tag 标签: office

  • 热度 23
    2015-2-5 18:31
    1639 次阅读|
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    In a Washington Post article, Google got it wrong. The open-office trend is destroying the workplace , the author explained how an ad agency moved her from a private office to an open space environment. She now sits at a table with 11 other writers. Every cough, sniffle, telephone call, and business or casual conversation interrupts a dozen workers. Open offices are hip, cool and modern. People lounge around on beanbag chairs. Bright colors and Warhol wall garnishes abound. The article states: “While employees feel like they’re part of a laid-back, innovative enterprise, the environment ultimately damages workers’ attention spans, productivity, creative thinking, and satisfaction. Furthermore, a sense of privacy boosts job performance, while the opposite can cause feelings of helplessness.” Engineering is an intensively creative enterprise. People need undistracted time to think, to focus, to mentally assemble a complex bit of code. The model falls apart after any interruption. In fact, interruptions are the biggest productivity killer for software engineers. Tom DeMarco and Tim Lister documented this well in their seminal Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams . They found it takes, on average, 15 minutes to assemble that mental model. Yet, the average engineer is interrupted every 11 minutes (Mark, Gonzalez, Harris, 2005, "No Task Left Behind?: Examining the Nature of Fragmented Work." Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computer Systems). Peopleware showed that eliminating these interruptions gives almost a 300% boost in software engineering productivity. Let’s see: a 3X productivity improvement for engineers, some of the most costly workers in an enterprise. Or, we can save a few bucks and crowd everyone together. So what happens? First cubicles pushed workers into prison-like cells. Then inmates were added; two, three, then four to a cube. Now those annoying walls go and everyone is crammed together in one big, unhappy room. That worker’s pungent perfume or the inevitable result of last night’s bean soup fills the room. Chatter is non-stop. You really want to tune out the discussion of Joe’s looming divorce, but it’s human nature to be curious, to listen closely for the juiciest gossip. Does that sound productive?   (In the too-good-to-be-true department, Thesaurus.com lists “cubicle” as a synonym for “cell.”) Facebook is seating 2800 engineers in what is called the world’s largest open space . A single room houses ten acres of bodies, computers, interruptions, discussions, bells ringing, phones tweeting, and, one supposes, constant Facebook updating. Maybe a little work gets done, too. In The Moral Life of Cubicles the author states that in 2000 the average office worker had 250 square feet of space. That was down to 190 five years later. Facebook’s 10 acres works out to 150 square feet per person, assuming there are no WCs, break rooms, or hallways. Extrapolating, there will be zero square feet per person in under 20 years. A 2011 study ( Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment Health ) showed that those sentenced to two-person cubicles have 50% more sick days than those in one-person offices. Open spaces increase that to 62%. The upside is that so many people are out sick that the noise level goes down, I suppose. Robert Propst invented the “action office,” the cubicle’s predecessor. Shortly before he died in 2000, he lashed out at cubes, calling them “monolithic insanity.” Do you work in a cube or open office? What’s your take on it?
  • 热度 22
    2015-2-5 18:28
    1445 次阅读|
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    A Washington Post article, Google got it wrong. The open-office trend is destroying the workplace , tackles how the author’s ad agency moved her from a private office to an open space environment. She now sits at a table with 11 other writers. Every cough, sniffle, telephone call, and business or casual conversation interrupts a dozen workers. Open offices are hip, cool and modern. People lounge around on beanbag chairs. Bright colors and Warhol wall garnishes abound. The article states: “While employees feel like they’re part of a laid-back, innovative enterprise, the environment ultimately damages workers’ attention spans, productivity, creative thinking, and satisfaction. Furthermore, a sense of privacy boosts job performance, while the opposite can cause feelings of helplessness.” Engineering is an intensively creative enterprise. People need undistracted time to think, to focus, to mentally assemble a complex bit of code. The model falls apart after any interruption. In fact, interruptions are the biggest productivity killer for software engineers. Tom DeMarco and Tim Lister documented this well in their seminal Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams . They found it takes, on average, 15 minutes to assemble that mental model. Yet, the average engineer is interrupted every 11 minutes (Mark, Gonzalez, Harris, 2005, "No Task Left Behind?: Examining the Nature of Fragmented Work." Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computer Systems). Peopleware showed that eliminating these interruptions gives almost a 300% boost in software engineering productivity. Let’s see: a 3X productivity improvement for engineers, some of the most costly workers in an enterprise. Or, we can save a few bucks and crowd everyone together. So what happens? First cubicles pushed workers into prison-like cells. Then inmates were added; two, three, then four to a cube. Now those annoying walls go and everyone is crammed together in one big, unhappy room. That worker’s pungent perfume or the inevitable result of last night’s bean soup fills the room. Chatter is non-stop. You really want to tune out the discussion of Joe’s looming divorce, but it’s human nature to be curious, to listen closely for the juiciest gossip. Does that sound productive?   (In the too-good-to-be-true department, Thesaurus.com lists “cubicle” as a synonym for “cell.”) Facebook is seating 2800 engineers in what is called the world’s largest open space . A single room houses ten acres of bodies, computers, interruptions, discussions, bells ringing, phones tweeting, and, one supposes, constant Facebook updating. Maybe a little work gets done, too. In The Moral Life of Cubicles the author states that in 2000 the average office worker had 250 square feet of space. That was down to 190 five years later. Facebook’s 10 acres works out to 150 square feet per person, assuming there are no WCs, break rooms, or hallways. Extrapolating, there will be zero square feet per person in under 20 years. A 2011 study ( Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment Health ) showed that those sentenced to two-person cubicles have 50% more sick days than those in one-person offices. Open spaces increase that to 62%. The upside is that so many people are out sick that the noise level goes down, I suppose. Robert Propst invented the “action office,” the cubicle’s predecessor. Shortly before he died in 2000, he lashed out at cubes, calling them “monolithic insanity.” Do you work in a cube or open office? What’s your take on it?
  • 热度 19
    2010-6-12 09:58
    1664 次阅读|
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    作者:In-Stat中国分析师 刘勍 微软计划下周发布Office免费在线版本。这条消息对用惯了免费Office的中国网民来说算不上刺激,但对版权管理和控制相对严格的欧美国家网民应该多少有些影响了。 在互联网上充斥着免费资源和应用服务的今天,很显然,虽然微软早已宣称要加快拥抱互联网,这艘庞大的轮船转起向来并不轻松,行动缓慢且严重滞后。Office作为微软的核心业务之一,受到来自Google Docs和其他在线免费软件服务的竞争威胁。但从每套软件几百元人民币的收费价格到完全免费,微软核心业务的商业模式,乃至整体产品布局必将发生重大转变。 点击浏览更多 刘勍博客文章
  • 热度 27
    2010-5-19 15:26
    2219 次阅读|
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    文/毛启盈 Google因为不了解中国实际,一味地和中国政府较劲,最终把自己逼进了香港。而聪明的微软却一直与Google背道而驰,很巧妙地迎合了中国。先前的软件公司,如今关注互联网领域,微软一直都很“识时务”。 首先,Office 2010的发布,采用了“中国话”。5月13日,微软中国与全球同步发布Office 2010、 Project 2010、 Visio 2010、 SharePoint 2010、 Exchange Server 2010、 Communications Server 14等六大软件,媒体其实一直很强调“同步”(时差因素,只能说是同一天。)可见,微软不同于傲慢的Google,苦涩的苹果,能否引进中国大陆市场需要观察,更谈不上“同步”。和以往发产品不同的礼遇是,没有看到一个“老外”登台演说,纯粹一群中国人在“演出”,在跨国企业中大型产品上市中,应该史无前例了。 使用Office2010后发现,其中国元素真不少,除了配藏文、蒙文、傣文等少数民族文字;Office2010的稿纸设置有回形格、弓形格、米字格等,并配有三十几款书法字帖,附和中国人的阅读习惯,还有OutLook短信发送功能源自中国。另外,其家庭零售版6月18日上市,售价仍然保持398 元。选择“8”,也是迎合中国消费者对“8”的崇拜。不过,中国消费者还是希望88元或者更少18元的价格。 其次,Office2010:微软、Google云计算开战。其实,微软这次更强调了云计算。用梁念坚的话说,现在微软从上到下,人人都在云里:1万名技术人员,7000名投入了云计算。Office2010更强调了云服务,在线支持。把手机、电脑、浏览器统一起来。因为中国互联网用户远远超过美国人口,中国手机用户将接近美国人口的3倍,所以,在中国“实验云”更有说服力。 Office wbr2010第一步:微软比Google更懂中国 不过,微软梁念坚没有像像联想柳传志那样,“我们要挑战苹果!挑战Google!挑战智慧地球!”,反倒是给外界一种“底气不足”的感觉,但是他说 “有竞争才有进步。微软接触的面比较广,我们的竞争对手也一定存在,我们欢迎公平的竞争。”看来,对中国的孔孟思想研究比较透彻了,这就是以退为进。鉴于中国媒体对Google云计算好评,咄咄逼人,微软用“一个橘子和一个苹果没有可比性”作为答案,巧妙地周旋了记者。 最后,需要指出的是,微软尽管和政府关系亲密,本土化速度惊人,但是需要学习Google的东西很多,尤其在互联网方面。 第一,互联网的开放性。既然开发,就要注意产业链的利益,传统的版权理念可能难以解释互联网时代的现象,需要重新研究对策。一位同行表示这样的担忧,微软把未来多少年办公软件领域该做的都做了,其他公司还活不活?版权,合作,还有开放,微软必须很大方地分一杯羹给产业链上的企业,才是互联网精神。 第二,据说Office 2010已有45万中国用户下载。这45万人有多少是测试用户,能否转变成为收费用户还是一个未知数。目前,新系统提供更灵活的试用机制,允许用户在试用满意后再继续付费,也可以按一定的期限“租用”软件。企业用户可以通过云计算平台实现灵活付费。这是一个转变,但远远不够。微软需要改变传统的卖软件营销模式,这就是卖服务,微软现在也在提倡“软件+服务”,不过由一个传统软件厂商转变成一个互联网公司,还需要一个过程; 第三,现在65%用户仍使用Office2003,给他们一个使用Office 2010的理由还不够,要让他们能够很容易升级到Office 2010,要提供比Google更好的服务,全面,稳定,及时,一个也不能少。做软件公司,一般用户都会给微软留有解决问题的时间;一旦提供在线服务,用户需要的是“零时间”解决问题,这是微软要在互联网领域有所作为不得不面对的棘手问题。    
  • 热度 28
    2009-8-29 19:04
    5672 次阅读|
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    在EXCEL里将数字金额自动转为中文大写,可以利用EXCEL的函数功能来实现,以下蓝色部分为全部公式代码(在任一单元格内输入): =IF(A220,"金额为负无效",IF(AND((INT(A22*10)-INT(A22)*10)=0,(INT(A22*100)-INT(A22*10)*10)=0),TEXT(INT(A22)," ")"元整",IF((INT(A22*100)-INT(A22*10)*10)=0,TEXT(INT(A22)," ")"元"TEXT(INT(A22*10)-INT(A22)*10," ")"角整",TEXT(INT(A22)," ")"元"TEXT(INT(A22*10)-INT(A22)*10," ")"角"TEXT(IF((INT(A22*1000)-INT(A22*100)*10)=5,(INT(A22*100)-INT(A22*10)*10)+1,INT(A22*100)-INT(A22*10)*10)," ")"分整"))) 以下蓝色为实际的转换效果( 实际使用时请将上述公式中的“A22”替换为待转换的单元格 ): ¥103.55 壹佰零叁元伍角伍分整 注意: 此转换方法最多对2位小数有效;已考虑了厘的四舍五入。 语法说明:如果角和分都等于0,则直接将整数部分转换为中文大写作为最终值;如果分等于0,则将整数和角转换为中文大写作为最终值;否则,则将整数和角和分都转换为中文大写作为最终值(转换分时必须考虑厘的四舍五入)。 补充:以上是一种转换方法,可在此基础上适当修改增加某些功能。当然还有不少其他方法,有兴趣者可与我讨论。
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