热度 2
2018-9-20 20:05
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科学家告诉我们,云是大气中的 水蒸气 遇冷液化成的小水滴或凝华成的小冰晶,所混合组成的漂浮在空中的可见聚合物。 Scientists tell us that the cloud is is a mixture of visible polymers floating in the air which is a small droplet of water vaporized in the atmosphere, or a small ice crystal formed by condensation. 多年之前,有了计算机,然后有了服务器(就是很牛的计算机),把在很短的时间内完成最聪明的人也得算上几辈子的数学题。科学家们很高兴,开始让服务器计算各种难题、偏题、怪题,结果,把服务器累得崩溃了。估计科学家也觉得不太好意思了,于是,找来多个服务器一起干,效果很好。于是,科学家找了更难的难题、偏题、怪题,服务器们崩溃了,再找更厉害的更多的服务器们......科学家们沉浸在这个过程中乐此不疲,还起了很好听的名字:分布式计算。同时,服务器们现在有了一个正规的名称:服务器集群。 Years ago, There appeared the computer and then the server (which is a very powerful computer),the server could count a difficult math problems in a short period of time, but the most intelligent person had to do it of his life. The scientists were very happy and command the server to calculate various puzzles,trickyproblems, so, the server was too tired to collapse. It is estimated that scientists feel shy, they found a few servers to work together and the effect is very good. Thus scientists have found more puzzles &trickyproblems, servers collapsed, so more servers are being used. Scientists enjoyed in this process and named it Distributed Computing and called servers Server Cluster. 普通人崇拜科学家,请求科学家,你们那么厉害,能让服务器干那们累的活,可毕竟这只是一件事。我们没有那么难的问题,但是我们的工作很多,很繁琐,且重复,能不能帮我们解决一下下? Ordinary people worship scientists, ask for scientists: The server do the tired work, but after all, this is only one thing. We don't have such a rare problem, but we have a lot of tedious & repeated work. Can you help us solve it? 科学家们很认真的想了想,很有道理,原来服务器们干的是大事,大事总会结束。但普通人天天做的是无边繁琐的小事且永远不会结束。一台服务器只能做大事的一小小部分,做这些小事那还不是很轻松得做许多? 科学家们给这个新的方式起了个更好听的名字:云。 云,本来就是由好多好多细小的单元构成的。 The scientists thought about it seriously. This is a very interesting question. The servers are doing puzzle things, But what ordinary people do every day is a trivial little thing and never ends. A server can only do a small part of a big event. It should be easy to do these small things? Scientists have given it a better name: the Cloud. The Cloud is composed of many small units originally.