原创 Video: The inside's bigger than the outside!

2013-1-23 18:52 1610 18 18 分类: 消费电子

I am a mega-fan of Doctor Who (I still remember watching the very first episode – while taking full advantage of the safety provided by standing behind the sofa – when I was 6 years old in 1963).

Now, if you too are a follower of Doctor Who, you will be aware that his space/time machine – called the TARDIS – is disguised as a 1960s UK Police Box. Also, that when you enter the TARDIS, you discover that it's much larger on the inside than it appears on the outside.

Well, my chum Bob Zeidman – the founder of Zeidman Consulting and the guy with whom I saw an Agatha Christie– just alerted me to the fact that a guy called Greg Kumparak has created a model of the TARDIS that also appears to be bigger on the inside.

As you will see in this video, Greg first constructed a model of the TARDIS, and then he created an application that runs on a smart phone or tablet computer. When you look at the model via this augmented reality app, it really appears as though the model is bigger on the inside.

I have to say that I am very, VERY impressed by this. I LOVE this sort of thing. Now I want to start playing with this augmented reality software myself.




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