原创 EMI in Switched Mode Power Supplies (SMPS)

2007-8-16 14:13 4891 1 1 分类: 电源/新能源

EMI in Switched Mode Power Supplies (SMPS)<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


Switched Mode Power Supplies are usually a part of a complex electronic system. The system operates with electric signals with much lower amplitude and energy compared to those on an SMPS. It means that usually the SMPS is the strongest electrical noise generator in the whole system.


Especially the power switches with their high dv/dt and di/dt switching slopes are the sources of EMI. The source of differential mode interferences is the current switched by a MOSFET or a diode. High rates of dv/dt and parasitic capacitors to the ground are the reasons for common mode interferences.



Factors of influence on EMI spectrum


Different parameter can affect the EMI spectrum of an SMPS, e.g. the switching slopes of the power semiconductors, the operating point regarding switch voltages and currents. Some of these influence factors will be analyzed in this chapter.



Test setup


The results presented in this chapter have been made using the shown test setup (Fig. 9), if not other specified. The test setup is a chopper without an EMI filter using 380mΩ/<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />11A/600V CoolMOS and Silicon Carbide Schottky diode. It can be operated in Discontinuous and Continuous Conduction Modes.


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Fig. 9 Test chopper

图9 测试断路器


External gate resistance


The well-known way to control the switching speed and therefore the EMI behavior is a variation of the external gate resistance. If the resistance will be increased, the time constant determined by this resistance and the capacitance of the MOSFET will be increased as well. The switching transient will be slowed down and thereby the electrical noise becomes lower. Fig. 10 shows the controllability of the di/dt and dv/dt values for turn on and turn off transients of CoolMOS SPP11N60C3.








Fig. 10 Typical switching slopes versed gate resistance of CoolMOS SPP11N60C3

图10 典型随CoolMOS SPP11N60C3栅极驱动电阻变化的漏极开关变化速率


As it can be seen the drain current and drain to source voltage slopes can be adjusted simply using the external gate resistor during turn on and off transients. The noise emission can be also controlled in this way in high frequency range (Fig. 11 and Fig. 12).



Fig. 11 Influence of the external gate resistance (discontinuous current mode, Id=6A, measured)

图11 外置栅极驱动电阻的影响(断续电感电流模式,6安培漏极电流)


Fig. 12 Influence of the external gate resistance (continuous current mode, Id=6A, measured)

图12 外置栅极驱动电阻的影响(连续电感电流模式,6安培漏极电流)


Gate-source and drain-source voltage


The appropriate spectrum for 6 A peak drain-current, 13 V gate voltage and 380 V drain-source voltage has been chosen as reference.


Different maximum values of the gate-source voltage (or Vcc of the control IC) were investigated – 10V, 13V and 15V.


Also the variation of the bus voltage from 380V to 200V has been measured.


Fig. 13 shows that a change of the gate voltage from 10V to 15V hardly influences the spectrum. It can be explained by the fact, that 10V is still high enough to fully open the MOSFETs channel. Further reduction to values close to Miller plateau for the given operating point will slow down the switching and reduce the spectra.



Fig. 13 Influence of the gate and drain-source voltage (discontinuous conduction mode, Id=6A, Rgate="6".8 Ohm, measured)

图13 栅源极电压和漏源极电压的影响(续电感电流模式,6安培漏极电流,6.8欧姆栅极电阻)


The decrease of the drain-source voltage or bus voltage affects the entire spectrum evenly according to Fourier theory. It means that the spectrum will decrease with the drain-source voltage.



Drain current


The peak values of the drain current have been varied in discontinuous (2A, 6A, 11A) and continuous (2A, 6A) conduction modes.


Only little differences in the frequency range under 1 MHz at different current peak values (Fig. 14 and Fig. 15) can be noticed except from some resonance frequencies. The drain current was not decreased enough to operate the CoolMOS switch in the linear field of its output characteristic. Thus the dv/dt of the switch remained the same and thereby the spectrum changes can be hardly recognized.



Fig. 14 Influence of the drain current (discontinuous current mode, Rgate="6".8 Ohm, measured)

图14 漏极电流的影响(断续电感电流模式,6.8欧姆栅极驱动电阻)


Fig. 15 Influence of the drain current (continuous conduction mode, Rgate="6".8 Ohm, measured)



Flyback converter example


Analysis of basic waveforms


The analysis of the basic waveforms will be done on a simulated example of a flyback converter operating in discontinuous conduction mode. Typical drain-source voltage waveform of the primary side switch is shown in Fig. 16.



Fig. 16 Typical drain-source voltage of the MOSFET in a flyback

图16 反激变换器的典型漏源极电压


These drain-source voltage waveforms can be theoretically distinguished into typical elements. Different physical phenomena influence the waveform at given time interval. Fig. 17 and Tab. 4 demonstrate the main elements of the voltage waveform. The superposition of all these elements results in a typical drain-source voltage shown in Fig. 16.



Fig. 17 Main elements of the drain-source voltage

图17 漏源极电压的主要原理
















Tab. 4 Main elements of the drain-source voltage

平台4 漏源极电压的主要原理


The spectrum of the whole drain-source waveform (Fig. 16) is presented in Fig. 18.



Fig. 18 Spectrum of the drain-source voltage (as shown in Fig. 16)

图18 图16所示的漏源极电压呈现的电磁干扰频谱


The spectra of the main elements of the drain-source voltage can be found in Fig. 20. Fig. 19 is exactly the same as Fig. 17 and has been repeated here for better under-standing.



Fig. 19 Main elements of the drain-source voltage (repeated, same as Fig. 17)

图19 漏源极电压的主要原理(正确重复 图17)


Fig. 20 Spectra of the main elements of the drain-source voltage

图20 漏源极电压主要原理产生的电磁干扰频谱


This method allows associating certain parts of the spectrum with their root causes, i.e. the peak at 20 MHz in the spectrum of the drain-source voltage is caused by the parasitic oscillation due to the output capacitance of the MOSFET and the leakage inductance of the transformer.


The analysis of the drain current of the primary switch will be done in the same way. Fig. 21 demonstrates a typical drain current in a DCM flyback.



Fig. 21 Typical drain current in a flyback

图21 反激变换器的典型漏极电流


This waveform can be presented as a superposition of the following elements (Fig. 22 and Tab. 5). The superposition of all these elements results in a typical drain current shown in Fig. 21.



Fig. 22 Main elements of the drain current

图22 漏极电流的主要原理









Tab. 5 Main elements of the drain current

平台5 漏极电流的主要原理


The spectrum of the whole drain current waveform (Fig. 21) is presented in Fig. 23.



Fig. 23 Spectrum of the drain current (as shown in Fig. 22)

图23 漏极电流产生的电磁干扰频谱(与图22相同)


The spectra of the main elements of the drain current can be found in Fig. 25. Fig. 24 is exactly the same as Fig. 22 and has been repeated for better understanding.



Fig. 24 Main elements of the drain current

图24 漏极电流的主要原理


Fig. 25 Spectra of the main elements of the drain current

图25 漏极电流主要原理产生的电磁干扰频谱


As in case of drain-source voltage this method allows to associate the elements of the drain current waveform with its contribution to the whole spectrum. For example, the peak at 20 MHz in the spectrum is caused by the parasitic oscillation due to the output capacitance of the MOSFET and the leakage inductance of the transformer.


This method of separating the waveform in time domain into its main elements helps to find out what part of the spectrum in frequency domain caused by what related physical phenomena. The separation into main elements should be done in respect of reasonable events in the power circuit like on and off slopes, oscillations, clamping, snubbering, reflected voltage, etc.


In this flyback example only the primary switch has been analyzed as active source of electrical noise. There are also others, like secondary side diodes or synchronous rectifier, control IC (especially its gate drive), etc. In order to obtain more complete analysis all these interference sources have to be analyzed.


However, it is impossible to predict the conducted EMI spectrum using this approach due to the fact, that only interference sources are considered. There is no analysis of the spreading paths of the interference in this method.


Nevertheless, the association of harmonics root cause with the respected physical phenomena will reduce the efforts of EMI reduction. The impact of the identified root cause can be reduced not only by filtering, but also by means of influencing the root cause itself.



Operation modes of discontinuous flyback converter


  The flyback converter running in discontinuous conduction mode can be operated in hard switching or quasi resonant (or valley switching, or ZVS) mode regarding the primary side switch. The difference between a hard switching and quasi resonant flyback converter is the turn on time point of the primary switch. In a hard switching mode the turning on of the MOSFET is not synchronized with the drain-source voltage value. This type of converters runs mainly in fixed frequency mode.


In a quasi resonant mode the resonant circuit determined by the output capacity of the MOSFET and the inductance of the transformer will be utilized to switch on at lowest possible value of the drain-source voltage. This circuit starts to oscillate at the end of the current flow through the secondary side of the transformer, hence at the end of the flyback phase. The MOSFET will be turned on at the minimum of this oscillation. The quasi resonant approach uses this oscillation to achieve minimum voltage switching during turn on for the MOSFET. This operation mode runs at a variable frequency.


Higher amplitude of the oscillation results in lower drain source voltage level at which the MOSFET turns on correspondingly lower switching losses and higher efficiency of the system.


To achieve high oscillation peaks, the design of the transformer has to be set to high reflected voltage. This increase of the reflected voltage results in a higher drain-source voltage blocking MOSFET and longer duty cycles.


Comparison of three different flyback solutions has been made. All of them have been operation at 300 kHz, bus voltage of 400 V, output power of 120 W, output voltage of 16 V. These design included different modes of operation and different values of reflected voltage, resulting in different MOSFET’s voltage ratings:


l      Hard switching flyback with CoolMOS 600V, reflected voltage of 100V

l      硬开关反激变换器使用600伏特CoolMOS,100伏特反射电压

l      Quasi resonant flyback with CoolMOS 600V, reflected voltage of 100V

l      准谐振反激变换器使用600伏特CoolMOS,100伏特反射电压

l      Quasi resonant flyback with CoolMOS 800V, reflected voltage of 390V

l      准谐振反激变换器使用800伏特CoolMOS,390伏特反射电压

The clamping snubber circuit was set to the rated breakdown voltage of the MOSFET (600 V and 800 V respectively).



Flyback in hard switching mode with 600V MOSFET


The hard switching approach (as shown in Fig. 26) doesn’t consider the minimum drain-source voltage. The MOSFET will be turned on hard, in this case at a voltage level of 500 V (at time point 3.3 μs). The discharge of circuits’ parasitic capacitances leads to a high current spike during turning on.



Fig. 26 Drain-source voltage and drain current of hard switching 600V flyback

图26 600伏特硬开关反激变换器的漏源极电压和漏极电流


Flyback in quasi resonant mode with 600 V MOSFET


The drain-source voltage (Fig. 27) starts oscillating at the end of the flyback phase and reaching the minimum of 300 V when the MOSFET turns on.


The duty cycle is lower compared to an 800 V solution due to a lower reflected voltage of 100V. Shorter duty cycle for the same output power results in higher peak currents on the primary side.



Fig. 27 Drain-source voltage and drain current of quasi resonant 600V flyback

图27 600伏特准谐振反激变换器的漏源极电压和漏极电流


Flyback in quasi resonant mode with 800 V MOSFET


The drain-source voltage (Fig. 28) starts oscillating at the end of the flyback phase and reaching the minimum of 100V when the MOSFET turns on. The turning on current spike is low.


The duty cycle is higher compared to a 600V solution due to a higher reflected voltage of 390V. Longer duty cycle for the same output power results in lower peak currents on the primary side.



Fig. 28 Drain-source voltage and drain current of quasi resonant 800V flyback

图28 800伏特准谐振反激变换器的漏源极电压和漏极电流


Comparison of spectra


The spectra of the drain-source voltages for corresponding flyback design (Fig. 26Fig. 27 and Fig. 28) are shown in Fig. 29.



Fig. 29 Spectra of the drain-source voltage (simulated)

图29 漏源极电压的频谱(仿真)


As it can be seen the voltage spectrum of the 800V quasi resonant flyback is higher at frequencies below 1 MHz, and is getting lower above 1 MHz compared to both 600V designs. This can be explained by two major differences of the 800V drain-source voltage waveform. First, the clamping voltage during the MOSFETs turning off is 800V, what is higher then of 600V. It leads to higher harmonics amplitudes in lower frequency range. Second, the turn on occurs in voltage minimum due to quasi resonant switching, which results in lower spectrum in higher frequency range.


Due to the fact, that the 800V quasi resonant flyback has lower peak current, its spectrum is significantly lower across almost complete frequency range.


The 800V quasi resonant design with lower current peak and lower drain-source voltage during turning on of the MOSFET demonstrates advantages in conducted EMI spectra regarding the primary side.




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