原创 The Electronics Problem!

2009-6-16 18:29 2280 12 13 分类: 消费电子

Dear Readers,




I decided to revive this blog after a gap of a year! Over the past one year, I had read and listened to many new things in the electronics technology domain. I hope to share a majority of them over the next couple of months. I am sure (and assume) you will continue to ‘relish’ them. Don’t forget to provide your feedback!


The previous topic that I touched upon was about Space Electronics and I had indicated that I would write a bit about the challenges that are unique to the Space Electronics segment. But, I have decided to talk about another important area as of now and will get back to the Space challenges down the line.


Now let’s get on and look at a different perspective of Electronics.


No other industry has impacted our lives like Electronics. The 21st century can be aptly called as the Era of Electronics. The impact is several orders more than the Industrial Revolution itself! Moore’s law shows no signs of coming to an end anytime sooner and the revolution will continue at the same rapid pace in the coming years! Massive growth in the consumer, automotive and medical/healthcare segments is fuelling the growth of all kinds of electronic products. Mainframes are making a comeback and centralized data centres are growing rapidly, partially fuelled by the exploding Internet. Listed below are some noteworthy trends:


§         In the period from 1997 to 2006, trends that fuelled growth

·         Internet users rose from 205 Mi to 2.6 Bi

·         # of cell phone users from 57 Mi to 1.1. Bi

·         Digital cameras from none to 18 Bi

·         MP3 players from none to 6 Bi

§         Semiconductor industry leaders are forecasting that the market will reach $1 Trillion by 2017 from the current levels of $270 Bi. The leaders are betting on such a target assuming certain disruptive technologies and ‘waves’ will emerge, beyond CMOS

§         Product designers will have to look at all aspects – including aesthetics

§         Managing complexity of designs and the corresponding economy of scale to realize a design will become important

§         Product life cycles are becoming shorter ever. The consumer market demands new product launches every 6 to 9 months

Rapid rise in the consumption of electronics and other electronically controlled white goods have become guzzlers of electric power – just due to the sheer volume of such products that are in use today. This is putting a huge strain on the generation of power. The rapidly rising cost of the oil (which peaked at $140/barrel only a couple of months back) is impacting the conventional electricity generation mechanisms. Alternate/renewable energy generation is not yet in a state to cater to such a demand, in the near future. In addition, the Kyoto Protocol mandates energy conservation efforts and the reduction of greenhouse gases. Most nations will have to start adhering to the protocol sooner.

Amongst all the regions of the world, Asia is emerging as the largest consumer of all kinds of electronic goods and hence the energy! For example, China is the 2nd largest producer of electricity today, surpassing many developed nations! There is a huge shortage of electricity, which is becoming a major concern. This is also putting a large strain on these nations to meet rising needs or halt the rapid rise. The challenges in India are not too different!

Electronics Industry uses quite a bit of toxic substances and chemicals too, harming the environment. Because of the relatively shorter lives of electronic products, disposing the wastes safely has become a major issue.

In the backdrop of ever increasing use of electronic gadgets across the globe, growing energy needs, rise in oil prices and climate changes that are being witnessed, the awareness about the impact that the electronics ecosystem is causing, is rapidly on the rise. Major IT companies are vying hard with one another, proclaiming their intent to reduce energy consumption and take such bold actions. Green Electronics/IT has become a buzzword! Hopefully, this momentum will sustain and motivate the whole ecosystem to go “Green”!


I plan to share more details of the ‘other side’ of electronics in my next blog.


Bye until then!






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