原创 ESO Class usage in PVP(part two)

2009-12-5 09:06 848 4 4 分类: 工业电子

ESO Class usage in PVP(part two)

Dear players, here is Thepowerlevel!

As a ESO player, sometimes you may need ESO GOLD, the price is low. If you believe us, we will try our best to make service for you. Here we will provide you some useful information about Class usage in PVP given by ollussus, hope you like it.

Lesson #2 - Class X vs Class Y
You are eager to learn more about simply killing other people. First thing you need to know is that every class has their counter. A counter can exist of a class, but also a pet. But the classes and pets that counter you are never the just one. One class could have a different affinity build then normally and instead you own him. Or the other way around. It's your job to know average damage on a certain level of a class, and which ethyrs are which type. This can give you an extreme boost in combat:

A class is normally unda based
If a class does X damage with a Erda skill(ether saga online gold).
and does Y damage with an an Unda skill.

What would your reaction be if the amount of damage of the Erda damage is more then the Unda damage, knowing you'd normally counter the unda. This is what you need to learn. If you're ready this, you'll carry on to the next lesson.

Lesson #3 - What to do when your counter gets countered

Now you're in the (rare) position of finding yourself countered by a class that you would normally counter. Something you hoped would never happen.. Well with coordination you can counter when you get countered. ESO has pets for a reason, use them. If you get countered by X affinity it means that if your pet has the affinity that counters that affinity, it can kill him for you. Make sure you have pets for every situation, you'll like it when it works. When you're ready to learn parties, you can go to the next lesson.

Thanks for your reading and enjoy yourself.



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