原创 时钟恢复理论

2008-11-29 20:14 2147 5 5 分类: 测试测量

Clock Recovery Theory


An accurate reference clock is central to all of the measurements performed by the SDA. The recovered clock is defined by the locations of its crossing points in time. Starting with zero, the clock edges are computed at specific time intervals relative to each other. A 2.5 GHz clock, for example, will have edges separated in time by 400 ps.

The first step in creating a clock signal is the creation of a digital phase detector. This is simply a software component that measures the location in time at which the signal crosses a given threshold value. Given the maximum sampling rate available, 20 GHz, interpolation is necessary in most cases. Interpolation is automatically performed by the SDA. Interpolation is not performed on the entire waveform; rather, only the points surrounding the threshold crossing are interpolated for the measurement. A cubic interpolation is used, followed by a linear fit to the interpolated data, to find the crossing point. This is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. SDA Threshold Crossing Algorithm


Clock recovery implementation in the SDA is shown in Figure 2. This algorithm generates time values corresponding to a clock at the data rate. The computation follows variations in the data stream being tested through the use of a feedback control loop that corrects each period of the clock by adding a portion of the error between the recovered clock edge and the nearest data edge.

Figure 2. Clock Recovery Implementation

As shown in Figure 2, the initial output and the output of the digital phase detector are set to zero. The next time value output is equal to the nominal data rate. This value is fed back to the comparator on the far left which compares this time value to the measured time of the next data edge from the digital phase detector. The difference is the error between the data rate and the recovered clock. This difference is filtered and added to the initial base period to generate the corrected clock period. The filter controls the rate of this correction by scaling the amount of error that is fed back to the clock period computation. This filter is implemented in the SDA as a single-pole infinite impulse response (IIR) low-pass filter. The equation of this filter is:


The value of yk is the correction value for the kth iteration of the computation and xk is the error between the kth data edge and the corresponding clock edge. Note that the current correction factor is equal to the weighted sum of the current error and all previous correction values. The multiplier value is set to one in the SDA, and the value of n is the PLL cutoff divisor that is set from the SDA main menu. The cutoff frequency is Fd/n where Fd is the data rate. This filter is related to its analog counterpart through a design process known as impulse invariance and is only valid for cutoff frequencies much less than the data rate. For this reason, the minimum PLL cutoff divisor setting is 20 in the SDA.

The factor n determines the number of previous values of the correction value y that is used in the computation of the current correction value. This is theoretically infinite; however, practically there is a limit to the number of past values included. One can define a 搒liding window?equivalent to a number of UI (unit intervals) of the data signal for a given value of n. This is useful for measuring signals such as serial ATA and PCI-Express, where the specifications call for clock recovery over a finite window. The equivalent bandwidth of the sliding window is given by a sin(x)/x function. The first null of this function occurs at x = p or ?the bit rate (the digital equivalent of the frequency of a signal at the sampling rate is 2p and the sampling rate for clock recovery is the data rate). This is scaled by the window size to be 2p / N where N is the window in UI.  The 3 dB point of the sin(x)/x function is at 0.6p / N or 0.3Fd/N for a window length of N. This gives us a relationship between N and n:

Fd/n = 0.3Fd/N  or n = N/0.3

For a sliding window size of 250, the equivalent value of n would be 833.



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