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用户128098 2008-2-10 13:58
Spartan 3A DSP Starter board download cable
I've got this board for two weeks. but did nothing except power on. Xilinx makes some trickinesses on download cable to push the user to order U ...
用户128098 2008-1-5 06:09
I found another answer about rising, falling edge
About the rising, falling dual edges trigging, an answer is located at:    http://www.fpga4fun.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1040 This is a li ...
用户128098 2007-12-27 14:26
圣诞, 新年.
p class="0" style="LAYOUT-GRID-MODE: char; TEXT-ALIGN: justify" ?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" / ...
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