tag 标签: saber

  • 热度 12
    2017-10-2 23:21
    3986 次阅读|
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    saber是Synopsys公司设计的一款蛀牙用于电源仿真的软件,下面是saber的官网。 https://www.synopsys.com/verification/virtual-prototyping/saber.html 安装好saber2012后,在其安装目录的Saber2012\doc\webworks_docs\saber该路径中有saber的帮助文档,为htm格式,可供参考。 本节主要讲解saber2012的基本操作,如新建原理图,放置元件等。边学边写,疏漏之处请包涵。 saber2012主要有四部分 1.saber scope 2.saber hdl simulator 3.saber simulator 4.saber sketch saber sketch用于绘制电路图,仿真的电路首先要使用sketch绘制好。 为方便学习,可先打开一个官方示例文件。 File--Open找到saber安装目录下的example文件夹,打开里面的sabersketch文件,随便打开一个design文件,就可以看到一个电路的原理图出现在主窗口。 tips:按下鼠标滑轮并拖动可以移动原理图。 Ctrl+滑轮 缩放/放大界面 File--Clean Files 可清除一些仿真时生成的文件,减小文件容量。 放置元件,如图: tips:快速复制原理图的一部分,选中想要复制的那部分电路,按下鼠标滑轮,会自动复制一部分电路出来,很方便。 连线,直接用鼠标点击两元件引脚即可连接,类似multisim。也可点击快捷工具栏的wire来进行布线。 旋转元件,快捷键r,元件移动时元件间连线自动移动。 edit--experiment 设置仿真顺序,比如先直流仿真再交流仿真,使软件自动按顺序进行仿真,工作人员不必等待在电脑前。 edit-- schematic preferences 设置原理图属性 在这里可以自定义一些快捷键,设置grid间隔 view -- color 设置原理图为彩色或黑白 schematic -- rotate 旋转(快捷键r) --flip 翻转(快捷键f或d) 仿真流程: 以buck电路为例 1.新建schematic, 保存
  • 热度 20
    2015-7-16 21:35
    1478 次阅读|
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    My chum Jay Dowling manages to find an incredible amount of interesting "stuff" on the Internet. Every day, he sends me a cornucopia of links to general science, physics, astronomy, technology, engineering, etc. sites -- whatever takes his fancy at the time (speaking of time, I don’t know how he finds enough of it). And the thing that appears to have caught Jay's fancy today is a bunch of interesting offerings on Kickstarter.   We start with a drop-dead-gorgeous cathode ray tube (CRT)-based oscilloscope clock that uses a purely analog signal to generate the circles, arcs, and lines that create the characters.     With 17 days to go at the time of this writing, this project has already reached 4X the pledges required to achieve its incredibly modest $1,000 goal. You can get a build-it-yourself kit version for $145; this includes the circuit board and components, but excludes the CRT and enclosure. Alternatively, you can pay more for a fully-assembled model in a plexiglass enclosure. I'm a bit tight on funds at the moment, but I would love to have one of these little beauties here in my office.   Next up, we have a project that would have Sheldon, Leonard, Howard, and Raj on The Big Bang Theory squealing with delight -- a set of highly detailed modular saber parts that let anyone build a beautiful custom light saber with associated electronics.     This is actually a lot tastier than you might imagine. If you watch the Kickstarter video (and who amongst our number could resist), you'll see that this looks like an incredibly versatile system that supports millions of different configurations (is it just me, or is the presenter in the video a doppelganger for Wil Wheaton?). Also, they plan on offering monthly expansion packs, which could keep me busy for years to come. I'm obviously not the only one who loves this stuff because they've achieved more than 8X their original $100,000 goal!   Who amongst us doesn’t drool with desire at the thought of having access to a Star Trek-style holodeck? Well, now we can -- or, at least, our Barbie and Ken dolls can -- with the Holus Interactive Holographic Tabletop Display .     This really does look to be rather spectacular, and I love its creators' sense of humor (the "Holo, World!" at the end made me laugh out loud). I can think of so many things I could do with something like this. The gaming and educational aspects of this device are staggering, and I'm sure that this is only a taste of things to come.   Last, but certainly not least, for this column, have you ever worried about the "shelf-life" of your precious data? When CDs and DVDs first came out, I optimistically thought they would last for a long, long time, but every day I hear talk of doom-and-gloom with respect to the little scamps failing (sad face). If you are concerned about your data, this final Fahrenheit 2451 Kickstarter will be of interest to you because it offers the ability to preserve your most precious memories for thousands of years using a storage medium that resists fire, water, and time.     I'm reminded of the spinning disks ("books") in the original 1960 movie version of The Time Machine by H.G. Wells. On the one hand, the Sapphire Disks featured in this Kickstarter are limited as to the amount of data they can store. On the other hand, it might be nice to preserve photographs of yours truly for the edification and delight of generations to come.   So, out of the four Kickstarters presented above, which one most captures your interest?
  • 热度 14
    2012-2-22 15:00
    2108 次阅读|
    2 个评论
    客观而言,我从来没有用过这个软件,但是最近看到了这样的一个 PPT ,有点不淡定了。以下的几个图,均出自Rashed S. Rabaa的《Battery Pack Management Simulation in Electric Vehicle Using Saber》。   这里把硬件电路抽象起来了,将硬件和系统联系在一起了。     以前在不同的Drive Cycle工况下的SOC估算的情况也给相对准确的模拟出来了,算法的好坏和硬件的情况,全部能够准确的包含在里面。         最后说一下,网上的SaberTM的版本不太好找,我找到了这个 地方 , 请大家帮忙点一下 链接 ,似乎30E币才能下载,业余我玩一下这个软件。   附录: Saber的一些官方资料: Automotive Industry Application SAE论文: SAE An Automated Model Based Design Flow for the Design of Robust FlexRay™ Networks Modeling and Simulating a VVT System for Robust Design Model Based Design of Robust Vehicle Power Networks Designing Automotive Subsystems Using Virtual Manufacturing and Distributed Computing Development of the Physical Layer and Signal Integrity Analysis of FlexRay™ Design Systems Robust Design of a Valve Train Cam Phasing Controller using Virtual Prototyping Techniques Modeling and Simulation of Hybrid Electric Vehicle Power Systems Electrothermal Behavior of a Complete Alternator Assembly within a Battery Charging System using Virtual Prototyping Techniques Modeling and Analysis of a Main Engine Start Power Flow Virtual Embedded Mechatronics System Analysis of Vehicle Power Supply Systems Using System Simulation Development and Verification of In-Vehicle Networks in a Virtual Environment Saber-MATLAB Integrations: Enabling Virtual HW/SW Co-Verification Modeling a Daytime Running Lamp Controller using StateAMS Proceedings from the Saber Power Systems Simulation Seminar, September 22, 2011 in Paris, France Proceedings from the Saber Power Systems Simulation Seminar, October 21, 2010 in Novi, Michigan 非官方的教程: Emerson Saber入门基础培训 主要内容: Saber的安装 Saber仿真界面 Saber仿真注意事项 Saber能做什么? Saber仿真步骤 主要的仿真分析类型 Saber自建模型 Vary仿真 实例演示 共有 6 人关注 评论 0 条 · Saber快速入门 · Saber用户指南 · SaberDesigner培训课程 · Saber电源设计案例讲解 · Saber软件几种建模的方法 · Saber与控制系统仿真.pdf
  • 热度 16
    2012-2-14 21:58
    2132 次阅读|
    0 个评论
    客观而言,我从来没有用过这个软件,但是最近看到了这样的一个 PPT ,有点不淡定了。以下的几个图,均出自Rashed S. Rabaa的《Battery Pack Management Simulation in Electric Vehicle Using Saber》。  这里把硬件电路抽象起来了,将硬件和系统联系在一起了。 以前在不同的Drive Cycle工况下的SOC估算的情况也给相对准确的模拟出来了,算法的好坏和硬件的情况,全部能够准确的包含在里面。   最后说一下,网上的SaberTM的版本不太好找,我找到了这个 地方 , 请大家帮忙点一下 链接 ,似乎30E币才能下载,业余我玩一下这个软件。 附录: Saber的一些官方资料: Automotive Industry Application SAE论文: SAE An Automated Model Based Design Flow for the Design of Robust FlexRay™ Networks Modeling and Simulating a VVT System for Robust Design Model Based Design of Robust Vehicle Power Networks Designing Automotive Subsystems Using Virtual Manufacturing and Distributed Computing Development of the Physical Layer and Signal Integrity Analysis of FlexRay™ Design Systems Robust Design of a Valve Train Cam Phasing Controller using Virtual Prototyping Techniques Modeling and Simulation of Hybrid Electric Vehicle Power Systems Electrothermal Behavior of a Complete Alternator Assembly within a Battery Charging System using Virtual Prototyping Techniques Modeling and Analysis of a Main Engine Start Power Flow Virtual Embedded Mechatronics System Analysis of Vehicle Power Supply Systems Using System Simulation Development and Verification of In-Vehicle Networks in a Virtual Environment Saber-MATLAB Integrations: Enabling Virtual HW/SW Co-Verification Modeling a Daytime Running Lamp Controller using StateAMS Proceedings from the Saber Power Systems Simulation Seminar, September 22, 2011 in Paris, France Proceedings from the Saber Power Systems Simulation Seminar, October 21, 2010 in Novi, Michigan 非官方的教程: Emerson Saber入门基础培训 主要内容: Saber的安装 Saber仿真界面 Saber仿真注意事项 Saber能做什么? Saber仿真步骤 主要的仿真分析类型 Saber自建模型 Vary仿真 实例演示 共有6人关注 评论0条 · Saber快速入门 · Saber用户指南 · SaberDesigner培训课程 · Saber电源设计案例讲解 · Saber软件几种建模的方法 · Saber与控制系统仿真.pdf  