Proteus中的Simulation log:
PROSPICE Release 6.9 SP4 (C) Labcenter Electronics 1993-2006.
SPICE Kernel Version 3f5. (C) Berkeley University ERL.
Reading netlist...
Reading SPICE models...
Building circuit...
Instantiating SPICE models...
[U1] Loading HEX file 'AT24CXX.hex'.
[U1] Read total of 904 bytes from file 'AT24CXX.hex'.
[U3] I2CMEM model release 6.8 SP4 (IR1).
[U3] 0 [STOPPED ]: Loaded 1024 bytes of persistent memory data.
Warning: [U3] 570.988633403m [STOPPED ]: Internal write buffer overflowed: buffer size is 16 words but 18 words received.
Warning: [U3] 570.988633403m [STOPPED ]:
Warning: [U3] 570.988633403m [STOPPED ]: Stop detected part way through receiving data byte. Write operation aborted.
Warning: [U3] 2.222673526 [TX_DATA ]: Stop condition whilst memory is transmitting data is unreliable.
Warning: [U3] 2.222673526 [TX_DATA ]: Stop setup time violated. Clock positive edge was at 2.222670027, setup time is 3.49938u, minumum is 4.u).
::? ?为什么调试中总收不到Ack信号 ?
谁能告诉我,是(偶)对还是(它)错,问询南来北往的客 ——
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