原创 UltraEdit的上百种语法高亮文件下载

2006-10-7 02:15 21383 16 20 分类: MCU/ 嵌入式



Text Editor – HEX Editor
HTML Editor – Programmers Editor

Additional Downloads Page

* This page has been put together to provide you, the user, with wordfiles, macros, tag lists, and autocomplete files generated for different programming languages, all of which have been developed by other users.

* I have not necesessarily tried all of the wordfiles, macros, tag lists, and autocomplete files here so use them with care, however, I only add the files that I believe are going to be helpful.

* If you have any suggestions or contributions you would like make to this page, please send an email to me.

* If wordfiles, macros, tag lists, dictionaries, or autocomplete files are not what you intended to download, please return to the Main Downloads page for UltraEdit or UltraCompare Shareware Evaluation Files.


Each wordfile contains one language. Each wordfile has been set up to be language twenty "/L20" (UltraEdit supports up to twenty languages - "/L1" to "/L20" - in one wordfile at the same time). With this in mind, you should be able to open the file in your browser and copy it and append it to your existing wordfile without too much difficulty.

The "/Lnn" number corresponds to the language's position in the Language Lists that are available via the follwing dialogs:

  1. View --> View As (Highlighting File Type)
  2. Advanced --> Configuration --> Syntax Highlighting --> Language dropdown
If a new lanugage is added as "/L20", for example, the language list will look like this:

     8. ...
     9. JavaScript
     10. language 10
     19. language 19
     20. The New Language You Added

The default languages in wordfile.txt are numbered from /L1 to /L9. New languages that are added should not conflict with those, or with each other. For example, Python 2 and and Unix Shell Scripts are *both* numbered /L20. So one or the other has to change, if both extensions are to be added. You add new languages by appending the contents of appropriate wordfile to wordfile.txt.

If it is desired to incorporate multiple wordfiles into the default wordfile it may be easiest to download and save these in a temporary directory and work from the saved local copies while editing the wordfile. You can open the active wordfile for editing by going to Advanced -> Configuration -> Syntax Highlighting (in UltraEdit) and clicking on the Open button.

To edit wordfile.txt go to Advanced --> Configuration --> Syntax Highlighting and click on the "Open" button beside the "Full path name for wordlist". After editing the file, it is not necessary to restart UltraEdit. The changes take effect immediately, as may be seen by reloading a file with an extension listed in one of the newly added wordfiles.

In the case of the zip files you will need to download these and unzip them and then copy and paste the wordfiles from the archive. UltraEdit's help file includes help on modifying the wordfile if it is needed under Syntax Highlighting.

Click on the type of item you wish to download:

ABAP/4 - 08/02/2002
ABB Rapid Command - 08/24/99
ABB-S4 Rapid Command - 02/18/2003
ActionScript 2.0 - NEW - 04/14/2004
ASL/ACPI - 12/01/2000
Ada95 - NEW - 04/14/2004
ADEPT Command Language - 06/02/99
ADEPT V+ - 7/24/2003
ADSP2181 - 12/01/2000
AHDL - 03/28/2000
AlphaScript - 03/28/2000
AML (Arc Macro Language) & SML (Simple Macro Language)
AMPL - 03/28/2000
AMTrix- 03/02/99
ANSYS - 05/30/2000
ANSYS Parametric Design Language - 03/28/2000
Apache Web Server - 10/12/2001
ASN.1 - 10/12/2001
ASP (JScript) - 03/28/2000
ASP (PerlScript) - 08/02/2002
ASP (Visual Basic) - 03/28/2000
ASP (Visual Basic/HTML) - 12/31/2001
ASP (VBScript) - 03/28/2000
ASP (VBScript - Hipertools) - 10/12/2001
ASPX - 08/02/2002
ASPECT - 10/12/2001
Assembly for 21xx - 05/30/2000
Assembly for 2106x - 01/21/99
Assembly for 6502 - 08/02/2002
Assembly for 6809
Assembly for 68HC908 - 12/01/2000
Assembly for 68HC11 - 03/28/2000
Assembly for 8051 - 12/01/2000
Assembly for ARM - 12/01/2000
Assembly for AVR - 08/24/99
Assembly for CALM - 10/12/2001
Assembly for C167 V7.0 - 08/02/2002
Assembly for C515C - 12/01/2000
Assembly for DSP56K - 03/28/2000
Assembly for F240 - 03/28/2000
Assembly for H8S - 12/01/2000
Assembly for MASM - 06/02/99
Assembly for Microchip PIC - NEW - 04/14/2004
Assembly for MIPS - 08/02/2002
Assembly for M68000 - 10/12/2001
Assembly for MPC860 - 12/01/2000
Assembly for NEC 75X Microcontroller - 11/3/98
Assembly (Netwide) - 08/02/2002
Assembly for NSC COP8 - 7/24/2003
Assembly for RDS-500 - 08/24/99
Assembly for S/370 - 05/30/2000
Assembly for TEAK - 10/12/2001
Assembly for TI MSP430 - 02/18/2003
Assembly for MSP4301 - 7/24/2003
Assembly for V850 - 10/12/2001
Assembly for x86 - 10/12/2001
Assembly for x86 (GNU) - 12/31/2001
Assembly for Z80 - 08/24/99
Assembly for z/OS - 7/24/2003
Assembly (High Level) - 12/31/2001
AutoIT - 10/12/2001
AutoIT 2.61 - 12/31/2001
AutoIT 2.64 - 7/24/2003
AutoIT 3.00 - NEW - 04/14/2004
AutoLev - 12/31/2001
AutoLISP - NEW - 04/14/2004
Automate 5.04 - NEW - 04/14/2004
Avenue - 03/28/2000
AVISynth - 7/24/2003
AWK - 06/02/99
Baan C - 05/30/2000
BaanERP - 05/30/2000
Baan 3 / 4GL - 01/21/99
Bash - 08/24/99
Batch - 12/01/2000
BibTex - 06/02/99
Blitz Basic 3D - 10/12/2001
Blitz Basic v1.73 - 08/02/2002
Blitz+ v1.35 - 7/24/2003
BM Scripts - 03/28/2000
BMC Patrol Scripting - 7/24/2003
Bourne & Korn Shell - 08/24/99
Broadvision JavaScript - 10/12/2001
Bullant - 10/12/2001
C/C++ - 03/18/99
C/C++ for Amiga - 7/24/2003
CA Visual Objects - 10/12/2001
ChordPro - 7/24/2003
C++ Header - 12/01/2000
C++ Source - 12/01/2000
C# - 7/24/2003
C for C167 - 08/02/2002
CA OpenROAD 4.01 - 10/26/98
CA Realizer 2.0 - 2/24/98
Coq - 02/18/2003
Cascading Style Sheets 2.0 - 10/12/2001
Cascading Style Sheets for IE 6 - 08/02/2002
Ch - NEW - 04/14/2004
Cisco IOS Config - 10/12/2001
Clarion - 12/01/2000
Clarion-Template - 12/01/2000
ClearBasic - 10/12/2001
Clipper - 03/02/99
CLIPS - 6/25/98
Cobol - 03/28/2000
Cold Fusion 4.31 - 2/24/98
Cold Fusion 4.5/5.0 - 08/02/2002
Comau PDL - NEW - 04/14/2004
Config Files - 03/28/2000
Corba - 06/02/99
Cron Scripts - 10/12/2001
CSound csd - 10/12/2001
CSound orchestra - 10/12/2001
CSound score - 10/12/2001
Cue Sheets - 03/02/99
Cup 1 - 08/02/2002
CUPL - 08/02/2002
C-Win API - 01/21/99
Dataflex - 03/02/99
DB4Web - 03/28/2000
DB/C - 03/28/2000
DCAL - 03/28/2000
Digital Command Language - 10/12/2001
Delphi 4 - 03/28/2000
Dial-Up Scripting - 7/24/2003
Direct X Mesh - 12/31/2001
Directives - 01/21/99
Divx Player 2.0 - 10/31/2003
docBook - 7/24/2003
DOS Batch - 10/12/2001
DOS/NT Batch - 08/02/2002
DSSSL - 7/24/2003
DTD (XML) - 10/31/2003
DTML (Zope) - 08/02/2002
Dial-Up Scripting - 7/24/2003
DXL - 12/01/2000
e Scripts - 02/18/2003
Eiffel - 03/28/2000
EPLD - 03/28/2000
EScript 88 - 05/30/2000
EScript 92 - 10/12/2001
Esprit post processor language - 11/17/97
ESRI Avenue(DBa 2.1) - 10/12/2001
Euphoria - 05/30/2000
EXAPTplus - 08/02/2002
Fame - 03/28/2000
FlagShip (Clipper/dBASE) - 11/17/97
Flash ActionScript v5 - 10/12/2001
Flash ActionScript - JavaScript - 10/12/2001
Flash MX ActionScript 3 - 08/02/2002
Flash MX ActionScript 2004 - 10/31/2003
FLISP - 08/24/99
Focus - 03/28/2000
Formida - 10/12/2001
Fortran 90 - 05/30/2000
FoxPro 2.6 - 12/01/2000
Visual FoxPro 6.0 - 12/01/2000
Frame-/ElmScript - 01/21/99
Gauss - 10/31/2003
General Algebraic Modeling System - 08/02/2002
GDL Scripts - 03/28/2000
GED2HTML - 03/28/2000
Gedcom - 03/02/99
Gembase - 08/02/2002
Genexus - 7/24/2003
Geopak - 10/31/2003
Ghost Installer - 7/24/2003
GNU Makefiles - 08/02/2002
Hamster Scripts - 03/28/2000
Hamster Scripts - NEW - 04/14/2004
Hamster Mail Filter - NEW - 04/14/2004
Haskell - 08/24/99
HTML 4.01 - 10/12/2001
HTML/PHP/SQL - 12/01/2000
Hugo - 03/28/2000
IBM Bookmaster - 04/14/99
IBM DirectTalk - 10/12/2001
IBM Net.Data - 08/24/99
IDL - 10/12/2001
Inform - 03/28/2000
Inform 6 - 03/28/2000
Inger - 7/24/2003
INI Files - 03/28/2000
Informix 4GL - 08/02/2002
Informix Forms - 08/02/2002
Install Shield - 10/31/2003
Interbase SQL - 5/18/98
JamagicScript - 10/12/2001
Jasmin - 12/01/2000
Java 1.1.7/Swing - 03/28/2000
Java 1.2.2 - 08/24/99
Java 1.2 with FAME TimeIQ - 03/28/2000
Java 1.3 - 10/12/2001
Java 1.4 - 08/02/2002
Java 1.4 with JSP - 08/02/2002
JavaScript - 08/02/2002
JavaScript 2.0 - 10/12/2001
JavaScript/WMLS - 05/30/2000
Jess 6.1 - 10/31/2003
JHTML - 12/01/2000
JScript - 6/25/98
JSP - 03/28/2000
JSTL - 7/24/2003
Karel - 7/24/2003
Kawasaki - 7/24/2003
Kixtart - 10/12/2001
Kixtart v4.11 - 02/18/2003
Kixtart v4.12 - 7/24/2003
Kixtart v4.22 - 10/31/2003
KRL - KUKA Robot Language - NEW - 04/14/2004
LaTex - 03/17/99
TeX/LaTex (ATT98580) - 10/31/2003
LDAP - 03/02/99
LDIF for the Netscape Directory Server - 03/02/99
Lingo - 03/28/2000
Lingo 8.51 - 08/02/2002
Linker 6.0 - 08/02/2002
Linker 7.0 - 08/02/2002
Lisp - 12/01/2000
Litestep - 08/02/2002
LOGIC - 08/24/99
LotusScript - 03/02/99
LotusScript 5 - NEW 04/14/2004
LPC - 12/01/2000
Lotus Script 5 - 7/24/2003
Lua - 08/02/2002
LULL - 10/12/2001
Lumonics GCode - 05/30/2000
Macro Scheduler Script - 02/18/2003
Macro ToolsWorks - 7/24/2003
Makefile - 05/30/2000
Map - 08/02/2002
MapBasic - 6/25/98
Maple - 02/18/2003
Mapserver - 10/12/2001
Mason - 05/30/2000
MathML - 11/3/98
MATLAB 5 - 01/21/99
MATLAB 6 - 10/12/2001
Maxima 5.9.0 - 7/24/2003
MAXScript - 12/01/2000
MDX - NEW - 04/14/2004
Maya Embedded Language (MEL) Script - 10/12/2001
ME10 Macro Language - 10/12/2001
MessageBuilder - 05/30/2000
Microsoft Resource Files - 08/02/2002
MicroStation Basic - 04/14/99
Mill G Code - 04/14/99
MINC DSL - 11/17/97
Miva - 05/30/2000
Modelica - 10/12/2001
Modula 2 - 05/30/2000
Modula 3 - 03/28/2000
MOF - 10/12/2001
Mosel - 7/24/2003
Motive Maps - 04/14/99
Motorola DSP56000 - 11/17/97
MRTG Config - 10/12/2001
MSIL - 02/18/2003
MSSQL 7 - 10/26/98
MSSQL 2000 - 08/02/2002
Mud Master Script - 05/30/2000
Multibase SQL - 10/12/2001
Mumps - 01/21/99
MySQL - 03/28/2000
Navision - 08/02/2002
NC Files - 08/24/99
NC Siemens 840D - 08/02/2002
netCDF CDL - 11/17/97
Neuron (MC3150,3120) Chip Language - 04/14/99
nnCron - 7/24/2003
Notes Formula Language - 03/28/2000
NQC - 08/02/2002
NSIS Installer - 7/24/2003
NT Commands - 03/28/2000
NVIDIA Cg 1.0 - 7/24/2003
OEM Setup - NT INF file language - 10/26/98
Omnimark - 08/24/99
OpenROAD - 08/24/99
OPL - 03/02/99
Oracle SQL - 10/12/2001
Palm Pilot Resource Script - 12/01/2000
Pascal - 10/12/2001
PASCALFC - 7/24/2003
Passport - 11/3/98
Patrol Scripting - 03/28/2000
Pearl - 6/25/98
PeopleCode 8.14 - 7/24/2003
PeopleSoft SQR - NEW - 04/14/2004
Perl - 03/02/99
Perl/CGI - 10/12/2001
Perl/Tk - 08/02/2002
Portable Game Notation - NEW - 04/14/2004
PHP - 12/01/2000
PHP3 - 03/28/2000
PHP4 - 10/12/2001
Pick Basic - 08/02/2002
Pixar's Renderman Interface - 04/14/99
Pixar's Renderman Shader - 04/14/99
PeopleSoft SQR - 10/31/2003
Pixel Shader 1.4 - 12/31/2001
PL/I - 7/24/2003
PL/I IBM-Visual Age - 02/18/2003
PLM - 05/30/2000
PL/SQL - 10/12/2001
PocoMAIL - NEW - 04/14/2004
PostScript - 08/24/99
PovRay - 10/12/2001
PowerBasic - 08/24/99
PowerBuilder 7 - 03/28/2000
PowerTerm - 10/12/2001
Progress 8.3 - 11/3/98
Progress 9.1 - 10/31/2003
ProvideX - 7/21/97
Python - 05/30/2000
Python 2.0 - 10/12/2001
Python 2.3 - NEW - 04/14/2004
QBasic - 03/28/2000
QBasic 7.1 - 08/02/2002
QNAP - 7/24/2003
Quake Configuration - 03/02/99
Quake 3 Arena Shader - 10/31/2003
R Scripting - 02/18/2003
Rapid Q - 08/02/2002
RealPix - 11/3/98
RealText - 11/3/98
REBOL - 10/12/2001
REXX - 03/28/2000
RTF - 05/30/2000
Ruby - 12/31/2001
S/S+ - 01/21/99
S/390 Assembler Macro Language - 7/24/2003
SACS IV - 03/28/2000
SAP - ABAP/4 - 12/01/2000
SAS - 5/5/98
SBP - 7/24/2003
Scenix - 05/30/2000
Schema - 10/12/2001
Scheme - 08/24/99
Scilab 2.7 - 7/24/2003
SearchScript - 03/28/2000
Standard Delay Format - NEW - 04/14/2004
SDL-PR - 10/12/2001
SGML - 08/24/99
Simulink - 12/31/2001
Sisctus Prolog - 10/12/2001
Small - 12/31/2001
SmartGEN Template - 08/02/2002
SMIL - 11/3/98
Spin - 03/28/2000
SPSS Base - 7/24/2003
SQL/SQC - 08/02/2002
SQL Server Manager - 10/12/2001
SQR - 03/28/2000
Stata 7 - 10/12/2001
Sybase 11.x SQL - 04/14/99
Symbian OS - NEW - 04/14/2004
System Policies - 03/02/99
Tcl/tk - NEW - 04/14/2004
Teradata SQL - 12/01/2000
Tera Term Language - 7/24/2003
Tivoli - 10/12/2001
TSL - NEW - 04/14/2004
Transact SQL - 7/24/2003
True Basic - 7/24/2003
Turbo C - 08/02/2002
Turbo Pascal- 03/02/99
UC - 08/02/2002
UC4 - 7/24/2003
UEMacro - 12/01/2000
UG/APT Source - 05/30/2000
UniBasic 5.2 - 08/02/2002
Unidata - 10/12/2001
Uniface 6 - 03/28/2000
Uniface 7.1 - 03/28/2000
Uniface 7.2 - 03/28/2000
Unisys Linc LDL - 08/02/2002
Universe DATABASIC - 08/02/2002
UNIX Shell - 10/12/2001
UnrealScript - 7/24/2003
VB - 08/24/99
VB.Net - 12/01/2000
VBScript - 12/01/2000
Velocity (Jakarta) - 12/31/2001
Verify- 03/02/99
Verilog - 5/5/98
Verilog 2001 - 10/31/2003
Verity Style - 5/5/98
Verity Topics
Vertex Shader 1.1 - 12/31/2001
VHDL - 08/24/99
VHDL 9.3 - 08/02/2002
VircScript - 2/28/98
Visual Dialog Script - 03/02/99
Visual Objects - 10/12/2001
Visual Pro 5 Basic - 10/12/2001
Voice XML - 10/12/2001
VOS PL/1 - 08/24/99
VRML - 8/21/98
VRML97 - 10/12/2001
VTML - 03/02/99
WAP - 12/01/2000
WAPScript - 12/01/2000
WDL 3.9 - 10/26/98
WebFOCUS - NEW - 04/14/2004
WIL - 03/02/99
WinBatch - 10/12/2001
WinRexx - 03/28/2000
Winrunner - 7/24/2003
WML - 05/30/2000
WML Script - 10/12/2001
Wordfile Editing - 08/02/2002
XBasic - 10/12/2001
XHTML 1.0 - 12/01/2000
XHTML Basic - Mobile Apps - 12/01/2000
XHTML 1.1 - Modular HTML - 12/01/2000
XML - 03/28/2000
XML Schema - 7/24/2003
XSL - 12/01/2000
Zillions of Games - 10/12/2001
zMUD Script - 05/30/2000
*Back to Top

Tag Lists

README.TXT - Adding / Modifying Tag Lists - 10/26/98
ASP Tags - 10/12/2001
CFML Tags - Cold Fusion 4.5 - 10/12/2001
C# Tags - 10/12/2001
EScript Tags - 12/01/2000
HDML Tags - Handheld Device Markup Tags - 10/26/98
HTML Tags - 10/26/98
HTML Upper ASCII Tags - 10/26/98
IMFL Tags - Real Pix Markup Tags - 10/26/98
LaTeX Tags - 10/12/2001
MathML Tags - 03/28/2000
Miva Tags - 12/01/2000
Perl Scripting Tags - 03/02/99
RTF Tags - 12/01/2000
SMIL Tags - Synchronized Media Integrated Language - 10/26/98
VBS Tags - NEW - 08/02/2002
WinBatch Tags - 10/12/2001
WML Tags - 12/01/2000
XML Tags - 10/26/98
XSL Tags - 10/12/2001
*Back to Top


C Indent Macro by Oliver Tscherwitschke - 12/01/2000
HTML Strip Macros by Gabe Anguiano - 08/24/99
HTML Macros by D. Richmond - 06/19/2000
HTML Macros by S. Bellone - 6/12/97
Misc Macros by R. Dotson - 6/12/97
Misc Macros by John Goodman - 10/26/98
Spanish Macro by David Dodds - 01/15/2001
*Back to Top

AutoComplete Files

Java AutoComplete - 05/30/2000
C# AutoComplete - 10/12/2001
Perl AutoComplete - 10/12/2001
PHP4 AutoComplete - NEW - 08/02/2002
*Back to Top

Dictionaries Download

The localized spell-checking dictionaries are still available for FTP download. Please click on the dictionary you'd like to download:

NOTE: The Sentry Spelling-Checker Engine and Lexicons (Dictionaries) are Copyright© 1993 by Wintertree Software Inc.

UltraEdit/UltraEdit-32 10.00 Online Manual

This manual is published in PDF format and requires the Adobe Acrobat Reader for access. The Adobe Acrobat Reader is available for free download. If you don't have the Adobe Acrobat Reader click here to go to Adobe's download site.

*Click here to view the manual online. (688k)
*Click here to download the online manual. (514k)

Please note: This manual is currently only available in PDF format. Registered users may print this manual as required.

Replacing Notepad With UltraEdit-32

Some applications automatically call Notepad without offering the user any options as to which utility to use. If you'd like UltraEdit-32 to replace Notepad in these instances please download the following zip file and follow the instructions in the NOTEPAD.TXT file.

*Click here to download the notepad.zip file and follow the instructions in the NOTEPAD.TXT file.

Miscellaneous Downloads

To download an IDM Screensaver please click here.
UltraEdit (16-bit) American English version with dictionary file
UltraEdit (16-bit) American English version




用户33037 2007-12-21 17:10


用户202135 2007-5-18 21:50

It's good!

mubo_996067292 2006-10-7 19:17


用户1053025 2006-10-7 09:28

嘻嘻,博主再次现身啦:D 期待您的jm分析结果
用户55489 2007-07-13 23:45
                转自http://www.ddsic.com/modules/article/   数字高清晰度电视(High Definition Television)简称HDTV...
用户55489 2007-07-13 23:41
转自http://www.ddsic.com/modules/article/    在多任务信号处理系统中,为了提高信号的处理速度,往往使用几个DSP协同工作,为此,必须要解决好几个DSP对共享存储...
用户55489 2006-09-11 08:46
http://www.upsdn.net/html/2004-12/195.html一、 引言H.264是ITU-T最新的视频编码标准,被称作ISO/IEC14496-10或MPEG-4 AVC,是由...
用户55489 2006-09-09 12:46
用户55489 2006-09-08 16:47
Step By Step创建标准(Standard)niosII系统
http://www.wiqitech.com/jpwz/NiosStandard/NiosStandard.htmStep By Step创建标准(Standard)niosII系统       在...
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