原创 为iPhone 14准备的?苹果全新充电头曝光

2022-4-11 14:39 1413 10 3 分类: 智能手机 文集: 市场资讯
据外媒9to5Mac发布的一份苹果内部支持文件显示,苹果可能会在未来推出一款 35W的双USB-C接口充电器。虽然这份支持文件很快就被苹果删除,但其中还是明确的提到了这款多接口充电器。

See this white brick? It puts out a measly 30W of power to a single device, yet Apple charges $50 for it. Please do not buy one because we now have firm evidence that Apple is about to replace it with something much, much better — a 35W charger with two ports, likely powered by gallium nitride (GaN) technology that might also make it smaller.

That’s the word from 9to5Mac, which got this particular scrap of information from by far the most reliable source of Apple leaks: Apple’s own website. Apparently, the company accidentally threw a support document live for an “Apple 35W Dual USB-C Port Power Adapter,” and 9to5 managed to snap a screenshot before it was pulled.

This is likely the “about 30W” GaN charger that analyst Ming-Chi Kuo tweeted about last month, which he said would have “a new form factor design” and arrive in 2022.

You could fast charge an iPhone 13 Pro Max and an Apple Watch at the same time with that level of power, or an M1 MacBook Air and a watch, or an iPad and an Apple Watch, or a pair of iPhones, or an iPad Pro and an iPhone at a slower rate, or... it’s USB-C, so there are a lot of possibilities.

It wouldn’t be Apple’s first GaN charger — that would be the 140W power adapter it shipped with the new 16-inch MacBook Pro. But unless I’m mistaken, it would be the first dual-port charger Apple has ever made and certainly the first with USB-C.

In fact, there’s a dual-USB-C-shaped hole seemingly waiting for it in the Apple Store. Apple carries Belkin chargers that have a single USB-C port and a 32W charger with both USB-C and USB-A ports, but not Belkin’s dual-USB-C charger — and that’s Apple’s premier accessories partner we’re talking about. You can obviously find quite a few dual-port USB-C chargers outside of the Apple Store, though, including many with higher speeds.

Note that this device would offer 35W total, not 35W per port. 9to5Mac says the support doc states each port can operate in one of the following four modes: either 5VDC/3A, 9VDC/3A, 15VDC/2.33A, or 20VDC/1.75A. That should easily allow two devices to charge at 15W or one at 27W and one at 5W, but we’ll have to see which combinations of devices might work.

The support document doesn’t suggest when the charger might arrive but does say that a USB-C cable will not be included.

目前来看,这个充电器类似一个小型的充电坞,只需要连接两根数据线即可为两台设备同时充电。以 iPhone 13 Pro Max 为例,此前有测试表明,当 iPhone 13 Pro Max 连接 30W 或更高功率的 USB-C 充电器时,能够以最高 27W 的速度进行充电

这款多接口充电器的充电功率为 35W,这意味着它能为 iPhone 13 Pro Max 全速充电。同时,预计 35W 功率的充电器也能为即将到来的 iPhone 14 提升充电效率。此外,双接口充电器在为两台设备同时充电时会更加便捷。比如我们可以为两台 iPhone 同时充电,或是为 iPhone 和 Apple Watch 7 同时充电。这款新充电器和目前产品相比有点不一样,提供了两个USB-C接口,这种产品设计思路其实在双项 MagSafe 无线充电器上就有所体现,可以支持两台设备同时进行无线充电。但相比传统的线缆式充电,无线充电的效率还是比较低。个人猜测苹果有可能再推出一款充电线材与之配套使用,根据此前分析师郭明錤送出的消息,苹果还在开发一款 30W 的氮化镓充电器。与普通充电器相比,氮化镓充电器可以实现更小、更轻的体积,且更加节能。如果消息属实的话,这将是苹果首款兼容 iPhone 等设备的氮化镓充电器,综合目前状况来看,苹果正在扩大其电源适配器的产品线。

截至目前,暂不清楚双接口 USB-C 充电器和 30W 氮化镓充电器将会以何种形式与我们见面,是合并推出,还是分开销售,尚无确切消息。但能肯定的是,双接口 USB-C 充电器肯定不会随 iPhone 14 的包装附送,而是会单独销售,同时价格应该不会低,目前苹果商店中 30W USB-C 电源适配器的价格已经来到了 340 元,估计双接口充电器的价格最少都会在500元以上。现在所有的厂商都是说为了环保,但是真的为了环保吗?目前苹果这种做法其实和一直倡导所谓的环保理念背道而驰,这使得充电头更换频率大大增加,反而会提升电子垃圾产生的数量,如果一次性推出50W左右的充电头,用户就能用很长时间,反而更有利于环保。安卓手机都已经开始支持150W充电功率,证明苹果不是做不到,而是不想做。巨头的真正目的为何?清人有一句话说:天下熙熙攘攘,皆为名利来往,目前配件市场的营收在苹果的财务报表里面可以看出,配件业务过去几年一直在持续增长,目前已经是苹果第二大收入来源,另外做配件可以将自己的生态进行整合,目前苹果的生态是做的比较领先,主要的配件认证授权计划做的最好的是苹果的MFI认证,不过后来,Google也不甘示弱,也想在配件市场分的一杯羹,也推出MFG认证,我们的华为也推出啦DFH认证,同样的配方,同样的套路,当然主题思想肯定不会变化,美名其曰都是鉴于大量以假乱真的第三方配件缺乏监督机制及官方认证,其实对于消费者而言,有利有弊等等,割韭菜的永远不会说的那么明显。




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