OpenCores is a loose collection of people who are interested in developing hardware, with a similar ethos to the free software movement. Currently the emphasis is on digital modules called 'cores', since FPGAs have reduced the incremental cost of a core to approximately zero. Activity is centered around the opencores web site 中文
2. FPGAs are fun 提供了大量的关于FPGA应用的文章,项目实际例子。强烈推荐 外文
3. Open Collector 收集了大量的开源硬件,内核.它的分类非常清晰,不多说。 强烈推荐 目录结构 # Design tools and software * Digital o Data Entry o Simulation + General + Spice or alternatives + Verilog + VHDL o Verification o Synthesis + ASIC + FPGA + Logic Minimization + PCB Design o Educational * Other
# Hardware designs * Design Libraries * Computers * Embedded Systems * Processors * Interface * Control * Robotics * Audio * Video * DSP * Radio * Telecoms * Other
# Groups and Organizations 外文
4. The First Stop for the Latest ICs and Components 非常好的关于微处理器,DSP,可以编程控制器资讯的网站,更新非常快。强烈推荐一些领导级别的人常去,了解行业动态! 外文
13. Via Dev-page 提供许多非常新的开发项目,而且提供详细的有关资料。 ultrasonic sensor-based radar Simple power supply PIC-based alarm clock Nissan Maxima Consult Interface Mfr. libraries for Protel Sony IRCS remote control FPGA IP core testing proj. Cheap logic analyzer, PIC based PIC-based IDE Custom Protel libraries Sobel edge detector FPGA IP Core - EE project Trivial high-voltage programmer for PIC FPGA-based MAC and PHY FTDI USB - RS 232 converter MP3 Server front-end for linux server, PIC based 文档下载 外文
14. Design And Reuse The Web's System-On-Chip Design Resource - IP, Core, System-On-Chip 外文
17. FPGA-Guide This WEB-page is dedicated to all PLD / FPGA-designers to find the best solution for their project 外文
18. SOCcentral SOCcentral brings you the latest news about SOC/ASIC/FPGA design, EDA tools and design methodologies, intellectual property (IP), and design reuse. You'll also find the abstracts (and links) to more than 1600 relevant magazine and newspaper articles, tutorials, whitepapers, and application notes available on line, as well as the most comprehensive directory of EDA/design service/IP providers available anywhere on the Internet. 外文
19. EDACafe, the Leading EDA Portal 外文
20. FPGA and Programmable Logic Journal 外文?
24. Accellera的主页 一个收集了非常多的关于HDL标准的网站。 Accellera's mission is to drive worldwide development and use of standards required by systems, semiconductor and design tools companies, which enhance a language-based design automation process. Its Board of Directors guides all the operations and activities of the organization and is comprised of representatives from ASIC manufacturers, systems companies and design tool vendors.
用户308465 2011-3-2 14:33