原创 Write Characters to the LCD Display (Software)

2010-8-13 20:38 1162 11 11 分类: FPGA/CPLD

In this part you will need to display characters in the 12 x 2 character LCD monitor on the FPGA. You should connect your Microblaze processor to the LCD using a GPIO. Your job is to add necessary hardwares to your Microblaze system, write software to correctly initialize the LCD and update the characters in the LCD according to the inputs from hyperterminal. The specification of the LCD is here
[? Although not necessary, it is recommended to set (SF_OE[C18]) (SF_WE[D17]) (SF_CE0[D16]) to '1']

Step A. Configure the hardware

? Add a GPIO instance to your Microblaze system
? Update the memory map
? Modify the hardware description (MHS) manually or using the XPS interface 
? Edit the UCF file to map GPIO pins to the corresponding pins for LCD

Step B. Write software to initialize the LCD

? Follow the specification, initialize the LCD and clear the LCD monitor.
? You can use busy waiting loop or timer.
? Test your initialize sequence

Step C. Write software to update the LCD

? You need to write a software to display the characters [a-zA-Z ,.] you enter in the hyperterminal to the LCD.
? Configure the LCD to automatically advance the curser.
? Use arrows to control the curser position. (the characters you will receive are a sequence of 3 characters: [1B 5B 41] to [1B 5B 44] in the order of up, down, right, left) 
? Use '<' '>' to rotate the display



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