最近的课题是在做一个可信环境的实现。硬件平台是SEED的OMAP3530开发板,合众达的技术支持实在不怎么样,从他们的技术论坛就可见一斑了,实在不能跟国外大公司相比啊。之前只接触过mcu,dsp,fpga。第一次接触嵌入式系统,问题多多:目前只是对硬件有了初步的掌握,在搞引导和内核校验部分,还得考虑把系统从目前的SD卡移植到128M Nand Flash中,可是合众达提供的根文件系统太大,还得好好将其瘦瘦身,事情不少。
People move through their lives sometimes without really thinking about where they're going...
Days pile up. And they get sadder and lonelier without really knowing why they're so sad or how they got so lonely...
Then something happens.
They meet someone who looks a certain way or has something in their smile. Maybe that's all that falling in love is, finding someone who makes you feel a little less alone.
I haven't met such a person. Or exactly I met them and then lost. But I do find something that I'm deeply fascinated by, that makes my life not that dull anymore.
Mon Mar 1 2010