AD7928, 70 dB min SINAD at 50 kHz input frequency
Flexible power/serial clock speed management No pipeline delays
High speed serial interface SPI®/QSPI™/
MICROWIRE™/DSP compatible
Data is loaded from the DIN pin of the AD7908/AD7918/AD7928 on the falling edge of SCLK. The data is transferred on the DIN line at the same time that the conversion result is read from the part.就是说我们配置控制寄存器的时候,同时可以读取ADC转换结果。
#define DIN P1.0
#define DOUT P1.1
#define SCLK P1.2
#define CS P1.3
void Configure_ADC7928(unsigned int config_data,unsigned int *data_out)
用户377235 2014-3-6 13:54