原创 Which science fiction books SHOULD be adapted into films?

2012-9-13 21:30 1579 18 18 分类: 消费电子

I have to declare that I love science fiction. No matter what else I'm reading, I always have a science fiction book "on the go" at the same time.

Over the years I've often thought "I wish they would make this into a film!", which leads me to the topic of this column: If you had a choice, which science fiction / fantasy books would you most like to see made into a film?

Below are a few suggestions in no particular order and off the top of my head, but I reserve the right to add more as comments later:

- The End of Eternity by Isaac Asimov. This has to be one of the best time-travel stories ever.

- The Foundation Trilogy by Isaac Asimov. I'm thinking that this could be GREAT if it was done on the same epic scale as The Lord of the Ring trilogy directed by Peter Jackson (I cannot wait for the forthcoming Hobbit Films to come out).

- Eon by Greg Bear: This is an amazing book that covers so many genres, including post-apocalypse, time travel, and generation starship, to name but a few.

- Titan by John Varley: In 2025 an expedition to Saturn discovers that one of the moons is in fact a humongous living creature in which other races live. The remaining books in the trilogy might be hard to film, but if you took some elements from them and added them into Titan you would have an amazing movie.

- Tunnel in the Sky by Robert Heinlein: A group of students are sent through a "Gate" to another planet as part of a survival course ... but the gate fails to reopen to bring them back...

- Time for the Stars by Robert Heinlein: Follows the story of two telepathic young lads – identical twins Tom and Pat. Along with other telepaths, they act as "human radios" to communicate between starships and the Earth. But as the ships approach the speed of light, the twins on Earth age faster than their siblings...

Now, I can think of a bunch of other books I would live to see as movies, but instead of me waffling on, let me hand the floor over to you...




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