原创 我的毕设——第二季:文摘及目录

2008-6-20 22:41 3436 10 11 分类: 测试测量

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The development of science often is a result of new means of observation and discovery. From today into the information age, the instrument is to achieve access to information, conversion, access, processing and material things revealed activities of the necessary tools, is the universal sign of the times as the three pillars of the IT (information obtained And processing, information transmission and communications, electronics and computer) the necessary means, the new technological revolution is also an important element. In modern industry, how can these instruments for good monitoring, control, the development of productive forces has become a prominent problem.

With the rapid development of science and technology, the technology of microcontroller daily mature, its application to have in-depth social life in all corners of the production. In real-time detection and automatic control of the SCM applications, MCU is often as a core component to use.

This paper introduces a mechanism and system composition of investment water level transducer in mine, emphasizes the hardware and software design in a kind of investment water level transducer in mine centered around AT89C52 is introduced .It can successively detect and change the water level into the standard frequency signals, which are then sent to the upper equipments. In addition, it has the functions of showing the value of the water level in real-time, giving an alarm by sound and light and exporting frequency signals. The results show that the system has simple structure, high precision and good linear relationship.


Key words: Water Level Transducer in Mine, Investment, Infrared Remote Control



1  前 言- 1

2  项目背景介绍- 2

3  硬件系统介绍- 3

   3.1  总体设计图- 3

3.2  液位敏感头(CYX-32)介绍- 3

3.2.1  性能特点- 4

3.2.2  内部结构及外形- 4

3.2.3  CYX-32系列压力敏感头工作原理- 5

3.2.4  CYX-32系列压力敏感头的使用方法- 6

3.3  红外解码模块- 8

3.3.1  红外遥控基本原理- 8

3.3.2  系统的实现- 10

3.4  单片机原理及应用- 13

3.4.1  89C51系列单片机的特点- 13

3.4.2  89C51系列单片机的内部结构- 14

3.4.3  89C51单片机外部引脚- 16

3.4.4  单片机最小系统外围电路- 18

3.4.5  本系统所用单片机简介- 19

3.5  频率发送模块- 21

3.6  系统所用元器件安全性介绍- 23

3.6.1  电容安全性计算- 23

3.6.2  通讯电缆电感量安全性计算- 24

4  硬件电路设计- 25

4.1  系统整体电路- 25

4.2  集成稳压电路- 26

4.3  传感器电路- 26

4.3.1  信号放大电路- 26

4.3.2  数模转换电路- 28

4.4  水位显示电路- 29

4.4  声光报警电路- 31

4.5  红外接收电路- 31

4.6  频率输出电路- 33

5  系统软件设计- 35

5.1  系统概述- 35

5.2  系统软件开发环境- 35

5.3  程序设计- 36

5.3.1  主程序- 36

5.3.2  数据采集子程序- 37

5.3.3  数据处理子程序- 39

5.3.4  数据显示子程序- 40

5.3.5  频率输出子程序- 42

5.3.6  遥控子程序- 43

6    - 47

  - 48

参考文献- 49

附录1:电路原理图- 50

附录2:印刷电路板(PCB)布线图- 51

附录3:PCB成品图- 52

附录4:实物照片- 53




用户1400544 2008-12-15 14:39

上网时间:2008年11月20日 安森美半导体和Microchip公司本周二宣称,二者已经放弃此前的欲联合收购Atmel公司的努力。 在一份声明中,安森美的总裁兼首席执行官Keith Jackson认为放弃收购主要是因为当前的经济市场疲软,以及自该公司上个月首次提出欲实施23亿美元收购Atmel公司以来的“不可预知的半导体市场恶化趋势”。 Microchip公司的总裁、董事长兼首席执行官Steve Sanghi表示,“安森美的退出,Microchip公司也只能放弃每股5美元收购Atmel的计划。不过,Microchip打算在没有安森美参与的情况下,对其他潜在的收购方法进行评估。” 上周,安森美和Microchip公司向媒体透露二者欲收购Atmel公司,而后者拒绝该收提案。分析师认为该提案不会获得成功,理由是过去两个月的糟糕金融环境。此外,Atmel认为该提案远远低于该公司的实际价值。

用户741296 2008-10-8 10:28


用户1008943 2008-9-16 14:51

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