原创 Programmable logic's own Periodic Table - Rev #1

2011-8-10 23:21 3022 18 18 分类: 消费电子

The response regarding the creation of a periodic table for programmable logic is overwhelming. Several readers gave many useful suggestions.

So, what I've done is to go through all of the offerings thus far – and add a few of my own – and to generate a combined list as shown toward the end of this blog.



You would not believe how long it's taken me to create a large version of this table containing all of the data thus far. You can see the current state of the full up version by clicking the following link:


Note that I'm not 100% happy about all of the items we have thus far. For example 8 = O = Output and 53 = I = Input are a little tame (but the only thing I could come up with was 8 = O = "Oh My Gosh!"). Also 24 = Cr = Achronix is a bit of a push, but I can't think of anything better.

As you will see, there are still quite a few blank spaces. What about "Bah, Humbug!" for 56 = Ba? And I really think we can do better than 64 = Gd = Good. Also, although Xilinx came out of this quite well insofar as their FPGA families got a lot of mentions, we don't actually have one for their company name (any ideas?).

Anyway, it would be great if you could take the time to check out the following list. Can you think of anything to fill in the blanks? Also note that we aren't locked into any of the existing items – if you can think of a better entry for any of these please let me know by adding a comment to the bottom of this blog (please, Please, PLEASE give the element number and symbol along with your proposed definition ... if you just say something like "U = You Idiot" it can take me ages to find the "U" box in the table).

OK, the current list is as follows:

1 H = HardCopy
2 He "...doesn't pass the laugh test"
3 Li = ???
4 Be = Bit Error Rate
5 B = Byte
6 C = CPLD
7 N = No NRE
8 O = Output
9 F = FPGA
10 Ne = Negative Edge
11 Na = NAND
12 Mg = Multi-Gigabit Transceiver
13 Al = Altera
14 Si = SiliconBlue
15 P = PSoC
16 S = Slack
17 Cl = Configurable Logic
18 Ar = Artix
19 k = Kintex
20 Ca = Carry Chain
21 Sc = ???
22 Ti = Timing Analysis
23 V = Virtex
24 Cr = Achronix
25 Mn = ???
26 Fe = Feedback
27 Co = Core
28 Ni = Nios
29 Cu = ???
30 Zn = ZYNQ
31 Ga = Genetic Algorithm
32 Ge = Gigabit Ethernet
33 As = Asynchronous
34 Se = SERDES
35 Br = Block RAM
36 Kr = Kernigan and Richie
37 Rb = Readback
38 Sr = hift Register
39 Y = ???
40 Zr = ???
41 Nb = ???
42 Mo = Module
43 Tc = Timing Closure
44 Ru = ???
45 Rh = Radiation Hardened
46 Pd = Pipelined Design
47 Ag = QuickSilver (RIP)
48 Cd = Clock Divider
49 In = Intel FlexLogic (RIP)
50 Sn = ???
51 Sb = ???
52 Te = Test
53 I = Input
54 Xe = ???
55 Cs = Constraint
56 Ba = ???
57 La = Lattice Semiconductor
58 Ce = Clock Enable
59 Pr = Partial Reconfiguration
60 Nd = Node
61 Pm = PALASM
62 Sm = Simulation
63 Eu = Emulation
64 Gd = Good
65 Tb = Terabits Per Second
66 Dy = Dynamic Power
67 Ho = Hold Time
68 Er = Error Correction
69 Tm = Technology Mapping
70 Tb = Yottabyte
71 Lu = Lookup Table
72 Hf = Hierarchical Floorplanning
73 Ta = Tabula
74 W = ???
75 Re = Reconfigurable Computing
76 Os = Operating System
77 Ir = Input Register
78 Pt = ???
79 Au = ???
80 Hg = ???
81 TI = ???
82 Pb = PicoBlaze
83 Bi = Bitstream
84 Po = Port
85 At = Atmel
86 Rn = Random
87 Fr = Freeman, Ross
88 Ra = RapidIO
89 Ac = Actel (now Microsemi)
90 Th = Throughput
91 Pa = ???
92 U = ???
93 Np = ???
94 Pu = ???
95 Am = Ambric (RIP)
96 Cm = Clock Manager
97 Bk = Block
98 Cf = Configuration File
99 Es = ???
100 Fm = ???
101 Md = ???
102 No = ???
103 Lr = ???
104 Rf = Register File
105 Db = Double Data Rate
106 Sg = Speed Grade
107 Bh = ???
108 Hs = ???
109 Mt = ???
110 Ds = Digital Signal Processing
111 Rg = Register
Any suggestions will be very much appreciated...




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