tag 标签: global

  • 热度 5
    2024-2-20 10:24
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    一、直升机行业定义及分类 直升机是一种飞行器,具有垂直升降、悬停以及以倾斜的方式飞行的能力。与传统的固定翼飞机不同,直升机通过旋翼的旋转产生升力,并且拥有独特的垂直起降能力。 根据用途,直升机可以分为通用直升机、军用直升机和医疗救护直升机;根据旋翼配置,可以分为单旋翼直升机、双旋翼直升机和共轴双旋翼直升机;根据发动机类型,可以分为活塞引擎直升机和涡轮引擎直升机;根据设计特点,可以分为轻型直升机、中型直升机和重型直升机;根据驾驶方式,可以分为单发直升机和双发直升机。 据GIR (Global Info Research)调研,按收入计,2023年全球直升机收入大约26000百万美元,预计2030年达到29890百万美元,2024至2030期间,年复合增长率CAGR为 2.0%。 二、全球直升机行业分析 作为现代战争中不可或缺的作战工具,武装直升机受到了全球军事力量的广泛应用。根据数据显示,截至2021年,全球武装直升机的保有量为19946架,较2020年减少了322架。而到了2022年,全球武装直升机的保有量增至20093架,较前一年增加了147架。 此外,数据还显示,2022年全球民用直升机的交付量为932架,其中活塞直升机有194架,涡轮直升机有738架。而在2022年,全球民用直升机的交付金额达到了4519.2百万美元,其中活塞直升机的交付金额为80.8百万美元,涡轮直升机的交付金额为4438.4百万美元。 三、国内直升机行业发展现状 近年来,中国直升机领域取得了显著的进步,攻克了多项核心技术,逐渐走到了世界前列,中国直升机发展已经进入了井喷时代。根据相关数据统计,2022年,中国的直升机保有量从2016年的1430架增长至1939架,预计到2023年将达到1980架。 直升机在民用和军用领域都有着广泛的应用。中国直升机在军用市场上扮演着关键角色,为中国军队提供各种类型的直升机,包括运输、攻击和侦察型号。随着中国民航和民用航空需求的增长,中国直升机制造商也可能在民用市场上寻求机会,提供用于运输、旅游、医疗救援等领域的直升机产品。2022年,中国的军用直升机保有量从2016年的809架增长至913架,市场份额从2016年的56.57%缩小至47.09%。2022年通用和民用直升机保有量从2016年的621架增长至1026架(含教练机),市场份额从2016年的43.43%扩大至52.91%。预计到2023年,中国的军用直升机保有量市场份额将约为46.72%,民用直升机市场份额约为53.28%。 从民用直升机的区域分布来看,2022年中国华北地区的直升机市场占比为25.60%,华东地区为22.87%,中南地区为28.67%,西南地区为7.88%,东北地区为9.41%,西北地区为5.58%。 四、直升机行业产业链 1、直升机行业的产业链结构 直升机行业的产业链可按照直升机生产制造顺序划分为五个主要部分:原材料、零部件、子系统、整机以及维修检测。子系统包括动力系统、飞行设备、传动系统、通信导航系统以及旋翼系统等。上游的原材料涵盖金属材料、非金属材料和复合材料等;零部件则包括发动机、叶片、尾桨、机身、舱门和旋翼等。中游环节主要涉及机载系统,包括航电系统和机电系统;而下游则包括直升机的整机制造、航空维修和航空租赁。直升机的应用领域非常广泛,可用于运输、巡逻、旅游、救护等多个领域。终端应用包括民用和军用领域,涵盖运输、救援、医疗紧急救援、警务和军事作战等方面。 2、直升机行业的产业链上游-复合材料 无论是军用、民用还是轻型直升机,都大量采用碳纤维复合材料,其用量已经占据了结构重量的40%至60%。航空复合材料的优势在于高强度、低密度、优异的抗腐蚀性能和设计的灵活性。这些材料被广泛应用于航空器的结构部件,例如机身、机翼和尾翼,以提高飞机的性能、降低燃料消耗,并满足轻量化和高强度的要求。随着国产大飞机项目的成功,中国航空航天产业迅速扩张,2022年中国航空航天复合材料制品规模增长至601.13亿元。预计到2023年,中国航空航天复合材料市场规模将达到696.86亿元。 3、直升机行业的产业链下游-旅游 直升机具有独特的悬停特性,使得乘客能够更好地欣赏风景。它为旅游业提供了游览飞行服务,为旅游业注入了新的活力。据统计,2022年国内旅游总人次达到32.46亿人,但较上年同期减少了7.16亿人。旅游收入为2.04万亿元,较2021年减少了0.88万亿元。预计到2023年,旅游总人次有望增长至54.07亿人,旅游收入有望增长至5.2万亿元。 五、直升机行业进口贸易 中国直升机的进口贸易往往需要与其他国家进行合作和采购。中国通常从国际市场上进口各种类型的直升机,涵盖军用和民用型号。根据数据统计,2022年,中国的直升机进口量为46架,较2021年减少了33架,但进口金额为2.78亿美元,同比增长了12.33%。 就进口单价而言,2016年中国的直升机进口单价为238.5万美元/架。随后,2018年和2019年的直升机进口单价分别为203.0万美元/架和292.9万美元/架。到了2020年,这一单价为257.3万美元/架。从2021年开始,中国直升机的进口单价连续三年上涨。截至2023年11月,中国的直升机进口单价已达到687.2万美元/架。 六、直升机行业竞争格局 1、主要企业 长期以来,由于基础薄弱、低空空域管制严格等原因,中国直升机装备尚处于起步阶段,机队规模较小,大量市场份额被欧美制造商抢占。与世界水平相比,中国目前直升机拥有量和应用程度都很低,存在着巨大的潜在市场。世界直升机技术来源于欧美,中国一直以来都在学习和跟踪欧美先进的直升机技术。近年来,中国直升机技术发展速度明显加快,直升机技术体系已经基本形成论证一代、研制一代、生产一代的良好发展势头。国产直升机“大家庭”不断壮大,国内一些科研机构和大学在直升机技术创新和研发方面扮演着重要角色。这些机构与制造商合作,推动技术的进步。中国等新兴市场的直升机制造商也逐渐崭露头角。中国航空工业集团(AVIC)的直升机制造分支和中国航空工业直升机公司(CAH),以及哈尔滨飞机工业集团等公司在国际市场上的竞争能力逐渐增强。 2、中航科工 中航科工是中国最具规模的直升机制造商,产品涵盖1吨、2吨、4吨、7吨及13吨级等各系列直升机,包括直8、直9、直11等系列(含AC系列);同时和世界知名航空企业合作研制生产多种机型。2022年中航科工营业额为712.43亿港币,2023年上半年中航科工营业额为443.31亿港币。 七、直升机行业发展趋势 近年来,中国政府的政策支持可能在直升机技术研发、产业发展和市场推广方面发挥关键作用。政策的引导促进产业创新和竞争力提升。当前,直升机在国民经济和国防建设中的地位日益提高,各种突发性应急事件要求全社会建立快速反应机制,直升机技术在其中发挥不可替代的重要作用。中国直升机制造商和研发机构将继续进行技术创新,以提高直升机性能和安全性,将采用大数据、人工智能和云计算等技术来提高运维效率、飞行安全性和客户服务水平,行业数字化转型加速。未来,中国可能继续推动军民融合战略,将军用技术应用于民用领域,直升机可能在城市空中交通中发挥更重要的角色,应对交通拥堵问题。中国直升机行业发展潜力大。
  • 热度 22
    2014-1-24 16:37
    7627 次阅读|
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    Communications between design teams have never been easier. We have real-time collaboration, video-conferencing, the cloud, virtualisation, mobility, texting, email, VoIP, and source control. Everybody is now available anywhere at any time of the day. We have the ability to track what everybody is doing and devise new ways of improving productivity. Why, then, is it still so difficult to complete System-on-a-Chip designs? The process of integrating the efforts of globally distributed design teams into a single SoC is still a daunting task. It was identified as a top challenge in a recent survey of Arteris customers, and it is easy to see why. Integration of the work of distributed teams is a major cause of delays in getting to market. Delays represent lost revenue and missed opportunity. No doubt all of these revolutionary collaboration platforms have helped the industry reduce difficulties in communication between geographically distributed design centres. They have lowered travel barriers, eroded time zone differences, and cut through geographical divides. Any company can enable its top designers to work anywhere in the world.   Geographically dispersed SoC design teams. However, bringing all that work into a final design and getting through the top level of performance and functional verification is still causing anxiety. As many devices surpass 300 million gates and 100s of IP blocks, it is easy to understand why there is complexity involved in bringing it all together. What is making global management even more difficult is the specialisation that has evolved with each design team. One team will focus on the CPU complex. Another will concentrate on the memory sub-system, and so on for graphics, video, audio, I/O, etc. As each design centre makes revisions to a specific portion of the chip, it inadvertently affects the entire SoC. Additionally, the tasks for these specialists have become more complex. The sections of each chip have become full-blown sub-systems. Complexity is on the rise, and each of these sub-systems now has multiple IPs and its own interconnect. The specialists are focused on power, performance, and area optimisations of their own sub-systems. In so doing, they focus on the verification of their portions of the SoC. Once this is complete, another team stitches all the different sub-systems together in a top-level SoC interconnect fabric. If some sub-systems are not cooperating with the rest of the chip, someone has to go back to the sub-system design teams to determine why and figure out what fix can be made. SoCs that use a hybrid bus or crossbar architecture within the interconnect fabric are particularly prone to delays in this part of the process. Bridges and shim logic are required at IP connections to make the separate sub-systems work harmoniously with each other. Reassembling these sub-systems often results in timing issues, protocol and address mismatches, and power management bugs. Many global design teams have resigned themselves to the fact that the integration stage of development is an inevitable part of the process. However, the additional time and complexity that the process adds represents lost revenue and lost opportunity. More importantly, these factors are completely avoidable. As single platform strategies gain more traction, SoC architects need ways to divide and re-assemble chips by allowing each IP sub-system design team to work independently. After each team of specialists completes its design on an individual sub-system, this new way of collaborating should re-assemble and connect all of the different sub-systems seamlessly and automatically. This enables the integrated SoC design team to complete top-level verification more quickly and get the complete chip design to market sooner. With so many means of real-time collaboration at our disposal today, design managers have to decide which ones match the needs of an organisation by asking for each one: Can it cut cost, time, and complexity? Does it help geographically dispersed teams work together more harmoniously? Can it help organise talent by expertise? Can specific tasks be assigned according to that expertise? If it could do all these things, how much would that be worth to the organisation? Design and communication tools alone cannot meet the requirements to help make design-team collaboration more efficient. Design teams need to architect SoCs with the requirements for worldwide development in mind, and use interconnect IP that enables distributed SoC development. Kurt Shuler is vice president of marketing at Arteris and has extensive IP, semiconductor, and software marketing experience in the mobile, consumer, and enterprise segments working for Intel, Texas Instruments, and three start-ups. Prior to his entry into technology, he served in the US Air Force Special Operations Forces.
  • 热度 24
    2010-11-6 23:39
    2858 次阅读|
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    excerpt from http://forums.xilinx.com/t5/PLD-Blog/That-Dangerous-Asynchronous-Reset/ba-p/12856 Try to think in terms of ‘global’ simply meaning ‘everything’ or ‘all’ regardless of scale. If I develop a macro that contains 100 flip-flops and every one of them is connected to a reset signal then we can say that the macro contains a global reset. If I then instantiate that macro in a design 20 times and I connect all the reset inputs back to one reset input pin there will be 2,000 flip-flops all connected to the same global reset even though at the top level it only looks like there are 20 loads. So it isn’t how it looks depending at what level you view it but the fact that you have just blindly connected every reset together at any level that you look at it. The danger is that what seems small at any one level all adds up to be something big and that large fan-out will result in larger delays and skew both of which contribute to the nasty stuff we are trying to avoid. In contrast, a local reset is where only those flip-flops that need to be reset in a particular way are treated in isolation. For example, I may have recognized that of the 100 flip-flops in my macro, 4 were used to form a state machine critical to reliable operation so I provided them with a carefully controlled synchronous reset generated locally (probably a signal generated as a consequence of the release of the ‘global’ asynchronous reset).  May be I left the other 96 flip-flops connected to the ‘global’ reset just for a clean simulation (or to satisfy that unnecessary design review item!). Back in the big design I would then have 1,920 flip-flops connected to the ‘global’ reset but providing as long as the input reset signal is clean that would be fine. However  the complete design also contains 20 carefully controlled local resets which do matter. Now there may be cases in which the  local reset needs to connect to tens or even hundreds of flip-flops so you shouldn’t take fan-out as a measure of what is local or global. The key difference is that in any localized reset you maintain precise control over what happens because you care about it. In practice, it just gets very difficult to maintain that control if the fan-out is too high. If it were easy to have precise control over all flip-flops in the device then we wouldn’t be having this discussion. To make it really simple….. Local means you care and global means you don’t.
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