1.微处理器的通信端口必须是双向的,其输出为漏极开路,且线上具有弱上拉。这也是所有1-Wire总线的基本要求。 2.微处理器必须能产生标准速度1-Wire通信所需的精确1μs延时和高速通信所需要的0.25μs延时。 3.通信过程不能被中断。 |
Operation | Description | Implementation |
Write 1 bit | Send a '1' bit to the 1-Wire slaves (Write 1 time slot) | Drive bus low, delay A Release bus, delay B |
Write 0 bit | send a '0' bit to the 1-Wire slaves (Write 0 time slot) | Drive bus low, delay C Release bus, delay D |
Read bit | Read a bit from the 1-Wire slaves (Read time slot) | Drive bus low, delay A Release bus, delay E Sample bus to read bit from slave Delay F |
Reset | Reset the 1-Wire bus slave devices and ready them for a command | Delay G Drive bus low, delay H Release bus, delay I Sample bus, 0 = device(s) present, 1 = no device present Delay J |
Parameter | Speed | Min (μs) | Recommended (μs) | Max (μs) | Notes |
A | Standard | 5 | 6 | 15 | 1, 2 |
Overdrive | 1 | 1.5 | 1.85 | 1, 3 | |
B | Standard | 59 | 64 | N/A | 2, 4 |
Overdrive | 7.5 | 7.5 | N/A | 3, 4 | |
C | Standard | 60 | 60 | 120 | 2, 5 |
Overdrive | 7 | 7.5 | 14 | 3, 5 | |
D | Standard | 8 | 10 | N/A | 2, 6 |
Overdrive | 2.5 | 2.5 | N/A | 3, 6 | |
E | Standard | 5 | 9 | 12 | 2, 7, 8 |
Overdrive | 0.5 | 0.75 | 0.85 | 3, 7, 8 | |
F | Standard | 50 | 55 | N/A | 2, 9 |
Overdrive | 6.75 | 7 | N/A | 3, 9 | |
G | Standard | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
Overdrive | 2.5 | 2.5 | N/A | 3, 14 | |
H | Standard | 480 | 480 | 640 | 2, 10, 15 |
Overdrive | 68 | 70 | 80 | 3, 10 | |
I | Standard | 63 | 70 | 78 | 2, 11 |
Overdrive | 7.2 | 8.5 | 8.8 | 3, 11 | |
J | Standard | 410 | 410 | N/A | 2, 12, 13 |
Overdrive | 39.5 | 40 | N/A | 3, 12 |
在产品数据资料中,表示为tW1L (写1低)减去 (上升至VTH的时间)加上tF (下降至VTL的时间)。
数据资料中,表示为tSLOT (时隙时间)减去‘A’所代表的时间。
数据资料中,表示为tW0L (写0低)减去 (上升至VIHMASTER的时间)加上tF (下降至VTL的时间)。
数据资料中,表示为tREC (恢复时间)加上 (上升至VIHMASTER的时间)。
数据资料中,表示为tMSR (主机采样读时间)加上tF (下降至VTL的时间),再减去‘A’。
数据资料中,表示为tSLOT (时隙时间)减去‘A’,再减去‘E’。
数据资料中,表示为tRSTL (复位为低的时间)减去 (上升至VTH的时间)加上tF (下降至VTL的时间)。
数据资料中,表示为tMSP (主机采样应答时间)加上 (上升至VTH的时间)。
数据资料中,其最小值表示为tRSTL (复位低电平时间)减去‘I’所用的时间。
表示为tREC (恢复时间)减去‘D’所用的时间。在高速应用时,一些器件在tRSTL (低电平复位时间)之前要求额外的延时,以保证器件的寄生电源被完全充满。
下面代码实例都依赖于两个通用的‘C’函数outp 和inp,从IO端口读写字节数据。他们通常位于标准库中。当应用于其它平台时,可以采用合适的函数来替代它们。
// send 'databyte' to 'port'代码中的常量PORTADDRESS (图3)用来定义通信端口的地址。这里我们假定使用通信端口的第0位控制1-Wire总线。设定该位为1,将使1-Wire总线变为低电平;设定该位为0,1-Wire总线将被释放,此时1-Wire总线被电阻上拉,或被1-Wire从器件下拉。
int outp(unsigned port, int databyte);
// read byte from 'port'
int inp(unsigned port);
实例1. 1-Wire时序的生成
// Pause for exactly 'tick' number of ticks = 0.25us
void tickDelay(int tick); // Implementation is platform specific
// 'tick' values
int A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J;
// Set the 1-Wire timing to 'standard' (standard=1) or 'overdrive' (standard=0).
void SetSpeed(int standard)
// Adjust tick values depending on speed
if (standard)
// Standard Speed
A = 6 * 4;
B = 64 * 4;
C = 60 * 4;
D = 10 * 4;
E = 9 * 4;
F = 55 * 4;
G = 0;
H = 480 * 4;
I = 70 * 4;
J = 410 * 4;
// Overdrive Speed
A = 1.5 * 4;
B = 7.5 * 4;
C = 7.5 * 4;
D = 2.5 * 4;
E = 0.75 * 4;
F = 7 * 4;
G = 2.5 * 4;
H = 70 * 4;
I = 8.5 * 4;
J = 40 * 4;
实例2. 基本的1-Wire函数
// Generate a 1-Wire reset, return 1 if no presence detect was found,
// return 0 otherwise.
// (NOTE: Does not handle alarm presence from DS2404/DS1994)
int OWTouchReset(void)
int result;
outp(PORTADDRESS,0x00); // Drives DQ low
outp(PORTADDRESS,0x01); // Releases the bus
result = inp(PORTADDRESS) & 0x01; // Sample for presence pulse from slave
tickDelay(J); // Complete the reset sequence recovery
return result; // Return sample presence pulse result
// Send a 1-Wire write bit. Provide 10us recovery time.
void OWWriteBit(int bit)
if (bit)
// Write '1' bit
outp(PORTADDRESS,0x00); // Drives DQ low
outp(PORTADDRESS,0x01); // Releases the bus
tickDelay(B); // Complete the time slot and 10us recovery
// Write '0' bit
outp(PORTADDRESS,0x00); // Drives DQ low
outp(PORTADDRESS,0x01); // Releases the bus
// Read a bit from the 1-Wire bus and return it. Provide 10us recovery time.
int OWReadBit(void)
int result;
outp(PORTADDRESS,0x00); // Drives DQ low
outp(PORTADDRESS,0x01); // Releases the bus
result = inp(PORTADDRESS) & 0x01; // Sample the bit value from the slave
tickDelay(F); // Complete the time slot and 10us recovery
return result;
实例3. 派生的1-Wire函数
//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------OWTouchByte函数可以同时完成读写1-Wire总线数据,通过该函数可以实现数据块的读写。在一些平台上执行效率更高, Dallas Semiconductor提供的API就采用了这种函数。通过OWTouchByte函数,OWBlock函数简化了1-Wire总线的数据块发送和接收。注意:OWTouchByte(0xFF)与OWReadByte()等效, OWTouchByte(data)与 OWWriteByte(data)等效。
// Write 1-Wire data byte
void OWWriteByte(int data)
int loop;
// Loop to write each bit in the byte, LS-bit first
for (loop = 0; loop < 8; loop++)
OWWriteBit(data & 0x01);
// shift the data byte for the next bit
data >>= 1;
// Read 1-Wire data byte and return it
int OWReadByte(void)
int loop, result="0";
for (loop = 0; loop < 8; loop++)
// shift the result to get it ready for the next bit
result >>= 1;
// if result is one, then set MS bit
if (OWReadBit())
result |= 0x80;
return result;
// Write a 1-Wire data byte and return the sampled result.
int OWTouchByte(int data)
int loop, result="0";
for (loop = 0; loop < 8; loop++)
// shift the result to get it ready for the next bit
result >>= 1;
// If sending a '1' then read a bit else write a '0'
if (data & 0x01)
if (OWReadBit())
result |= 0x80;
// shift the data byte for the next bit
data >>= 1;
return result;
// Write a block 1-Wire data bytes and return the sampled result in the same
// buffer.
void OWBlock(unsigned char *data, int data_len)
int loop;
for (loop = 0; loop < data_len; loop++)
data[loop] = OWTouchByte(data[loop]);
// Set all devices on 1-Wire to overdrive speed. Return '1' if at least one
// overdrive capable device is detected.
int OWOverdriveSkip(unsigned char *data, int data_len)
// set the speed to 'standard'
// reset all devices
if (OWTouchReset()) // Reset the 1-Wire bus
return 0; // Return if no devices found
// overdrive skip command
// set the speed to 'overdrive'
// do a 1-Wire reset in 'overdrive' and return presence result
return OWTouchReset();
// Read and return the page data and SHA-1 message authentication code (MAC)
// from a DS2432.
int ReadPageMAC(int page, unsigned char *page_data, unsigned char *mac)
int i;
unsigned short data_crc16, mac_crc16;
// set the speed to 'standard'
// select the device
if (OWTouchReset()) // Reset the 1-Wire bus
return 0; // Return if no devices found
OWWriteByte(0xCC); // Send Skip ROM command to select single device
// read the page
OWWriteByte(0xA5); // Read Authentication command
OWWriteByte((page << 5) & 0xFF); // TA1
OWWriteByte(0); // TA2 (always zero for DS2432)
// read the page data
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
page_data = OWReadByte();
// read the CRC16 of command, address, and data
data_crc16 = OWReadByte();
data_crc16 |= (OWReadByte() << 8);
// delay 2ms for the device MAC computation
// read the MAC
for (i = 0; i < 20; i++)
mac = OWReadByte();
// read CRC16 of the MAC
mac_crc16 = OWReadByte();
mac_crc16 |= (OWReadByte() << 8);
// check CRC16...
return 1;
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用户222124 2008-8-8 08:15