发信站: 饮水思源 (2007年12月13日20:46:32 星期四)
erkley,Stanford,UCLA,大家也应该了解一下KU Leuven这样的欧洲名校,了解一下和Raza
周年上评选出来的TOP10 Contributors(感觉好像广东十大杰出青年):Masakazu Yamash
ina, Behzad Razavi, Michel Steyaert, Asad Abidi, Mark Horowitz, Bruce Wooley,
Robert W. Brodersen, David Hodges, Paul Grey, and James Meindl.第一位是NEC实验
拜他的人说的是Gray的学生,除了Abidi,Meyer的学生还有Sansen,Nguyen, Gray的学生
家可能看过他的讲义或者视频。David Hodges也是berkley的教授,但人家是做半导体制造
系统的,所以也对他知之甚少。James Meindl是GIT的教授,主要研究微系统的,不过人家
可是IEEE的终身Fellow.最后终点介绍一下M.Steyaert,他一直在KU Leuven念书和教学,只
HD Craninckx提出了振荡器的线形分析方法是Phase-Noise理论的第二个里程碑,是一位大
来Sansen和Thomas H.Lee,Sansen没什么可说的,要说的是Thomas H.Lee这个ABK给我最大
的印象就是有眼光、够胆识,把拿21st International Physics Olympiad的那批伊朗学生
的Injection Locking让人眼前一亮,在学生质量上也就Steyaert能与之媲美(Gray这样的
1.Principles of Data Conversion System Design
2.High Speed CMOS Circuits for Optical Receivers
3.RF Microelectronics
4.Monolithic Phase Locked Loops and Clock Recovery Circuits
5.Fundamentals of Microelectronics
6.Design of ICs for Optical Communications
7.Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits
8.Phase-Locking in High Performance Systems,此书是论文集,Razavi主编
B.Thomas H.Lee
1.The Design of Low Noise Oscillators(Hajimiri&Lee,论坛上只有Hajimiri的PHD Dis
2.Multi-GHz Frequency Synthesis and Division(Rategh&Lee,非常难找,论坛上没有)
3.Feedback Linearization of RF Power Amplifiers
4.Low Power CMOS Radio Receivers
5.The design of CMOS RFIC 2nd
6.Planar Microwave Engineering: A Practical Guide to Theory, Measurement, and
7.Physics and Engineering of High Power Switching Devices (1975,Cambridge)
1.The Designer's Guide to High-Purity Oscillators
2.Integrated Circuits for Wireless Communications by Asad A. Abidi, Paul R. Gr
ay, and Robert G. Meyer(1998,Wiley)
3. Effects of random & periodic excitations on relaxation oscillators(Abidi的P
HD Dissertation)(1981)
4. On the dynamics of Josephson junction circuits(1978)
1.Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits,4th
2.Analog MOS Integrated Circuits, II by Paul R. Gray, Bruce A. Wooley, and Rob
ert W. Brodersen(1989,Wiley)
3.Integrated circuits for telecommunications by Paul R Gray (1979)
1.Analog Design Essentials
2.Design of Analog Integrated Circuits and Systems
3.Distortion Analysis of Analog Integrated Circuits
4.Design of Wireless Autonomous Datalogger IC’s by Wim Claes, Robert Pures, a
nd Willy M.C. Sansen
5.Matching Properties of Deep Sub-Micron MOS Transistors by Jeroen A. Croon, H
erman E. Maes, and Willy M.C. Sansen
6.Systematic Modeling and Analysis of Telecom Frontends and Their Building Blo
cks by Piet Vanassche, Georges Gielen, and Willy M.C. Sansen
7.Analog Layout Generation Performance and Manufacturability by Koen Lampaert,
Georges Gielen, and Willy M.C. Sansen (1999,Springer)
8.Symbolic Analysis for Automated Design of Analog Integrated Circuits by Geor
ges Gielen and Willy M.C. Sansen (1991,Springer)
9.Low-Noise Wide-Band Amplifiers in Bipolar and CMOS Technologies by Zhong Yua
n Chong and Willy M.C. Sansen (1990,Springer)
10.Analog Interfaces for Digital Signal Processing Systems by Frank op 't Eynd
e and Willy M.C. Sansen (1993,Springer)
11.A Computer-Aided Design and Synthesis Environment for Analog Integrated Cir
cuits by Van der Plas, Geert, Gielen, Georges, Sansen, Willy M.C. (2002,Spring
1.Wireless CMOS Frequency Sythesizer Design(Craninckx&Steyaert,非常难找的经典,
2.Systematic Design of Analog IP Blocks(论坛上没有)
3.Design and Analysis of High Efficiency Line Drivers for xDSL(论坛上没有)
4.CMOS FRACTIONAL-N SYNTHESIZERS Design for High Spectral Purity and Monolithi
c Integration
5.CMOS Cellular Receiver Front Ends-From Specification to Realization
6.Integrated CMOS Circuits for Optical Communications
7.Broadband Opto-Electrical Receivers in Standard CMOS
8.Low-Power Low-Voltage Sigma-Delta Modulators in Nanometer CMOS
9.LNA-ESD Co-Design for Fully Integrated CMOS Wireless Receivers
10.Design of multi-bit delta-sigma A/D converters
11.High Data Rate Transmitter Circuits: RF CMOS Design and Techniques for Desi
gn Automation
12.RF Power Amplifiers for Mobile Communications
13.Design of High Voltage xDSL Line Drivers in Standard CMOS, by Bert Serneels
and Michiel Steyaert(2008,Springer)
14.Analog VLSI Integration of Massive Parallel Processing Systems, by Peter K
inget and Michiel Steyaert(1997,Springer)
15.Static and Dynamic Performance Limitations for High Speed D/A Converters, b
y Anne van den Bosch, Michiel Steyaert, and Willy M.C. Sansen(2004,Springer)
16.Design of Low-Voltage Low-Power CMOS DeltaSigma A/D Converters, by Vincenzo
Peluso, Michiel Steyaert, and Willy M.C. Sansen(1999,Springer)
17.CMOS Wireless Transceiver Design, by Jan Crols and Michiel Steyaert(1997,Sp
18.High-Performance CMOS Continuous-Time Filters ,by José Silva-Martínez, Mi
chiel Steyaert, and Willy M.C. Sansen(1993,Springer)
Analog Circuit Design(系列丛书有很多都是Sansen和Steyaert编辑,就全归入Styaert了
1.Volt Electronics; Mixed-Mode Systems; Low-Noise and RF PA for Telecommunicat
2.Fractional-N Synthesizers,Design for Robustness, Line and Bus Drivers
3.High-Speed A-D Converters, Automotive Electronics and Ultra-Low Power Wirele
4.MOST RF Circuits, Sigma-Delta Converters and Translinear Circuits
5.RF Circuits ~ Wide band, Front-Ends, DAC's, Design Methodology and Verifica
tion for RF and Mixed-Signal Systems, Low Power and Low Voltage
6.Structured Mixed-Mode Design, Multi-Bit Sigma Converters,Short Range RF Circ
7.Operational Amplifiers, Analog to Digital Convertors, Analog Computer Aided
Design by Johan H. Huijsing, Rudy J. van de Plassche, and Willy M.C. Sansen (1
8.RF Analog-to-Digital Converters; Sensor and Actuator Interfaces; Low-Noise O
scillators, PLLs and Synthesizers by Rudy J. van de Plassche, Johan H. Huijsin
g, and Willy M.C. Sansen(1997,Springer)
9.Low-Noise, Low-Power, Low-Voltage; Mixed-Mode Design with CAD Tools; Voltage
, Current and Time References by Johan H. Huijsing, Rudy J. van de Plassche, a
nd Willy M.C. Sansen (1995,Springer)
10.Mixed A/D Circuit Design, Sensor Interface Circuits and Communication Circu
its by Willy M.C. Sansen, Johan H. Huijsing, and Rudy J. van de Plassche (1994
11.Scalable Analog Circuit Design, High-Speed D/A Converters, RF Power Amplifi
ers by Johan H. Huijsing, Michiel Steyaert, and Arthur H.M. van Roermund (2002
12. Sensor and actuator interface electronics, integrated high-voltage electro
nics and power management, low-power and high-resolution ADC's by Huijsing, J.
H.; Steyaert, Michiel; van Roermund, Arthur H. M. (2004,Springer)
13. (X)DSL and other Communication Systems; RF MOST models; Integrated Filters
and Oscillators by Sansen, W.M.C., Huijsing, J.H., van de Plassche, R.J. (19
14. Low-Power Low-Voltage, Integrated Filters and Smart Power by Plassche, R.J
.v.d., Sansen, W.M.C., Huijsing, J.H. (1995,S[romger)
15. High-Speed Analog-to-Digital Converters, Mixed Signal Design; PLLs and Syn
thesizers by Plassche, R.J.v.d., Huijsing, J.H., Sansen, W.M.C.(2000,Springer)
The Design and Implementation of Low-Power CMOS Radio Receivers(共9卷)
用户431111 2012-11-11 10:13
用户243150 2009-12-6 16:16
用户243150 2009-11-29 21:48
用户375301 2008-8-25 22:14
需要这本书,有么 谢谢 myshing@gmail.com
Advances in Analog Circuit Design: MOST RF Circuits, Sigma-Delta Converters and Translinear Circuits
用户722112 2008-8-6 12:55
用户138564 2008-7-12 16:32
用户722112 2008-3-16 21:24
用户305887 2008-3-10 16:36
用户722112 2008-2-27 20:45
用户169039 2008-2-9 22:03
谢谢 tph11888@sina.com
The Design of Low Noise Oscillators(Hajimiri&Lee)
The Designer's Guide to High-Purity Oscillators