原创 国外VHDL& Verilog IP Resource 下载网站列表

2008-5-4 00:26 5819 11 11 分类: FPGA/CPLD
http://www.opencores.org/ Open Cores Repository.
The Open Cores web site seems to be the central repository for a wide variety of computer peripheral designs and is definitely worth checking out. The Open Cores site has a link page to other resources, so I won't include them all here.
http://www.fpgacpu.org Jan Gray's Risc CPU Web Site
Jan Gray has a XR16 RISC CPU , GR000 RISC CPU and XSOC (System on a Chip). He also runs the FPGA CPU mailing list.
http://www.itee.uq.edu.au/~jwilliams/mblaze-uclinux/ John Williams MicroBlaze uCLinux Web Site.
John Williams is a Professor at the School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering at the University of Queensland. He runs quite an active mailing list for implementing uCLinux on the Xilinx MicroBlaze soft-core processor.
http://www.birdcomputer.ca/ Robert Finch's Bird Computer - FPGA Cores
Robert has a variety of CPU, video, audio, timekeeping and keyboard projects for download on his web site.
Various FPGA projects for the hobbyist. Includes information for connecting devices such as LCD Displays and R/C Servos to FPGAs.
http://www.retromicro.com Doug Hodson's Web Page
Doug has implemented a few projects using the XESS XSA100 FPGA Board. Doug's project page has some examples of VGA video generators. The XSA is quite a nice little board with Flash memory and Dynamic RAM, although the XSA100 uses a smaller FPGA and access to static RAM conflicts with some of the I/O pins. The XSA100 uses a XC2S100 FPGA and can be purchased with the XStend prototyping motherboard. For more details check out  http://www.xess.com . They have all the manuals on their web site. The XESS documentation is quite good.
MikeJ's complete PACMAN, Space Invaders, and Galaxians in FPGA !
http://members.iinet.net.au/~msmcdoug/ Mark's Perpetually WIP Home page
Mark's Vic20, ZX81 and Arcade game web page. (Also includes some work on the CoCo).
http://www.geocities.com/gary_l_becker/ Gary's OSI-APPLE-SOC
OSI-SOC is a project to build an enhanced Ohio Scientific Inc Superboard / C1P System On a Chip using a Xilinx FPGA (XC3S1000 Spartan 3 Starter Board). OSI-APPLE-SOC adds an Apple ][e on the same FPGA.
http://www.geocities.com/gary_L_becker/coco3fpga.html CoCo3 FPGA
Gary's CoCo3 on an FPGA.
Randy Thelen has a good User Constraint File generator amongst his FPGA bits and pieces.
The Dalton Project at the University of California Computer Science Dept in Riversdale have an  Intel 8051 core. There is a synopsis model as well as C++ simulator for the 8051.
The Department of Electronic Technology at the University of Valladolid in Spain have an Open DSP design which can be found on their web site.
www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/vhdl/vhdl.html" target="_blank">http://tech-www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/vhdl/vhdl.html
University of Hamburg VHDL Page. Assorted VHDL tools and microprocessor cores.
Daniel Wallner's  Soft Cores Web site is now on Open Cores with five synthesizable microprocessor cores: PPX16 (PIC16C55, PIC16F84), T80 (Z80), T51 (8051), T65 (6502) and AX8 (90S1200, 90S2313).
K Ring Technologies Semiconductor Indi16 16n bit Forth CPU. Designed for Altera Quartus II software.
Green Mountains Computing Systems have a  MC68HC11 VHDL core as well as VHDL tools and simulators. I tried compiling this core under the Xilinx ISE 4.1 Webpack software and it used 200% of the XC2S200 resource, so it is not an efficient design. Later versions of Xilinx ISE Webpack may be more efficient.
Chuck McManis has put up a web site with a list of his projects for the B3-SPARTAN2+ board.
For some fun, projects on the net, using Z80 cpus implemented completely in the FPGA. Daniel Wallner's computers using FPGA T80 cores .
Pat's Open Source Depot. Although there are no FPGA projects listed, Pat used to run a small mailing list for Hobby Computer designers. The mailing list included a small group of people interested in designing with the 6809 and the Burch ED Spartan FPGA boards.


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