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用户321739 2011-5-14 17:00
Philips released in North America, the new LED and other lig
Philips Electronics North America introduced a new consumer lighting products , including LED device. NEW YORK, May 25 reported that Philips Elec ...
用户321739 2011-5-9 17:10
芯片和模块供求趋于平衡 LED成本将快速下滑
LED照明市场持续火热,目前照明市场上最常使用的仍是小功率的芯片及模块(3020/3528),以及大功率的芯片及模块(1W Emitter)。就应用区隔来看,由于COB多晶封 ...
用户321739 2011-5-8 09:40
the world's leading led lighting supplier
August 3, 2010 - the world's leading   led light supplier   of Seoul Semiconductor announced today that the company in the global white LED mar ...
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