We often go shopping, chat, mail, and more on web. This is a very tedious and repetitive activity for us. The resources consumed to handle each of these people's daily activities are minimal for a server cluster, even a normal computer can handle thousands of requests . How much resources be need when the billions operations are carried out simultaneously? Every web request is a water droplet and when billions of drops of water come together, it forms a beautiful cloud in the sky.
分布式是云的基础,分布式的核心在于将巨大的计算能力。它是利用诸多联网计算机CPU 的闲置处理能力来解决大型计算问题的一种计算科学。分布式基础上产生了云,区别在于分布式解决的问题是大而专,云解决的问题是小而杂。
Distributed is the foundation of the cloud, and the core of the distributed is the great computing power. It is a computational science that solves large computational problems by using the idle CPU processing power of computers on the Internet. The cloud is generated on a distributed. The difference is that the problems solved by distributed are large and specialized, and the problems solved by cloud are small and mixed.
According to the service property, cloud computing has some subdivision division. For example, storage cloud refers to the data existence on the Internet, and office cloud refers to the office system on the network side.
According to the user of cloud computing resources, a public cloud refers to a cloud resource serving the public, and a private cloud is a cloud resource serving a specified customer.