楼主,看到这个有点晚了,现在碰见的问题是上电后nSTATUS一拉高,高电平持续40ms左右就又变低了,此时auto_restart configuration after errors没有使能,当使能时,nSTATUS是低电平持续20us,高电平持续72ms的脉冲,手册上If an error occurs during configuration, the Cyclone II device drives the nSTATUSsignal low to indicate a data frame error, and the CONF_DONE signal stays low. If you enable the Auto-restart configuration after error option in the Quartus II software from the Generaltab of the Device & Pin Optionsdialog box, the Cyclone II device resets the serial configuration device by pulsing nCSO, releases nSTATUSafter a reset time-out period (about 40 μs), and retries configuration. If the Auto-restart configuration after erroroption is turned off, the external system must monitor nSTATUSfor errors and then pull nCONFIGlow for
at least 2 μs to restart configuration. 这说明data出错了,可为什么as模式烧进去是成功的,电路硬件也检查好几遍了,引脚连接没有问题啊,求教啊!!!!
用户446166 2014-10-22 17:19
用户377660 2011-9-5 22:18