rholang 的另一个独特的地方在于它没有传统的变量。然而,我们只是使用元组空间来保存我们的数据。只要你想要把一些数据放在一边晚点使用,就把数据发送到一些通道里然后晚点再从通道中获取。以这种方式使用的通道叫做"状态通道",通常我们会在状态通道名字末尾用Ch
什么数据留在了boxCh 状态通道里?
在如Java这样的"面向对象编程" 语言, 我们可以通过封装一些使用的数据和修改数据的方法到真实世界的对象上建立模型。在rholang里面同样的事情也是可能的。
工厂如果你曾经用其它像Java这样的语言,那你可能会很熟悉构造器。如果你曾经用过Java,那非常好,因为rholang 用工厂来创建新的对象而不是构造器。
这里有两种主要的技术使方法可用。第一种方法我称为"方法独立" 因为每一个方法都监听它们自己专用的通道。
另一种方法是"控制面板" 技术, 这技术会用一个单独的不可伪造name做一个叫做控制面板的东西,然后所有方法都在此基础上建立。
// Separation of Powers contract factory(method1, method2) = { contract method1(ack) = { ... } contract method2(ack) = { ... } } // Control Panel contract factory(cPanel) = { contract @[cPanel, "method1"](ack) = { ... } contract @[cPanel, "method2"](ack) = { ... } } 复制代码计数器示例使用哪种技术来调度方法?
写更多全面的测试以确保空中交通管制可以成功地更新信息而飞行员不可以。 Write more thorough tests to make sure the ATCs can update the status successfully, and that pilots cannot
这里是一些需要考虑的初步的代码。 savingsStarter.rho
到目前为止,我们所有的工厂方法都要求我们传入“names”来创建合约。在储蓄账户的例子中,这些"names"是 check, deposit 和 withdraw。我把这种工厂叫做“自我创建”工厂,简称"BYOC"。这种BYOC技术有一个优势,就是用户可以提供任何她喜欢的从别的合约来的或者公共的"names"。
设计模式还有很多常用的对象功能设计模式。你可以在A Picturebook of Secure Cooperation中找到很多例子解释说明。
最后你应该知道的二元操作符是 ++ ,它是用于“联合”或者说把两个小东西组合成一个大东西。这个操作符适用于列表和字符串。列表我们会在下一单元学习到,字符串我们已经学习过了。
代码 stdout!("I" ++ "<3" ++ "rholang") 会输出什么?
我们通常发送 ____ 和接收 ____.
这个语法允许我们做像这样的事, `for (@number <- @"someChan"){@"double"!(2 * number)}``
我们应该把 for(@x <- @y){stdout!(...)} 中 ... 替换为什么来让程序是正确的?
if ( /* condition */ ) { Nil // Do this if condition is true } else { Nil // Do this if condition is false }` 复制代码你用if的情况是没有限制的,包括猜一个秘密字母的正确,在游戏中设定一个高分数,决定哪张扑克牌更大和计算选举胜者。下面的例子合约展示给你看如何检查一个银行账号的状态。
练习The accounting program has a problem. It says that accounts with a balance of zero are overdrawn. But really zero should be in good standing. You can fix this using the "greater than or equal" operator, >=. Make sure you add a few tests to make sure it works.
这些操作符可以作用于数字或者字符串。字符串按照字典顺序排序,有点像字母表排序。但是小心!如果你用一个数字与一个字符串比较,它会是另一个停止的"process"。 These operators work on both numbers and text strings. Text strings are sorted lexicographically, which is a lot like alphabetically. But be careful! If you try to compare a number to a string, it will just be another stopped process.
布尔操作符Rholang也有传统的布尔操作符, AND, OR, 和 NOT。语法是
stdout!(true and true) 会输出什么??
stdout!(not true) 会输出什么?
stdout!((not not true) or false) 会输出什么?
写一个合约告诉调用的人他们是否有资格投票。你必须达到一定的年纪和在一个规定的国家内才能投票。你可以选择年龄和国家。我可以通过并行@"canIVote!("Nigeria", 30)" 来使用合约。
练习上面的合约指适用于一个特定的国家。用我们学过的工厂来创建出有各种资格的检查者。创建一个投票年龄为18岁的加拿大的检查者,用@"checkerFactory"!(canadaChecker, "Canada", 18)使用。然后用代码canadaChecker!("Estonia", 41)测试一个41岁的爱沙尼亚人他是否符合加拿大的投票资格。 提示:他不能在加拿大投票。
match 结构rholang使用模式匹配最明显的一个地方就是它的match结构,它的工作原理请看下面。
我们看到的两种情况我们有时候会使用下划线。例如我经常会使用for (_ <- ack),这样代表ack通道里的信息无论匹配什么模式都接收。当你只关心你是否接收一个信息而不是接收信息的内容的时候就可以用下划线来表示,这是一种标准用法。
我们也可以在前面我们学习到如何接收“processes”的课程中的使用模式匹配。当我们写for (@p <- x) 时候,这代码的意思是接收所有匹配标记process模式的信息,然后把“process”绑定到p。
p在x!("hello") | for(@p <- x){Nil} 中会绑定到什么样的变量
p在x!("hello" | 4) | for(@{"hello" | p} <- x){Nil} 中会绑定到什么样的变量
其实我们完全可以用模式匹配来替换到之前我们学习到的 if/else。事实上,那正是 if/else 内在实现的方式。因为那个只是其他语法的速记,所以if/else也可以说是语法糖。下面的两段代码其实作用完全一样。
if (cond) { // Do Process P } else { // Do Process Q } 复制代码into
match cond { true => // Do Process P false => // Do Process Q } 复制代码练习用march而不是if/else来重写我们前面课程的signTest.rho的例子
让我们制作一个更友好的招待员,这个招待员即使我们不告诉他我们的名字,他也会说你好。关键部分在于我们有两个不一样的合约在监听同一个greeter通道。 greeter2.rho
高级模式匹配你可以通过模式匹配做一些有意思的事情,比如for(@{x!(P)} <- y){ Q }只会在"process"在频道x发送匹配单独发送模式的时候才会计算。然后在process Q 里面你将会绑定变量 x这个频道和 p这个被发送的process。
x!("hello") | for ({P | Q} <- x){Nil} 会产生一个通信事件么?
使用"intersection"操作符来同时匹配两个模式。在这个例子里,我们检查注册数据是否有效。一个注册者必须提供他们的名字和年龄,可能需要提供一些额外的数据。顺便说一句,这项保存键值得技术经常也成为"RHOCore"。 To match both of two patterns you use the "intersection" operator, /\. In this example we are verifying that registration data is valid. A registrant must supply their name and age, and may supply any amount of additional data. By the way, this technique for storing key-value data is often known as "RHOCore".
It is common for programs to process and store real world data. And whenever you have lots of data it is important to keep it organized so you can find the information you need quickly. In the analog world, paper files are kept organized by stacking them, putting them in folders, and file cabinets. The same concept applies in programming, and rholang is no exception (for once!).
If you've never seen data structures before, you will likely want to consult some other references, and look at additional example code.
String MethodsLet's start with a familiar idea. We've seen strings since the very first program in lesson one. Really strings are just a nice way to organize a bunch of characters, and that makes them a data structure. Like all data structures, strings have "methods" that you can perform on them.
String's length method tells how many characters are in a string. While it's slice method creates a new string with some characters sliced off of each end. Strings also support the ++ operator for concatenation. wordLength.rho
What is the result of "hello world".length()?
Which of the following evaluates to "ello"?
Strings also have a method called hexToBytes that is designed to work on strings that contain valid hexadecimal numbers. It gives back a byte array that is represented by that hex number. Try to run "1241243e".hexToBytes()
Pro tip: It is also possible to slice a byte array. Experiment with that on your own.
TuplesTuple can rhyme with either "couple" or "drupal"; both pronunciations are correct. You've seen tuples before when you wrote contracts that take in multiple arguments like contract c(x, y, z) = { Nil }. The number of items in a tuple is know as its arity. So the tuple received by contract c is arity three.
Tuples contain several pieces of data in order. They are always a fixed arity, and have relatively few methods. Thus they are the least interesting data structure, but at the same time, the most fundamental. Let's look at some of the methods offered by tuples.
What is the arity of [3, 4, 9, Nil]?
What would ("a", "b", "c").nth(3) evaluate to?
Write a program that takes in a 4-tuple and prints elements 0 and 3 to the screen.
ListsLists are a lot like tuples, but they are made with square brackets instead of parentheses. They also have more methods, and can be concatenated or glued together using the ++ operator just like strings can. Here are examples of all of list's methods.
ExerciseImplement the body of the following running log contract. The user will call the contract every time they go for a run passing in the distance that they ran. The contract will keep track of all the runs in a list. You may also write methods to get all the run data, or get the total distance the user has run.
new logRun, runsCh in { // No runs to start with runsCh!([])| contract logRun(distance) = { // Your code here } } 复制代码SetsSets are similar to lists in some ways, but the one big difference is that sets are not ordered. A set is a collection of processes, but there is no first or last item in the set. There are also no duplicates allowed in sets. Let's take a look at some of set's methods.
Which code would produce a set of all club members who have not paid their dues?
What is the result of Set(1,2,3) == Set(3,2,1)
Maps are a lot like sets but they contain key value pairs. Maps are also unordered, but when you add an item (which is now known as a key) you also add an associated value. Here are examples of all of map's methods.
What is the result of {"years": 1, "weeks": 52, "days": 365}.get(52)
To demonstrate the usefulness of maps in rholang, let's consider this contract that looks up the capital of any country (that I bothered to type).
ExerciseStarting from the example code above, make a Countries and Capitals quiz game where the user calls up a contract and get's back a challenge country as well as an answer channel. The user then sends her best guess for that country's capital back over the answer channel and gets back a boolean for whether she was correct.
To learn how to use this game interactively with a nice user interface, check out some dapp development examples such as the nth caller game
ExerciseMap's diff method takes another map as an argument. What happens if the diff map has some of the same keys but with different values associated. For example:
{"a": "A", "b": "B", "c": "C"}.diff({"a": 25}) 复制代码Method Summary TableThat was a lot of info about data structures in one go. So here is a handy table to remind you what methods exist. This info is also on the cheat sheet.
Method | Tuple | List | Map | Set |
nth | x | x | ||
toByteArray | x | x | x | x |
union | x | x | ||
diff | x | x | ||
add | x | |||
delete | x | x | ||
contains | x | x | ||
get | x | |||
getOrElse | x | |||
set | x | |||
keys | x | |||
size | x | x | ||
length | x | |||
slice | x |
We've learned about several interesting data structures in this lesson. Data structures are processes just like integers, booleans, and Nil. So they can be quoted and turned into names like all those other processes. We can build contracts on those names just like we can any other names. Names that are built on data structures such as tuples are often called compound names.
In this example, Alice and Bob each have one unforgeable name (that I've called key). The keys may be useful on their own (for things not shown in the snippet), but only when used together, can the contract shown be called. This is known as "rights amplification".
new alice, bob, key1, key2, stdout(`rho:io:stdout`) in { alice!(*key1)| bob!(*key2)| contract @(*key1, *key2)(_) = { stdout!("Congratulations, Alice and Bob, you've cooperated.") } } 复制代码What tuple is used to build the compound name in contract @(*self, "getVal")(_) = { Nil }?
Let's start with some exercises to review old topics and motivate the problem we're solving in this lesson.
ExerciseWrite a program that prints a countdown of the numbers 3, 2, 1 in order on the screen.
ExerciseNow countdown from 5.
ExerciseWrite a contract that returns a random number between 1 and 3. Hint, you can use race conditions to your advantage here.
ExerciseNow make it choose a random number between 1 and 10.
Is this method of writing a random number generator sustainable?
TODO Julie drawing for iteration.
Iterating is the process of ..... Many programming languages use iteration as a fundamental way of controlling the flow of their programs. Iteration inherently means doing a process to one item then the next then the next. Because rholang is a fully concurrent programming language this is impossible. But that's actually a strength!
manually iterate through the list [1, 2, 3, 4] 复制代码This process is clearly not sustainable because long lists would be extremely deeply nested. Worse, any code that we actually write would have a maximum depth. And we don't want to limit the length of our list. Consider this crafty code
Simple recursion that passes a counter and compares it to the lists length 复制代码Better version that uses pattern matching to detect empty list 复制代码RecursionTodo Julie drawing about recursion or a picture of a picture or something.
map filter sumlist
headingExerciseWrite a contract that takes in two integers that represent a minimum and a maximum.
Exercise: group forwarder. I, the king, send messages to the forwarder who copies them to all the recipients. Rather than just having kill switch, I have the ability to change group subscription.
Idea: [head ... tail]
作者: 用户3902523, 来源:面包板社区
链接: https://mbb.eet-china.com/blog/uid-me-3902523.html