原创 Photo gallery: Computer addicts

2011-11-23 16:39 10700 9 10 分类: 消费电子

Can you still imagine what life was like before the Internet and email? I must admit that, as the years go by, I'm finding it more and more difficult to remind myself as to what things were like in "ye olden times".

I do remember when I thought that having a 15-inch black-and-white computer monitor capable of displaying only text and "chunky graphics characters" was pretty darn cool. Now, as I pen these words, I'm sitting in front of three 28-inch "mega-technicolor" displays, each with a resolution of 1920 x 1200 forming one humongous desktop. This would have completely blown me away a few years ago... now it's just the way I work.

But we digress... as I was wading through today's opening batch of emails I found one containing a bunch of pictures. I don't know about you, but I receive a lot of emails like this. Each email typically has a different theme – sometimes it's animals, sometimes it's flowers, sometimes it's ... well, just about anything, really.

Anyway, I just received an email containing images related to the way in which we (or, at least, some of us) use computers. Some are funny, some are thought-provoking, and some (especially the very last one) are a little sad...







用户1406868 2012-5-28 15:15

You're right in that if you already have an iPad it's an ieenrnstitg app. But if I think about it a bit, the whle point of controllers is to handle virtual knobs/ faders /buttons on the software phisically. So having another virtual device is kind of the opposite idea. Besides is another battery to care about, I'd rather have the cheapest (i.e. korg nano) controller but usb powered, and be able to feel the knobs for real. But that's because I don't have an iPad ; )
用户3826190 2016-04-29 17:59
Can you improve this BMP display?
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用户3826190 2016-04-29 17:56
In progress: Home-made Nixie tube clock
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用户3826190 2016-04-29 17:51
Incorporating medication delivery into smartphones
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用户3826190 2016-04-15 17:20
Incredibly handy electronic component testers
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用户3826190 2016-04-15 17:17
A look at electronic component testers
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用户3826190 2016-03-24 11:48
Let Jolly Roger Telephone Co deal with telemarketers
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