He was dimly aware of his hand hurting. Somewhat in
a daze, he looked down to see that Draka was clenching
it so hard she threatened to break the bones.
"For the shaman!" cried someone.
"No!" Gul'dan's voice carried over the noise of the
cheering crowd. "No longer are they shaman. They were
abandoned by the elements—they will call them no
longer and beg for their aid. Behold those who have
power, and who are not afraid to wield it. Behold . . . the warlocks!"
Durotan tore his gaze from his fingers entwining with
his mate's to look up at the sacred mountain. It jutted
serenely skyward as it ever had, its sides catching and cheap wow gold buy wow power leveling
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wow power levelingEarlier, the Turkish foreign ministry said "a technical matter," not politics, prompted the delay of the Anatolian Eagle exercise.
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reflecting the light, and for a long moment, Durotan
wondered why it did not shatter and break, like the heart
of a sentient being, overcome with horror at what was
being done in its once-comforting shadow.
There were wild celebrations that night. Durotan participated in none of them and forbade members of his clan to do so. As the Frostwolf shaman sat by their small
fire, subdued and eating in silence, Drek’Thar dared ask
the question that Durotan knew was in their hearts.
"My chieftain," said Drek’Thar quietly, "will you permit us to learn the ways of the warlocks?"
There was a long silence, unbroken save by the
crackling of the fire. Finally Durotan spoke.
"I have a question for you first," he said. "Do you approve of what was done to the prisoners today?"
Drek’Thar looked uncomfortable. "It . . . would be
better had we attacked them in honest combat," he ad-
mitted. "But they are our enemies. They have proven that."
"Proven that they will fight back when attacked,"
Durotan retorted. "That is all that has been proven."
Drek’Thar started to protest, but Durotan waved him to
be silent. "I know, this is the will of the ancestors, but
today I beheld something that I never thought I would
sec. I saw the sacred fields where for countless years our
people met in peace defiled by the blood of those who
couldn't even lift a hand to defend themselves."
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