原创 Transact-SQL成为2013年编程语言排行榜的年度语言

2014-1-18 11:02 2763 21 21 分类: 软件与OS 文集: SQL Server
Transact-SQL programming language of 2013!
Transact-SQL appears to be the biggest mover of 2013 and thus wins the TIOBE programming language award. Last year Transact-SQL won almost 1% of popularity (+0.98% to be precise), followed by Objective-C (+0.81%) and F# (+0.53%). It is a bit strange that Transact-SQL wins the award because its major application field, Microsoft's database engine SQLServer, is losing popularity. The general conclusion is that Transact-SQL won because actually not much happened in 2013. Former years the award winner gained many percent points in a year.
As we have seen the last decade, programming language popularity is largely influenced by external trends. The most important ones at the moment are mobile phone apps and web development. Android (mainly Java) and iOS (Objective-C) are the major mobile platforms, while Windows Phone (mainly C#) is catching up. In the web development market we don't see yet much happening despite all the HTML5 discussions. JavaScript should be the big winner but doesn't gain much popularity (quite stable around #9). JavaScript's alternatives are doing even much worse: CoffeeScript (#170), TypeScript (#205) and Dart (#124).
It is important to note that we changed the TIOBE index algorithm at the end of 2013. The two major changes are: 1. now much more search engines contribute to the TIOBE index based on their Alexa rankings and suitability to process data automatically, 2. in the past the sum of the ratings of the top 50 languages was 100%, now the sum of all languages is 100%. As a result most top languages dropped about 0.5%.
The TIOBE Programming Community index is an indicator of the popularity of programming languages. The index is updated once a month. The ratings are based on the number of skilled engineers world-wide, courses and third party vendors. Popular search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo!, Wikipedia, Amazon, YouTube and Baidu are used to calculate the ratings. Observe that the TIOBE index is not about the best programming language or the language in which most lines of code have been written.
TIOBE 于今日公布了2013年12月编程语言指数排行榜,同去年12月份相比,排名前三的还是 C、Java、Objective-C。从表单上看前8名的顺序保持不变,第9位的Transact-SQL是今年的一匹黑马,从今年9月份第一次闯入前十开始,就一直呈居高走势。不得不说,2013年Transact-SQL的确大势。
离TIOBE 宣布 2013 年“年度编程语言”还有 1 个月时间。(“年度编程语言”是授予在一年中比率增长量最高编程语言的,详情下图中右侧的“变动”列)。今年貌似只有 4 个候选语言来争夺这一奖项。Transact-SQL 是最大的候选语言,在这一年中的比率增长量是 1.30%,其他候选分别是:Visual Basic .NET (+0.80%)、JavaScript (+0.53%)和 F# (+0.41%)。
另外需要特别说明的是,从本月起 TIOBE 排行榜改版了。其中最重要的改进是“编程语言长期走势图”变成了可交互的图表。 点击图片右侧的语言名称,可以显示/关闭某语言的走势曲线。接下来的几周或几月,TIOBE 会把其他目前没有的功能给补回来。另外一个比较重要的变化是,所有语言的比率之和是 100%,原来只有 Top 50 的语言的比率之和才是 100%。故而所有语言的比率都会下降一些了。
编程语言排行榜Top 20 
(Visual) FoxPro, 4th Dimension/4D, Alice, Automator, Awk, bc, BlitzMax, Bourne shell, C++/CLI, CFML, cg, CL (OS/400), Clean, Clojure, DiBOL, Erlang, Factor, Forth, GNU Octave, Icon, Inform, Informix-4GL, Io, J, J#, JavaFX Script, LabVIEW, M4, Magic, Modula-2, Modula-3, Moto, NATURAL, NXT-G, OCaml, Oz, PILOT, Processing, Prolog, Pure Data, Q, S, S-PLUS, Scratch, Seed7, Standard ML, TOM, VHDL, X10, Z shell


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