原创 [博客大赛][原创]ADSP-BF533-STAMP快速入手

2012-4-8 22:29 991 7 8 分类: FPGA/CPLD


This kit contains the ADSP-BF533 STAMP board, a universal 7.5V DC power supply (with US power cord), the uClinux for the ADSP-BF533 Processor CD and this document.


Getting started

  1. Connect the serial port to your host computer from the STAMP board.使用ADSP-BF533的串口连接主机
  2. Connect the Ethernet cable to your local network from the STAMP board.使用你的主机网口连接ADSP-BF533
  3. Start a terminal emulation program (Minicom or HyperTerminal) on your host computer. From the configuration menu set the serial port connection for:开始端口测试模拟,从你的主机串口调试工具启动(强调一下,这个是我们电脑上都有的,点击左下角的开始,附件,通讯,超级终端,下面是在超级终端中的选项)
    • 57600 baud 8 data bits
    • parity none
    • 1 stop bit
    • h/w flow control off
  4. Connect the dc power input and power up the board.上电
  5. After the STAMP board powers up you should see a U-Boot start-up screen on your terminal window. At this stage if you allow the boot timer to count down the board will load the uClinux kernel out of flash and boot the kernel and you will be brought to the command shell.启动Uboot,会在你的超级终端跳出一段英文。
  1. Install the GCC tools on your machine (as root):安装Gcc工具在你的主机,下面是操作系统中的命令。
	bash# rpm -ivh bfin-elf-3.4-beta.i386.rpm 

- In user mode export the path for the tools:

	bash> export PATH=/opt/uClinux/bfin/bin:$PATH 

The toolchain can also be compiled from source by executing the build script that is located in the scripts directory. Extract all of the files to a local directory as well as the build script and modify the script to point to your directory structure. After the script has executed, export the path to point to your new tool chain output directory.

Linux uClinux Kernel Install

  1. Copy the kernel source to your work directory 复制内核程序到你的工作文件
  2. Uncompress the kernel:解压缩,以下是代码
	bunzip2 uClinux-dist.tar.bz2
    tar -xvf uClinux-dist.tar
    cd uClinux-dist





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