原创 Child Abuse

2010-9-18 10:09 838 3 3 分类: EDA/ IP/ 设计与制造
Child Abuse
Leads to Deaths in Houston This Week: Arrests and Abuse Writing for Associated Content: The 411 If there is an easy way to do something I'm definitely going to find it. So believe me when I say that I have analyzed Associated Content til I am blue in the face for a way to make my page views climb husb flash drivesgher--faster. And I'm not stingy, I'm gonna share with you what I learned, so you don't have to make the same mistakes I did (thanks Heather Tooley for sharing with me!). First, I'm not in any way implying that I have all the answers--or that my page views are something to write home to mama about: others have me whupped big time in that department (including Heather, who has done much less time on AC than yours truly). But I am saying that I went from lackluster performance in that regard to over 100,000 page views in a short period of time, so I know that my latest efforts are working. So here is to you increasing your page views too, off of my effort. And maybe someone who knows more than both of us will comment and share even better ways to get our numbers up there (we can dlv bagsream anyway..hint...hint). Writing for Associated Content: It Really Isn't What You Say; It's What They Want to Read Don't think your article on growing bananas in Timbuktu is going to be a page-generating article; it isn't. And don't think that as cute as your little pet is that people will google you into page view big time; they won't. But do find your niche...what you enjoy writing about that others want to read. And, if you are like me, it will be something newsworthy that will have a page-reading market out there. chi flat iron Some people I have analyzed on AC (yep, I do a lot of that to learn how to get my own pv's up there), write about things that I just can't stomach but revs up their pv's so high it would make you dizzy. There are soapbox shenanigans, videos of stuff I wouldn't watch if you paid me, and tatoo woman pics from a homewrecker that will drive your pv's...if you can stomach publishing it. he pound sign: #) in front of ALL the KEYWORDS. So the title in my tweet would look like this when I'm done: #Sex offenders: #Roman Polanski, #John Gardner, and #Edmund Kemper--What #Sex #Offenders All Have in Common. I put (#AC,) in front of all my article-related tweets and then retweet that article without the AC hashtag to reach my readers who don't come to AC. And I do all of this the minute I publish an article on AC...and then I do it all again about a week or so later...or sooner, if the topic is still hot, so I can reach readers who weren't online the last tweet time.louboutin CNN, FoxNews, and even 'out of the way' websites where there are conversations going on about the topic I wrote about. And I participate in the conversations to a small degree, plugging in the reference when it is a good fit, about my article. Writing for Associated Content: The Headlines nfl jerseysHave It Of course all the marketing in the world won't do you a bit of good without that wonderful SEO you hear people talking about all the time (and I still am not an expert on). So you definitely want to addresjordans the headlines of your articles, since that is what Google (the mother ship) will use to decide where you fall in the grand scheme of things online.


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