2011-3-18 12:30
More about mediocrity
Do you get the impression from my previous column that I'm not a big fan of mediocrity? You're right. I'm old enough to remember the days ...
2011-3-18 11:34
More about mediocrity
Do you get the impression from my previous column that I'm not a big fan of mediocrity? You're right. I'm old enough to remember the d ...
2011-3-17 17:46
On Mediocrity
The U.S. Declaration of Independence says "All are created equal." That's very true, but we don't all stay equal. Or, to paraphrase Animal Farm ...
2011-3-17 17:21
On Mediocrity
The U.S. Declaration of Independence says "All are created equal." That's very true, but we don't all stay equal. Or, to paraphrase Animal F ...
2011-3-16 20:03
How I test software (Part 2)
Is this wise? What happens if the hardware doesn't support the algorithm? Well, I suppose that could happen but only if I completely ...
2011-3-16 20:02
How I test software (Part 1)
In my previous column, I talked about the way I write software. I began by saying, "I've always known that the way I write software is different from ...
2011-3-16 19:56
How I test software (Part 2)
Is this wise? What happens if the hardware doesn't support the algorithm? Well, I suppose that could happen but only if I completely ...
2011-3-16 19:07
How I test software (Part 1)
In my previous column, I talked about the way I write software. I began by saying, "I've always known that the way I write software is different from ...
2011-3-15 13:04
How I write software (Part 3)
Test, test, test Now we get to what I consider to be the foundation of my programming style. I test. I test everything, A lot. ...
2011-3-15 13:02
How I write software (Part 2)
Theory vs. practice I have another reason to start coding early: I don't know exactly how the program should be structured. Li ...
2011-3-15 13:00
How I write software (Part 1)
In the two decades or so that I've been writing a column, we've covered a lot of topics, ranging from the best implementation of abs(x) to CRC alg ...
2011-3-15 12:29
How I write software (Part 3)
Test, test, test Now we get to what I consider to be the foundation of my programming style. I test. I test everything, A l ...
2011-3-15 12:29
How I write software (Part 2)
Theory vs. practice I have another reason to start coding early: I don't know exactly how the program should be structured. ...
2011-3-15 12:20
How I write software (Part 1)
In the two decades or so that I've been writing a column, we've covered a lot of topics, ranging from the best implementation of abs(x) to CRC algor ...
2011-3-14 17:11
Random thoughts (Part 2)
A 3×3 matrix class? It's this character flaw that keeps me from being able to show you a completed 3×3 matrix class. ...