客观而言,我从来没有用过这个软件,但是最近看到了这样的一个PPT,有点不淡定了。以下的几个图,均出自Rashed S. Rabaa的《Battery Pack Management Simulation in Electric Vehicle Using Saber》。
以前在不同的Drive Cycle工况下的SOC估算的情况也给相对准确的模拟出来了,算法的好坏和硬件的情况,全部能够准确的包含在里面。
Saber的一些官方资料:Automotive Industry Application
An Automated Model Based Design Flow for the Design of Robust FlexRay™ Networks
Modeling and Simulating a VVT System for Robust Design
Model Based Design of Robust Vehicle Power Networks
Designing Automotive Subsystems Using Virtual Manufacturing and Distributed Computing
Development of the Physical Layer and Signal Integrity Analysis of FlexRay™ Design Systems
Robust Design of a Valve Train Cam Phasing Controller using Virtual Prototyping Techniques
Modeling and Simulation of Hybrid Electric Vehicle Power Systems
Modeling and Analysis of a Main Engine Start Power Flow
Virtual Embedded Mechatronics System
Analysis of Vehicle Power Supply Systems Using System Simulation
Development and Verification of In-Vehicle Networks in a Virtual Environment
Saber-MATLAB Integrations: Enabling Virtual HW/SW Co-Verification
Modeling a Daytime Running Lamp Controller using StateAMS
Proceedings from the Saber Power Systems Simulation Seminar, September 22, 2011 in Paris, France
Proceedings from the Saber Power Systems Simulation Seminar, October 21, 2010 in Novi, Michigan
主要内容: Saber的安装 Saber仿真界面 Saber仿真注意事项 Saber能做什么? Saber仿真步骤 主要的仿真分析类型 Saber自建模型 Vary仿真 实例演示 共有6人关注 评论0条 [阅读全文]
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