原创 【博客大赛】BJ-EPM CPLD入门套件VHDL例程4

2012-4-24 20:53 1367 12 12 分类: FPGA/CPLD

--  Filename ﹕  LED_SEG7.vhd
--  Author  ﹕ wuhouhang 
--  Description ﹕ 2位数码管每隔640ms从0-F循环递增显示

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;

entity LED_SEG7 is
  Clk: in STD_LOGIC;  --50MHz输入时钟
  Rst_n: in STD_LOGIC; --低电平复位信号
  Sm_cs_n_out: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 downto 0);  --2位数码管位选信号,低电平有效
  Sm_db_out: buffer STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (6 downto 0)  --2位数码管断选信号(不包括小数点)
end entity LED_SEG7;

architecture SEG_DISPLAY of LED_SEG7 is
 signal cnt640ms: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (24 downto 0); --640ms计数寄存器
 signal num: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0); --每640ms递增数值寄存器
   if (Rst_n = '0') then --异步复位
    cnt640ms <= b"0" & x"000000";
   elsif (Clk'event AND Clk = '1') then --时钟上升沿
    if (cnt640ms < 10#32000000#) then --320ms计数
     cnt640ms <= cnt640ms+1; 
     cnt640ms <= b"0" & x"000000";
    end if;
   end if;
 end process;
   if (Rst_n = '0') then --异步复位
    num <= x"0";
   elsif (Clk'event AND Clk = '1') then --时钟上升沿
    if (cnt640ms = 10#32000000#) then --320ms计数
     num <= num+1;
    end if;
   end if;
 end process;
   if (Rst_n = '0') then --异步复位
    Sm_db_out <= "0000000";
   elsif (Clk'event AND Clk = '1') then --时钟上升沿
    case num is
     when x"0" => Sm_db_out <= "0111111"; --显示“0”
     when x"1" => Sm_db_out <= "0000110"; --显示“1”
     when x"2" => Sm_db_out <= "1011011"; --显示“2”
     when x"3" => Sm_db_out <= "1001111"; --显示“3”
     when x"4" => Sm_db_out <= "1100110"; --显示“4”
     when x"5" => Sm_db_out <= "1101101"; --显示“5”
     when x"6" => Sm_db_out <= "1111101"; --显示“6”
     when x"7" => Sm_db_out <= "0000111"; --显示“7”
     when x"8" => Sm_db_out <= "1111111"; --显示“8”
     when x"9" => Sm_db_out <= "1101111"; --显示“9”
     when x"a" => Sm_db_out <= "1110111"; --显示“A”
     when x"b" => Sm_db_out <= "1111100"; --显示“B”
     when x"c" => Sm_db_out <= "0111001"; --显示“C”
     when x"d" => Sm_db_out <= "1011110"; --显示“D”
     when x"e" => Sm_db_out <= "1111001"; --显示“E”
     when x"f" => Sm_db_out <= "1110001"; --显示“F”
     when others => Sm_db_out <= "0000000";
    end case;
   end if;
 end process;
 Sm_cs_n_out <= "00";
end architecture SEG_DISPLAY;


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