原创 Automobiles – Furious pace of Electronics Adoption

2007-7-27 17:17 2471 10 14 分类: 消费电子
Dear Readers,

It gives me great pleasure to share some of my thoughts with you through this column. In this inaugural blog, I would like to touch upon the automotive segment. Hope you concur with my observations!!

Automobiles Furious pace of Electronics Adoption

Automobiles are becoming an inevitable part of our lives. The affordability in the developing countries like ours is enabling the demand for automobiles. The negative impact is the chaos on the roads!! This will also invariably lead to a corresponding increase in air pollution.

Automobiles seem likely to continue adopting electronics at a furious pace for some time to come, be it a motor bike or a transportation truck.

Three main factors influence the adoption of electronics in automobiles:

  1. Stiffer environmental regulations restrictions on emissions
  2. Safety and comfort of passengers
  3. Infotainment

Stiffer emission regulations are leading to rapid adoption of hybrid vehicles, which have electrical power trains, onboard motors and onboard re-chargeable batteries. The adoption of Electric Vehicles is also growing in the small and mid size segments. Inverters, motor control and chargers all form the electronic chain here. Automobile manufacturers are developing sophisticated control systems to boost performance and energy regeneration efficiency of batteries. The use of 8 and 16 bit processors that had traditionally dominated the automobile segment is fading away and powerful 32 bit microcontrollers are increasingly becoming dominant.

There is lot of work going on in the Safety and comfort segments too.

Automobile segment also integrates various technologies that have dominated the traditional consumer world. The convergence of Video, Voice and Data is already taking place and next generation cellular communications are appearing as an integral part.

Needless to say, the rapid adoption of new technologies, importance of safety and comfort, in-cabin entertainment all of them point towards a steep rise in the usage of semiconductors making the advanced features available in an affordable manner.

However, there are also issues! Today, some of the high end cars use as much as 70 intelligent ICs! These ICs along with various gadgets they control need and consume lot of power. Will this warrant an additional battery? I wont be surprised! Do you think this will become a problem? Should the ICs used in automobiles become ultra low power or atleast low power devices? Do you think this will impact the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol we are one among the countries who have ratified it?

Let me know your views and thoughts. I will meet you again next week.




用户1615995 2012-7-1 22:41


用户1580159 2012-6-29 23:29

自做自受 2012-6-29 21:47

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用户1527120 2012-6-29 09:42


用户1173460 2012-6-29 06:19


用户3851288 2010-5-19 14:46

With the rapid penetration of Internet communication technologies across the globe, the possibility for individuals to seek out others for advice and know-how has dramatically increased. Individuals may now cross organizational boundaries to communicate efficiently with others regardless of time and space (Hinds & Kiesler, 1995). As a result, many organizations are in the process of implementing intranet-based communication tools, such as electronic discussion networks, to promote knowledge sharing across internal organizational boundaries (Alavi & Leidner, 1999; Davenport & Prusak, 1998; Fulk & DeSanctis, 1995). Investments in these technologies are driven by the assumption that knowledge is the most valuable resource of the firm and that new knowledge is created through the recombination and exchange of existing knowledge (Kogut & Zander, 1992;


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用户3623711 2007-8-3 15:44

Dear paddy,

I was pleasantly surprised to see your BLOG :-)

Interesting article.

Maybe, you could expand your article further with specific application examples, where these different IC's are being currently used and  future trends / market potential.

with best wishes.

用户3743473 2007-8-2 14:07

Hi Paddy,

Blogs like these from eminent industry personalities such as yourself will go a long way in impacting society besides changing the way we look at technology. I wish you the very best in this endeavour and will look forward to more writing from you here.

I do agree that vehicular (cars in specific) adoption in South East Asia, especially India, has spiked with affluence and availability of easy financing. It is sad that there aren't any options for hybrid/electric vehicles and this is bound to lead to higher pollution levels. Road clogging in my view is due to lopsided development and higher dependency on few Indian cities that do not possess scalable infratsructure.

We look to industry leaders like you to change paradigms and make a better world for us! Please do let us know if semiconductor technology can help push for hybrid car adoption in India as it is obvious that higher electronic intelligence can help build better, more fuel efficient and cheaper vehicles.
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