makes it useless for training purposes. Formal code-practice sessions, such as those on W1AW, are OK, however. 抄收电波中的QSO ――你不知道波段中的代码的速度,并在电波中很多代码是相当糟糕地被发送。对于训练目的来说,这一切使它无用。但是,正式代码练习课程,例如W1AW,是好的。

Now that you know what you're not going to do, let's start examining just how you can best gain code proficiency. 现在你知道什么你不打算去做,让我们开始研究如何才能获得最佳的代码能力。

The Mechanics: Just what is code training, anyhow?

Go to the shack of a veteran CW operator, or visit the CW station at a club Field Day operation. Watch people copy and send code at 30 to 35 wpm. You'll notice they're pretty relaxed about it; they're not sweating each character as it comes out of the speaker and they're not racking their brains to "figure out" what's being sent. Code has become second nature to them. 进入一个老练的CW操作者的小屋,或在俱乐部集训日访问CW站。看他们抄收和发送3035WPM代码。你会发现他们很放松,当每个字符从扬声器出来时他们不会冒汗,他们也没有绞尽脑汁“想出”正在发送什么字符。代码已成为他们的第二本能。

That's the key to code proficiency. Copying code must be a thought-free process. When you hear a character, you should know, without thinking, what it is. It should be a reflex. In fact, copying above about 10 wpm can only be done by reflex. Above that speed, thought processes are too slow to succeed. 当你听到一个字符,你应该知道不加思索,它是什么。它应该是一个反射 。事实上,约10WPM以上只能用反射来抄收。超过这个速度,思维的速度太慢,没办法成功。

That's why slow code is a deadly trap, and why traditional amateur methods of code training are so painful and frustrating. Most hams are told to memorize all the characters, then start building their speed. When you do it this way, you build a "lookup table" in your brain, comparing each character you hear with those in the lookup table until you find a match. This process shuts down from overload at about 10 wpm. That's why people experience a "plateau" at 10 wpm, and don't see any progress for weeks or months. 这就是为什么缓慢的代码是一个致命的陷阱,为什么传统的代码训练方法使业余者痛苦和沮丧。大多数火腿被告知记住所有字符,然后开始建立他们的速度。当你这样做时,可以这样说,你在你的大脑建立一个了“查询表”,每一个字符与你查询表中的字符比较,直到找到匹配的。这个过程在10WPM左右时就会因为超载而失效。这就是为什么人们会体会到“10WPM”瓶颈,在几个星期或几个月都看不到进展。

Those who finally get over that "hump" and progress beyond 10 wpm do so because, through constant practice, they have begun to copy code by reflex instead of by thought. They are the lucky ones; this 10 wpm barrier is where many folks give up out of frustration. 些最终跳过障碍,超越10WPM的人也这么做,因为,通过不断的实践,他们已开始通过反射来抄收,而不是“想”它是什么代码。他们是幸运的,这个10WPM障碍,很多人因为挫折而放弃。

Code training, then, should completely bypass the lookup-table phase and begin by building copying proficiency as a reflex. This was recognized in the 1930s by the German psychologist Ludwig Koch, who devised the most efficient method known for Morse training. It's his method, and how you can use it, that we're going to examine in detail. 代码的训练,应该完全绕过查询表阶段,并且开始以反射来建立熟练程度。这是公认的20世纪30年代由德国心理学家路德维希科赫,发明的最有效方法,称为莫尔斯培训。这是他的方法,如何使用它,我们将详细研究。

Morse Training by the Koch Method

Koch's method is a simple, direct way of building reflexes. However, it requires either a computer and Morse software or a personal trainer. That's why it was overlooked for so many years. Now that computers are commonplace, it should become the standard Morse training method. Here's how it works: 科赫的方法是一种简单,直接的方式建设反射。然而,它要求要么有计算机的莫尔斯软件或有一位私人教练。这就是为什么这么多年这种方法被忽视了。现在,电脑普及,它应该成为标准的莫尔斯电码训练方法。下面介绍它如何工作:

You start out by setting up your computer (or a microprocessor-based code tutor machine) to send you Morse characters at 20 wpm and at an overall sending speed of at least 15 wpm.  You then get out your paper and pencil and have the machine start sending -- but only two characters. That's right, for your first sessions, you'll only have two choices. Copy on paper for five minutes, then stop the machine and compare what you copied with what the machine sent. Count characters and calculate your percentage of correct copy. 你设置你的电脑(或单片机为基础的辅导机器),发送莫尔斯字符速度是20WPM,至少15WPM的全速。然后拿出你的纸和铅笔,并让机器开始发送-但只有两个字符。  是的,你的第一节课,你只有两种选择。 抄写到纸上,时间是5分钟,然后停止机器,比较你记的和机器发送的。数一下字符数和计算你正确抄收的百分比。

If your score is 90 percent or better -- congratulations! You just learned your first two characters, and, importantly, you learned them at full speed. You'll never have to learn them over again. If you didn't make 90 percent, practice some more. As soon as you can copy the first two characters with 90 percent accuracy, add a third character to your practice. Your accuracy will drop as you work on assimilating the new character, but it will rise again to 90 percent or better. Then you add the fourth character, and so on. 如果你的分数是百分之九十或更高 - 祝贺!你刚刚学习你的前两个字符,重要的是,你全速地学习他们。你永远不需要再学习他们了。如果你的分数没有百分之九十,就现实一些。一旦你可以用百分之九十的准确性抄收前两个字符,将第三个字符添加到你的练习中。你的精度会随之下降当你吸收新的字符,但会再次上升到百分之九十以上。然后,你添加第四个字符,等等。

This method does not allow you to build that lookup table in your brain. To copy at full speed, you must build the reflexes in order to achieve 90 percent accuracy. And that's what you're spending your time doing -- building reflexes. Think of it as a parallel to perfecting a tennis swing or mastering a gymnastic routine; you're practicing until you get it right. The Koch method of building code proficiency character-by-character is similar to standard methods of teaching touch typing, another skill that must be reflexive. 这种方法不允许你建立你的大脑查找表。要全速抄收,必须建立反射,以达到百分之九十的准确性。而这正是你花你的时间做的事情――建立反射。 你可以把它当作与完善网球挥棒或掌握体操动作一样的类似的训练;你练习,直到你做正确做到。建立代码熟练能力的科克方法类似于教学触摸打字,触摸打字是另一种必须自身条件反射的技能。

This is a very individual method of training -- you progress at your own best speed, and spend only the time required to gain each new character. This means that you will waste no time in reaching your goal. 这是一个非常独特的训练方法-你以你自己最佳的速度在进步,只花费需要获得每一个新字符的时间。这意味着你会不浪费时间来达到你的目标。

How much time is required? That will depend on the individual. Koch himself, with hand-picked students, got a group to master 12 wpm code in a mere 13.5 hours. You probably won't match that, but that's much faster than any other method in the psychological literature. You can get an idea of how long it's going to take after you've mastered a few characters. Keep track of your training sessions (some software will do this for you) and calculate your hours-per-character rate (or characters-per-hour if you're really fast!).  That, multiplied by the 43 characters in the amateur Morse test, will give a rough idea of how long it's going to take. 需要多少时间?这将取决于个人。  科克自己挑选的学生,有一组学生在短短13.5小时内掌握12WPM代码。  你可能会不和他们一样,但是这在心理学上比任何其他方法更快。当你已经掌握了几个字符后,你可以知道需要花多长的时间。保持你的训练课程(有些软件会为你做这个)和计算你的小时数/每字符,(或字符数/每小时,如果你学得快!)。 这个速率乘以莫尔斯的43个字符,会得到你将花多长时间的粗略概念。

While the Koch method is the fastest method of Morse training, speed alone is not its principal advantage. Its principal advantage, and a major difference from other methods, is that it provides you with constant positive reinforcement. This begins with your realization, after mastering the first two characters, that you can copy code at 15 or 20 wpm, because you just did it. After that, each new character mastered is further proof of your progress. Contrast that to slowly trying to build speed up from 4 or 5 wpm, then hitting the plateau at 10 wpm and seeing no progress for a long time. With the Koch method, frustration is at a minimum.  虽然科克的方法是莫尔斯培训最快的方法,速度是不其主要优势。它的主要优势,以及与其他方法的主要区别是,它提供了不断的积极的强化给你。这首先与你的实现,在掌握前两个字符,你可以抄收1520WPM的代码,因为你只是做了。在此之后,每个新字符掌握,是你进展的进一步证明。相反的,慢慢地尝试建立由45WPM的速度上升,达到10WPM瓶颈,会看到很长一段时间没有进展。使用科克方法,挫折将会在最低程度。

Constant testing is necessary to ensure that you maximize the effectiveness of the Koch method. You must copy on paper, so you can grade yourself. Remember, if you score 90 percent accuracy or better, add another character. If you score any less than that, try again. By constantly testing yourself on continuous copying of at least five minutes, you know exactly how you're doing and exactly when you should add another character. This results in the fastest progress possible. 不断的测试是必要的,以确保你最大化科克方法的效果。你必须抄收在纸上,你可以自己打分。记住,如果你分数在百分之九十以上,加上另一个字符。如果你评分少于这个数,再试一次。  通过不断的测试,连续抄收至少五分钟,你确切地知道你正在做什么和什么时候你应该加上另一个字符。结果就是最快的进步成为可能。

Naturally, with the Koch method, you'll be copying random groups of characters, rather than words, until you've mastered the entire character set. If your software allows, make these groups of random length, rather than a constant stream of five-character groups. This will ease the transition from random groups to actual words. Yes, there is a difference in the rhythm and "feel" of words and random groups. Once you've become accustomed to copying words, you should start copying sample QSOs, which are the format of the amateur tests. Pay special attention to callsigns, locations, and numerals; these are the types of things that can form questions on the test. 当然,用科克方法,你会抄收随机字符组,而不是文字,直到你已经掌握了整个字符集。如果你的软件允许,用随机长度的字符组,而不是络绎不绝的5字符长的字符组。这有助纾缓从随机字符向实际文字的过渡。  是的,节奏和感觉文字与随机字符组是不同的。一旦你已经习惯了抄收的话,你应该开始抄收示例QSO,这是业余测试的格式。要特别注意呼号,位置和数字,这些都是可以产生测试问题的东西。

As you proceed toward your goal, remember that some days are just going to be better than others and some characters will take longer to assimilate than others. You know, however, that you can reach your goal because you've already mastered some characters and proven that copying at full speed is something you can do. Keep in mind that what you're doing is building reflexes, and that takes time. The amount of time you require has nothing to do with your intellegence; it's just how long it takes for characters to "sink in" and become part of your reflexes. 当你继续朝着你的目标,记住,只是有些日子你会比别人做得更好,有些字符你将需要比其他人更长的时间吸收。不过,你知道,你可以达到你的目标,因为你已经掌握了一些字符和证明了在全速下你可以做抄收。请记住,你要做的是建立反射,这需要时间。你的时间需要多少与你的智力无关,只是说需要多长的时间来吸收字符,并成为自己的反应的一部分。

So there it is -- your path to real, useful Morse Code proficiency. After you've used this method, and start enjoying the wonderful world of HF radio, try a few CW QSOs. With Morse code developed as a reflex, you may just find that you really enjoy using it on the air. After all, you've gained proficiency without the frustrating ordeal that most hams have endured for decades. See you on the HF bands! 因此,它是-你通往真实的有用的莫尔斯电码能力的路径。你使用了这种方法后,开始享受高频无线电美妙的世界,尝试一些CW QSO。当莫尔斯电码发展成为一种条件反射,你将发现你真的喜欢在电波中使用它。 毕竟,你已经获得了能力,没有大多数火腿忍受了几十年的令人沮丧的折磨。在HF波段再见!

A Personal Note

These ideas may sound very bold and unconventional, but I know they work, because they worked for me. 这些观点听起来很大胆,不合常规,但我知道他们的工作,因为他们为我工作。

I fell in love with radio in grade school, but was kept off the air for 30 years because I found traditional code training just too frustrating. During those decades, I tried several times to learn Morse, but every time gave up in frustration and disgust -- my progress was just too slow. 我跌倒在上小学的无线电爱情,但一直过了30年的空气,因为我发现传统的代码的训练实在太令人沮丧。在这些年里,我曾几次试图学习莫尔斯,但每次在给了沮丧和厌恶 - 我的进步实在是太缓慢。

In 1991, I became one of the first 500 people to enter ham radio by way of the no-code Technician license. After becoming bored with repeaters and HTs, I decided to make one last attempt to master the code. Fortunately, I stumbled on information about Koch's method, and found that it was the only thing that would work for me. In 1993, after diligent work at my computer, I took my first code test and passed the 20 wpm exam on the first try. 1991年,我成为首批500人一进入由无代码技术员许可证的方式业余无线电爱好者。在成为与中继器和高温超导无聊,我决定做最后一次努力掌握代码。幸运的是,我偶然在对科克的方法的信息,发现这是唯一会为我工作。1993年,在我的电脑后,勤奋工作,我把我的第一个代码测试和通过了第一次尝试20每分钟考试。

I became very curious about why Koch's method had worked for me when all else had failed. That sent me to libraries to read the now-aging psychological literature about Morse training. I soon realized that the Koch method achieves its speed through directness; if you want to copy reflexively at 15 or 20 wpm, then just start building those reflexes from the start. I also realized that it provides much more positive feedback than any other method, so you can keep your motivation and a "can-do" attitude throughout your training. 我变得很好奇,为什么科克的方法已经为我工作时,一切都失败了。派我到图书馆阅读现已老化有关莫尔斯训练心理学文献。我很快意识到,科克方法通过直接实现它的速度,如果你想抄收在1520每分钟反射式的,那么就开始建设从一开始的反射。我还意识到,它提供了更积极的方法比其他任何反馈,因此你可以继续你的动机和“办得到”在你的训练态度。

This was knowledge I wanted to share with others, so I began giving lectures to amateur groups on the topic. I quickly found that, after my lectures, "old-timers" would come up and tell me that my ideas on the need for reflexes were absolutely right. Many said that the Koch method sounded similar to the intense code training they had received in military schools. 这是知识,我想与他人分享,所以我开始讲学,对这个专题的业余团体。我很快发现,在我讲课,“老前辈”会来,告诉我,关于反射需要我的想法是绝对正确的。许多人说,科克方法类似响起激烈的代码的训练,他们在军事学校欢迎。

Probably the only reason Koch's method didn't become standard back in 1936 when he first published it was that the average individual had no way of implementing it. The personal computer has changed that, and the time has come for the Koch method to replace all others. I hope that the speed and positive-reinforcement aspects of the Koch method can cut down the code barrier to a much less formidable size. 也许唯一的原因科克的方法并没有成为标准早在1936年首次出版时,他是,平均个人没有实施的方法。个人电脑已经改变的,而且时机已经科克方法来取代所有其他人。我希望我们的速度和积极的加固方法的科克方面能够削减代码障碍少得多可怕的大小。

Prior to the FCC's restructuring of amateur licensing, the percentage of U.S. hams who had passed at least a 13-wpm code test had long since become a minority and was dropping steadily. This "code barrier" was causing an unhealthy stagnation in the amateur ranks. Many readers of Morse Code: Breaking the Barrier wrote to tell me how the Koch Method had helped them overcome many years of frustration and upgrade their licenses. It was gratifying to hear of these success stories. Now, people can use the Koch Method, not because they have to pass a test, but because they want to increase their amateur-radio pleasure. 在此之前FCC的业余许可转型,美国的比例火腿谁已通过至少13每分钟的代码测试早已成为少数人,是持续下降。这个“代码障碍”引起的业余队伍不健康的停滞。许多读者的莫尔斯电码:打破壁垒写信告诉我如何科克方法有助于他们克服多年的挫折和提升其许可证。令人感到欣慰地听到这些成功的故事。现在,人们可以使用科克方法,并不是因为他们要通过考试,而是因为他们想提高自己的业余无线电乐趣。

I cannot overemphasize my dislike -- even hatred -- for 5 wpm code. As I've outlined above, it is highly counterproductive to gaining proficiency at higher speeds. In order to go from 5 to 13 wpm, you have to start over again, even though you may not realize that while you're doing it. The worst aspect is that many people pass a 5-wpm test, then never go beyond that. Why waste your time learning a skill (slow code) that has no relevance to real (13+ wpm) code proficiency and is of almost no use on the air? 我不能过分强调我不喜欢-甚至仇恨5每分钟代码- 。正如我上文所述,这是非常适得其反获得更高的速度水平。为了去5日至13每分钟,你必须重新开始,即使你可能没有意识到,当你这样做。最糟糕的一面是,许多人通过5每分钟的测试,然后决不会超过这个。为什么要浪费你的时间学习一门技术(慢代码)没有真正的(每分钟字数:13 +相关)代码能力和几乎没有空气的使用?

Finally, as I was using the Koch method and building my code skills, I intended to forget the code as soon as I passed the test. My 30 years of frustration had built up a bitterness about CW. However, about two weeks after getting my first HF rig on the air, I looked at my straight key and decided to try a CW QSO "just so I can say I did it." Guess what? I enjoyed it. My second CW QSO was with a DX station, and I was hooked. With the encouragement of a CW Elmer, I continued to enjoy the bottom parts of the bands, and now my microphone isn't even plugged into the rig! 最后,正如我所用的是科克方法和建立我的代码技巧,我打算忘记了密码,当我通过了测试。我30年的挫折已经建立了一个关于化学武器的痛苦。然而,大约两个星期后在空中获得我的第一个高频钻机,我看着直键,并决定尝试连续类星体“只是,我可以说我做到了。”你猜怎么着?我很喜欢。我的第二个连续类星体是与DX站,我就迷上随着一化学武器埃尔默鼓励。,我继续享受带的底部,现在我的麦克风甚至不是插入到钻机!

If the Koch method could overcome three decades of bitterness and turn me into an enthusiastic CW operator, I think it's certainly worth a try on your part. Have a go at it. Maybe I'll find you on the CW bands and we can have a ragchew. 如果科赫方法可以克服3年的苦难,使之成为经营者的热烈化学武器的话,我认为这的确值得一试你的部分。有嘛。也许我会找到你的连续带,我们可以有一个ragchew

Best of luck, and 73.

Dave Finley, N1IRZ



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