原创 Your civilization rises wow power leveling

2010-3-20 10:04 1272 0 分类: 工程师职场
Your civilization rises wow power leveling

Sid says he is a logical guy trained in math and computer science and it took him a long time to learn that he has to think in terms of psychology a lot in order to make games. He apologized for many of his sins. He said Civilization started as a real-time game, but that was a mistake. The simulation marched on with or without you, and you felt like a viewer. When he changed it to turn-based, it felt like YOU were causing all these things to happen, and shaping the history of the world. Good thing he figure that out, he says. He thought the "Rise and Fall" idea could be cool. Your civilization rises, then falls to the brink of disaster, then rises up again even higher than before! Exciting! No it isn't, he said. Everyone hates it and loads a save game when the fall starts to happen. As a result, he now knows to make it "rise then rise, then rise some more." He thought it would be cool to have random bad things happen, like they did in real history. Plagues and earthquakes and floods and so on. No it isn't, he said. He said you have to be really careful with anything related to randomness, and if it's an event that hurts the player, they have to know why it happened and how they can avoid it in the future. He actually talked quite a bit about the idea of allowing the player to plan how to do things better next time because you want there to *be* a next time, and getting players already thinking about playing against is great. Replayability is very important.
Readers have been captivated by "Invincible," the sweeping wow power leveling new musical piece released by Blizzard wow gold recalling the leitmotif of the wow power leveling Wrath of the Lich King trailer.
Kael: Oh man. I really didn't expect it, and this never happens, but that was actually very moving. I got choked up listening to that. It's incredible; I can't wait to listen to it again. That song is the pinnacle of video game music in my book. Wow. Simply astonishing.
Frank: /agreed! I was surprised to find myself getting choked up, too, which is even more amazing because I have (of course) NO clue what they are singing or the context for the music. A piece of music worth an epic event, for sure. Behold the power of music! Hats off to all responsible for this one.
Killchrono: Leitmotifs are my favourite musical wow gold convention, especially when used in media like games, movies or shows. You know a song has great power when it becomes synonymous with a character, an emotion or even an entire franchise. Think Darth Vader with the "Imperial March," or the main Star Wars theme.
I got shivers hearing the "Arthas, My Son" leitmotif in this song. It convinces me that this'll be the song that plays during the epic finish, perhaps when Arthas takes his dying breath. It's so sad and moving that it's making me wonder whether Arthas feels the last tinge of humanity in his heart as he dies. Regardless, this song would be an amazing piece to see off one of Warcraft's most influential characters.
Brett: There were excerpts of this in the 3.3 trailer, when the ghosts appear around Arthas while Terenas is talking to him. Such a heartbreaking and evocative piece of music.
Naraxis: Wow, just wow. I have never heard anything that beautiful in my whole life, was absolutely amazing. Before, my motivation for getting to the Lich King to kill him was so I could hack off a piece of his throne for Shadowmourne, but now my motivation for getting to him is to hear that song.
At our house, game soundtracks (including WoW) are a regular part of the wow power leveling mix of our daily music. While my son sometimes queues up a more pumping rhythm when he PvPs, we otherwise all seem to prefer keeping our game sounds on so we can soak up the atmospherics. (Except for Molten Core, back in the day. I think I would have had a seizure aion gold listening to that for very long. /twitch) Do you ever listen to the WoW soundtrack or music outside of the game? Do you keep the sound on while you play?
Remember how Pardo said that players will take avjkeqqf the easiest route, so make that a fun route? Sid basically said the same thing when it came to saved games. He said many players would save before every single battle and load if they lost, so that it ensures they will win 100% of the time. Though this may be optimum play, it's also totally boring and pointless. He said that you have be very careful not to give the player tools to make the game totally boring and pointless, and that you have to "save the players from themselves" often. He then changed it so your save included the random number seed so that you'd just lose again if you loaded. Apparently people found some way around that, but at least he tried. Also, he wanted to limit when you could save to help address the problem more. So he made it so you can only save in ports. He said this restriction seems to make sense in the fiction of the world, and it masks things a bit that the real reason for the save-in-ports rule is to change the player's save-load behavior. I actually disagree with this and I wrote an article on save game systems for Game Developer Magazine about that (also on this site.) I think the game designer does not have the right to tell a player when he can save. He should be able to save ANYTIME. The trick is that you don't have to save the exact gamestate, save whatever stuff makes sense from a design-standpoint. If my friends are knocking at the door, I have to stop right away, not when I get to a port or something. So let me save, and put whatever you deem necessary in that save file, but at least let me turn off the game immediately.

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