原创 Runescape Guide for Bird snaring and Butterflies

2009-12-31 22:28 2332 2 2 分类: 工程师职场

Runescape Guide for Bird snaring and Butterflies

Glad to see you in Thepowerlevel. We got the information in Runescape from other website, hope it can help you more or less, just have a look!

To snare a bird, simply place a snare on the ground near a bird and wait for it to be caught. The feathers can be sold to shops, used for fletching, used for fishing, and the Tropical Wagtail's feathers are the only bait suitable to catch Rainbow Fish. Raw bird meat can be used to make Spirit Terrorbird pouches. This is good for low level(Runescape Gold) Hunters.

Butterflies are the strangest Hunter animal. This is because they do not boost your stats, but a friend's. These animals are pretty much only good for low level(Runescape Money) Xp and looking cool, but they can be fun to catch. To catch them just wield a butterfly net, and have an open jar in your inventory. It may take a few swings, but eventually you will catch it and put it in the jar. Ruby Harvest boosts Attack, Sapphire Glacial boosts Defence, Snowy Knight boosts HP and Black Warlock boosts Strength, but only in multi-combat areas.

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