原创 Specify tsu path to be reported by QuartusII

2011-2-1 17:15 2392 9 9 分类: FPGA/CPLD


I want to observe one tsu path, with specifed clock, input pin and destination register, but there are so much "tsu" reported by Quartus II timing analyzer that I can't find the path I want, even I set "show 10,000 worst-case path in slack reports" in timing analyzer setting.

Could u pls tell me how to make the path to be reported individually by Timing Analyzer ?


1. First, I suggest you specify the “Exclude Paths” in the Settings-> Timing Analyzer Settings-> Classic Timing Analyzer Settings-> Classic Timing Analyzer Settings Reporting window for the Tsu "Exclude paths with tsu less that ".

You have mentioned that over 10,000 paths report doesn’t include the one that you need. This option might help you to exclude some paths that you don’t care. So that, the new 10,000 paths might cover the path that you need.

2. When you confirm or you want to check if the path that you concern in the existing Tsu report or not, please follow the steps to abstract the path.

1) Click any item in the Tsu report.
2) Right-click -> Advanced List Paths..
3) Then, you will enter the “Advanced List Paths” window. Here you could specify the From, To, clock, Report window sections etc.. to pick out the path that you want to check. By default, the output result will be shown in the Message window as text.

1) The path that you want to pick up must exist in the current Tsu report.
2) The path could only be checked in the Message window or save it in the text file(Advanced List Path window-> Output to File). It isn’t supported to be shown in the report form individually.



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