原创 Error 7 When Running an .EXE Using VIs from Report

2007-12-24 12:13 4682 5 7 分类: 汽车电子

Error 7 When Running an .EXE Using VIs from Report Generation Toolkit for MS Office

Primary Software: LabVIEW Toolkits>>Report Generation Toolkit for Microsoft Office
Primary Software Version: 1.2
Primary Software Fixed Version: N/A
Secondary Software: LabVIEW Development Systems>>Full Development System, LabVIEW Development Systems>>Professional Development System

Why do I get Error 7 running an .EXE that uses VIs from Report Generation Toolkit for MS Office? The VI runs great in LabVIEW and there were no errors during the building process.

This happens when the Report Generation Toolkit's dynamic VIs are not included during the build process.

When you build a stand-alone application or DLL that uses the LabVIEW Report Generation Toolkit 1.0, the support file directory containing  _wordsub.llb and  _exclsub.llb must be located in the same directory as the application or DLL, and must be named data (the default support file directory for the Application Builder). If error 7 is still thrown when executing the application, _wordsub.llb and  _exclsub.llb need to be mass compiled to relink their VIs. Mass compiling is done by selecting Tools»Advanced»Mass Compile.

In versions 1.0.1 and 1.1 of the toolkit, you must add _Word Dynamic VIs.vi from _wordsub.llb and _Excel Dynamic VIs.vi from _exclsub.llb as dynamic VIs on the Source Files tab when you build the application or DLL. These two VIs contain SubVIs that the high-level Report Generation VIs call dynamically.

LabVIEW 7.x

To add the Word and Excel dynamic VIs in LabVIEW 7.x, click on the Source Tab in Application Builder and select Add Dynamic VI.

If using MS Excel, please include the path labview\vi.lib\addons\_office\_exclsub.llb. A file dialog box should come up. Select _Excel Dynamic VIs.VI then click OK.

If using MS Word, please include the path labview\vi.lib\addons\_office\_wordsub.llb. A file dialog box should come up. Select _Word Dynamic VIs.VI then click OK.

LabVIEW 8.x

The Application Builder only lets you add files from your project therefore you have to add this file to your project explorer first:

Then you can add it as a dynamic VI inside the Application Builder:

If you are using the MS Office Report Express VI, you should include the template used by the Express VI in addition to your application. The configuration of the MS Office Report Express VI relies on a report template which is either a basic template provided in the LabVIEW templates directory or a custom template provided by the user. When an executable is created from the MS Office Report Express VI, the template must also be included as a support file in the Source Files tab. This will add the template to the data directory so that the executable will be able to call it upon execution of the program.

Related Links:
KnowledgeBase 2C27CLXL: When Running My Executable Made in Application Builder it Gives ERROR 7


file - file_in_project.jpgadd - add_dynamic.jpg



用户16212 2007-12-25 17:04

这是用NI的generate report toolkit 时在把程序打包可能出现的相应error 的处理方法。

用户741296 2007-12-24 20:16



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