Lord Jaraxxus has a plethora of nasty attacks that will keep the healers busy. However, in most regards this is a fairly simple fight if your group has solid healers and DPS that can switch targets and focus down adds quickly. Health 10 Person Raid: Body - 4,200,000 health 25 Person Raid: Body 鈥?20,000,000 heath Abilities Incinerate Flesh 鈥?Jaraxxus targets a random player for this spell. It absorbs the next 60,000 healing (30,000 in 10 player raids) done to the player and lowers the damage they cause by 50% for the next 12 seconds. If it is not removed in that time by over healing the absorbed amount then the player will suffer the Burning Inferno effect. Burning Inferno 鈥?A player suffers this effect if incinerate flesh is not healed through. Burning Inferno deal roughly 4,000 fire damage to everyone in the raid each second for 5 seconds. Nether Power 鈥?This is a buff that Jaraxxus applies to himself that boosts his damage output by 20% per stack. He applies 10 stacks to himself in 25 player raids and 5 stacks in 10 player raids. It can be purged, spellstolen, and dispelled. Fel Fireball 鈥?This spell hits the tank for roughly 25,000 Cheap wow gold buy wow power leveling aion With the development of global economy nowadays,
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